My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 674 I'm lying to him, do you believe it

Chapter 674 I'm lying to him, do you believe it
Feng Lin pointed to the person in the cage in front of him and said, "What's going on? You're not only selling monsters, you're also selling people?"

"Hahaha! Distinguished guest, isn't this kind of servant business normal?"

Fatty pointed to the cage on the side, which was a man of the orc race, "Look at this orc man, his strength is at the initial stage of transformation, and besides working, he can also help you fight."

Feng Lin looked back at the orc man, and said with a smile, "How do I know that they will be loyal to me?"

"Is this your first time here?" The fat man picked up the small fan and fanned it a few times.

"That's right, it's the first time. This time my family came here for business, and I came to play with them." Feng Lin nodded without changing his expression.

The fat man grinned and said, "I knew it. Have you seen the collars on their heads? There are formations on them. If you want to kill them, just one thought will do."

Feng Lin casually walked around inside, and found that there was a monster with wings, which looked like a pterosaur.

But just now, the powerful aura I felt was not this pterosaur, but a small iron cage behind the pterosaur.

He walked over, knelt down and took a look, and there was a girl imprisoned inside.

Short black hair, and a dozen old scars criss-crossed on the round face, looking shocking.

She was curled up in a cage, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

Skinny and all sick.

Surprisingly, the collar around her neck shimmered.

"What's the matter with this person? Why is only her collar glowing?"

Feng Lin turned around and asked, there is nothing wrong with this breath, pure strength, the opponent has entered the late stage of transformation.

But there was a strange aura on his body, Feng Lin couldn't say it, but he could feel it.

This feeling should be a race that is not weak.

"Her, just teach her a little lesson, this guy..."

"Drink... bah!"

The fat man was talking when he noticed that the girl suddenly spit at Feng Lin.

However, when the saliva passed the cage, it turned into ice and embedded in the iron pillars of the cage.

"Made! It seems that I have not taught you enough lessons!"

The fat man rolled up his sleeves, found a bracelet, and stimulated it with spiritual power.


Suddenly, the collar around the girl's neck became brighter and brighter, and finally turned into an electric current.


The woman fell into the cage with a plop, rolling violently.

"Guest officer, don't be angry. This item was delivered a few days ago. Recently, because the appraiser is busy, I haven't had time to speculate on her race."

The fat man hurried over, "However, several people saw that she was not bad, and they were going to buy it back to be a babysitter for children, but they found that she was stubborn, not only insulting customers, but also spitting."

"Now I'm waiting for the appraisal master to take a look. If it's an ordinary race, sell it directly to those people with special hobbies, and teach her a lesson."

The woman in the cage gritted her teeth and panted, the current on her neck did not disappear.

"So there's still a Master Appraiser to guess the race?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

"Of course, there are so many races in this world, if it is a relatively rare and powerful race, it will be a sky-high price."

The fat man nodded with a smile, then came to the cage, looked at the ice on the cage, and sighed in his heart about Feng Lin's strength.

"You don't have to wait for the appraiser, I want this person." Feng Lin smiled at the fat man.

"This...Guest officer, you have to think about it, we will not return the goods here, and the price..."

Before the fat man finished speaking, Feng Lin casually took out a golden flower from the space ring, and he didn't know what it was.

Anyway, it is the most in the space ring, so I handed it to Fatty, "Is it enough?"

"This is... Jin Zilian, I'll wipe it! Guest officer, you are making a fool of yourself. With this kind of treasure, you can buy half of my goods."

Even though the fat man said so, he still caught it.

"Take it with confidence, I forgot to tell you, I have a special hobby."

Feng Lin smiled at the boss, "I like to hear women's screams, but I'm more gentle, and I don't like to torture kind-hearted women."

"Hey, that's how it is...I understand, that's why Mr. bought that kind of naughty, bad woman, and brought it back to enjoy."

Fatty nodded. He also had differences in his heart. He didn't expect that there were people who liked this.

"You're smart, remember, don't tell anyone about my hobby. I still have a few fiancees, and I don't want them to know."

Feng Lin pointed to the golden flower in his hand, "The hush money is inside."

"Don't worry, I won't reveal the privacy of my customers even if I die."

The fat man hastily opened the key to the cage, and then handed the bracelet controlling the collar to Feng Lin, "Sir, please follow me, and I will tell you the formation of controlling the collar and how to untie it."

Feng Lin was quite surprised, he didn't expect this shop to be quite formal.

The formation of the control collar is to prevent the bracelet from being destroyed, so that you can't control your servants.

As for undoing the collar, that is to restore the servant to freedom.

After the fat man talked, Feng Lin knew that most people would not remove the collar, but there were still very few people who chose to remove it.

They are usually served by servants in every possible way, and finally develop feelings, and after untiing their collars, they will be made concubines.

After learning the two formations on Feng Lin's side, he turned off the collar's attack.

The woman who was twitching in the cage gradually calmed down.

The fat man opened the cage, Feng Lin took the other's hand and dragged her out.

"Drink... bah!"


This woman also heard what Feng Lin was going to do just now, and she spit at Feng Lin as soon as she came out.

But a layer of ice instantly froze her mouth and chin, leaving only her nose exposed for breathing.

"Haha, I just like women like you. Usually, those bad women beg for mercy after only being tortured for ten days and half a month. I hope you can persist for half a year."

Feng Lin pulled the woman and walked outside.

"Guest officer, let's go!"

The fat man waved his hand at Feng Lin, and when he saw him leave, he immediately took out the treasure to have a look.

This time I got rich, and exchanged this golden lotus for an ugly, worthless piece of trash.


"As I said just now, I am a gentle person. As long as you scream at me, I will let you eat and drink well."

Feng Lin snapped his fingers lightly, and the ice on her lips disappeared, "Don't worry, I usually listen to single women for no more than two months, and when I get tired of it, I will let you go."

"Let me go? You dirty trash, are you sending me to hell?" the woman said coldly.

"So you can talk."

With a smile on his face, Feng Lin took out the bracelet that controlled her and put it on her hand.

The woman was stunned and looked at Feng Lin suspiciously.

"If what I said just now, I was lying to him, do you believe it?" Feng Lin asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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