My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 658 Coexistence of Sound and Breath

Chapter 658 Coexistence of Sound and Breath
Feng Lin rolled his eyes, he had already guessed that this kind of thing would happen, so he agreed.

It was not easy to send him here, in case someone robbed him halfway, wouldn't Feng Lin's work be in vain?

"Okay, I'll go with you, isn't the secret place not far away?" Feng Lin nodded.

"It's not far, and it's still very close to Lin City. If you don't mind, you can still visit."

Wu Yun smiled and stretched out his hand, indicating that Senhe was ready to go, "Senior, please get in the car."


Feng Lin asked in surprise.

"Yes, get in the car. This is a powerful vehicle specially designed by us to transport seniors."

Under Wu Yun's instruction, the surrounding people began to get busy, a black limousine stopped in front of them.

"Feng Lin, get in the car first and give me a hand." Wu Yun said from the side.

"it is good!"

Feng Lin nodded, opened the car door, walked in, and found that the car had been modified, similar to a caravan.

There are two rows of seats next to the windows. In total, except for the driver and co-pilot, there are four seats in this row.

He went up to take a look and found that there were two holes in the front of the seat, leading to the ground.

In other words, there are holes in the car.

As for the position of the bottom of the car, it is covered by black rubber, and outsiders cannot see these two legs.

"Feng Lin!"

Chen Xinggang picked up Mori and walked to the door of the car.

Feng Lin nodded, caught him, and put him on the two holes beside him.

Senhe's legs stepped on the ground, and his body suddenly became a lot shorter.

After all, Feng Lin stepped on the car, and the other party stepped on the ground.

A young man sitting in the driver's seat clicked the button, and the chair behind him began to sink, just enough for Senhe to sit on it.

Wu Yun came up with a smile and said, "Senior, lift your feet a little bit, and we will change a pair of shoes for you."

"Okay!" Senhe sat on the seat, with one foot on the ground and the other raised.

Feng Lin jumped out of the car very strangely, looked down, and found that he had put on rubber roller shoes.

"Okay, old man, it's pretty high-end, I didn't think of it before." Feng Lin got back into the car again.

"Of course, this is the easiest and most comfortable move after our various tests."

Wu Yun said with a smile, "Senior, you only need to put your feet on the ground, and the car will pull the roller shoes. No one will notice."

At the same time, Zhu Jing and Sen Luo got into the car together and sat beside Sen He.

After Chen Xing gave orders outside, he also got into the car and closed the door.

"Father, your seat is so low!" Sen Luo squatted in front of him and laughed.

Senhe shook his head and didn't say anything.

The car starts.

Several people leave here.

Looking at the fast-moving scenery outside the window, Senhe sighed, "The outside world is developing so fast now."

"Yes, senior, in just a few years, we have made rapid progress."

Chen Xinggang smiled and took out a jar of wine from the interspatial ring, "Try it, senior?"

"it is good!"

Senhe nodded, "Speaking of which, I haven't drunk alcohol for almost 100 years."

"Father, I want to drink too!"

Sen Luo hugged the wine jar with a smile, stretched out his hand to open it, smelled it a little, lifted it up and took a sip.

Afterwards, she wiped her mouth, her pretty face became extremely tangled, "Ah! It's so bad!"

Wu Yun and Chen Xinggang looked at each other with smiles, and laughed loudly.

Feng Lin also crossed his legs. If it was said that she was on the island before, it was a coincidence that she let herself eat first.

Then this time, it is not.

If nothing else, the other party is testing poison.

"Here, what kind of wine do children drink!" Senhe raised his hand and shouted.

"Here, it doesn't taste good at all." Sen Luo hugged the wine jar, bent down and handed it to Sen He.

Senhe sniffed it and gave a thumbs up, "Yes, good wine."

"This is my treasure, but senior is a big shot, so if he can please you, it's okay to make me poor." Chen Xinggang smiled wryly.

"Xiao Chen, how's your father doing?" Senhe couldn't help asking after taking a sip of his wine.

"Hey, don't mention it."

When Chen Xing just talked about this, he, who likes to smile, also sullenly said, "Let me look for the medicine that can help my mother increase her life span all day long."

"There's no way, my students can live and breathe together, and only our family can do it. If it can be spread, I'll leave it to your father."

Senhe took another sip of wine, "Your father is nice."

"Senior, what is coexistence?"

Feng Lin, who was sitting on the side, asked puzzledly.

Because he himself also needs to solve this problem, such as the goddess and the old man.

Or, how to prolong the lifespan of a purebred human like Liu Yaran.

"It is the unique ability of our family. We can connect a person and let the life of the other party and our family coexist."

Senhe explained, "The simple understanding is that if I don't die, my wife won't die."

"There is such a magical trick?" Feng Lin was full of surprise.

"Yes, but I need to supply the lives of two people. The life span may be shortened by half, but our family's life span is very long, so I don't care."

While speaking, Mori looked up at Zhu Jing.

"Oh, senior, you also know that our family is different."

Chen Xinggang sighed helplessly, "Auntie Zhu Jing said that she used to be a master of consecration, but my mother is an ordinary person, and she is also born weak."

"You're right, counting the time, you're less than a hundred years old, you're already an old man, my son..."

As Mori was talking, he suddenly took a sip of wine and continued, "My daughter is in her 30s, and she looks like a child now."

"I wipe?"

Feng Lin almost jumped up in shock, he looked at Sen Luo, "Are you 30 years old?"

"What's wrong, brother?" Sen Luo asked with a smile.

"Should I call you sister? I'm only in my twenties."

Feng Lin smiled wryly, he thought of Qi Guanyao, that girl looked similar to Sen Luo, but she was old enough to exist.

"What? You're only in your 20s?"

Senhe asked in surprise, of course he knew that Feng Lin was of mixed race, so he had a long lifespan.

He thought that Feng Lin's appearance was at least five or sixty years old.

Involuntarily, he turned his head to look at Sen Luo, and found that Sen Luo's expression was no longer as frivolous as before.

It was stimulated.

The other party was younger than her, but stronger than her.

"That's right! Feng Lin is a monster."

As soon as Chen Xing mentioned Feng Lin, he looked at him with a smile, "Boy, you helped me enter the Dacheng realm, I haven't had time to thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, it's easy." Feng Lin waved his hand with a smile.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the vehicle drove to the edge of the Yangtze River not far from Linshi.

This place is adjacent to Lin City, but belongs to another urban area.

The secret place is in an uninhabited area of ​​the Yangtze River.

Feng Lin and the others entered it, and found that there are mountains and water, and the scenery is beautiful.

It is similar to the secret realm where the goddess lives.

"It's okay, the area is big enough, I'm quite satisfied." Senhe nodded with a smile.

"That's good, then from now on, we will find a quieter department, and we will never disturb the seniors at ordinary times." Wu Yun continued.

"Big sister, what's wrong with you? Do you have a weird face?" Feng Lin followed behind, looking at Sen Luo puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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