Chapter 651

Bailihua threw her nose and tears on Feng Lin, she was originally a cheerful person.

I remember that the first time I met Feng Lin was to record a program in the passenger transport center.

At that time, Feng Lin ignored her, which made her very angry, so she stopped Feng Lin, causing a farce.

"I'm on the plane!"

Feng Lin would definitely not reveal his purpose.

"Are you sitting in the economy class? Fortunately, you are fine, these people will be against me!"

Bailihua hid behind Feng Lin, thinking about it carefully, she and Feng Lin didn't have much intersection.

But seeing him in front of her, she couldn't help but feel safe.

"Why are you here?"

When Feng Lin was invisible just now, he had already heard their conversation.

It should be on this kind of desert island that those few people were preparing to fight for food, which led to what happened later.

"I was going to hold a concert abroad, but I didn't expect to encounter a plane crash."

Bailihua wiped her tears and said, only then did she realize that Feng Lin's body was still wet, with water stains all over it.

So he asked strangely: "Why are you at the beach? I should be the first person to fall from the plane."

"I can swim, and when the plane lowered and crossed the sea, I took the opportunity to jump out."

Feng Lin casually found an excuse, "That's why I wasn't injured."

"Boy, I'm not hurt. Do you want to fight four of our brothers alone?"

The fat man in the distance asked coldly.

"If you were a sensible person, you wouldn't fight us, come with us!"

"Yes! Since you know each other, you also know that she is a big star. Isn't it nice to play with us?"


Several companions beside Fatty began to guide Feng Lin.

When Bailihua heard this, her face suddenly turned pale. After thinking about it carefully, her relationship with Feng Lin was indeed not good.

Back then when she was playing the piano at the banquet, Feng Lin slapped her in the face severely.

Neither of them reconciled afterwards.

Thinking of this, Bailihua staggered back, fearing that Feng Lin would be instigated by them.

"What you say is interesting, but I don't agree with it."

Feng Lin took out a dagger from his body, and turned it lightly, "I used to be a mercenary, so it's more than enough for me to deal with the four of you alone."

While speaking, Feng Lin suddenly appeared in front of him, and kicked the skinny man beside him with a whip kick.

Let the opponent fall to the ground on the spot, unable to get up.

Then, Feng Lin took a few steps back, and stood beside Bailihua again, "I'll kill you all, and enjoy the food and women here alone, wouldn't it be nice?"


Bailihua's eyes widened, and she ran towards the sea.

But Feng Lin grabbed the other party's single ponytail with one hand, pulled her back, and held her in his arms with one hand.

"Feng Lin! I misread you!" Bailihua struggled.

"When did I let you see it right? I remember it very clearly. You are very unappetizing to me. I have long wanted to teach you a lesson!"

Feng Lin smiled at Bailihua.

When the men on the other side realized that Feng Lin was so strong and had weapons on him, they trembled in fright.

"Mad! Fight!"

The fat man yelled at the two younger brothers beside him, but he immediately ran back.

His two younger brothers seemed to have known what he was like for a long time, so they didn't rush at all.

Instead, they grabbed the fat man's arms and punched each other on the head, and then the two pressed him to the beach together.

"Made! I knew you wanted to play like this! Do you really think we are stupid?"

"Brother, can we hang out with you? There are two beautiful flight attendants on the plane, all of them are yours!"

The two smiled flatteringly at Feng Lin.

"Really? Come with me!"

Feng Lin pulled Bailihua and said, there are still a few people over there, let's go rescue them.

"Feng Lin, let me go! I was wrong about the previous thing, I was wrong, okay, please let me go for the sake of our acquaintance!"

Bailihua begged.

"Shut up!" Feng Lin kicked Bailihua's ass.


Bailihua immediately blushed and clutched the injured part.

Feng Lin came to the place where the plane crashed. After the violent impact, most people inside the plane lost their lives.

But I can still feel that some people still have a breath of life inside.

Now that Feng Lin saw it, he couldn't just leave him dead.

After arriving here, only six or seven people escaped from the plane and lay on the ground under the woods. Some of them lost their eyesight and were on the verge of death.

Feng Lin immediately let go of Bailihua's hand, and ran in front of a middle-aged man with a brain injury. If this man was not rescued, he would surely die.

Feng Lin took out the bandage from his body, and while wrapping it around his head, gently repaired his head with spiritual power.

The original Bailihua found Feng Lin let go of her and was about to escape.

But I saw that Feng Lin was treating other people, and the first one to be treated was a seriously injured man.

He knew that Feng Lin was joking just now.

During the restoration process, Feng Lin took out the silver needles and stimulated the opponent's acupuncture points.

"Cough cough!"

Suddenly, the slack eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly brightened, and he coughed violently.

Only then did he notice Feng Lin in front of him.

He was on the verge of death just now, and he could only vaguely see the shadow of a person who was bandaged.

"Thank you brother..."

"Don't talk, just lie down, your fate is in your arms."

Feng Lin gently put the opponent on the ground.

Seeing this, Bailihua on the side was very surprised, Feng Lin actually saved the opponent with a single needle.

She trotted over in a hurry, ready to help Feng Lin, "Feng Lin, can I help you?"

"Take care of these people!"

Feng Lin looked at the other people outside, and said expressionlessly, "Almost all of them have skin trauma, and they are fine for the time being."

While speaking, Feng Lin grabbed the broken iron sheet of the plane and climbed up. The thick smoke and flames inside the cabin had killed many people.

But Feng Lin could still feel a few breaths.

Holding a dagger, he easily cut through the iron skin of the plane.

" my daughter, save my daughter!"

Just as Feng Lin lifted the iron sheet, he heard a woman calling in English.

He immediately got in and found a Caucasian woman with short blond hair in the scattered iron frames. She bent her body and hugged a girl.

But her calf was bent by the iron frame, and it was obviously broken.

The daughter in her arms was in her teens and was unconscious, but she could still hear the heartbeat of the other party.

"Please, save my daughter!"

The other party found Feng Lin and begged in broken Chinese.

Holding the dagger, Feng Lin approached slowly, their bodies couldn't use their spiritual power to stop them.

If you push too hard, you may lose the leg.

"do not worry!"

Feng Lin carefully cut the surrounding steel, like chopping vegetables, and pushed out the steel bars and broken seats that were pressing on the opponent's legs.

(End of this chapter)

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