My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 679 is coming so soon

Chapter 679 is coming so soon

Feng Lin had seen this trick before, it was Irene's.

Carefully observe the surrounding battlefield, shrouded in this layer of black smoke, the light is gone.

But the red-haired man created a ball of light that shone through a gap.

It felt like a dark room and a light suddenly came on.

"The light is in front of my head, which means my shadow is behind."

Feng Lin turned his head suddenly, and found a black long sword appearing in the shadow behind him, stabbing at his heart.

He has already determined that this is Irene's ability to control the shadow.

Feng Lin hesitated for a moment, and was about to evacuate. Feng Lin was not afraid of other attacks from the shadow. What he was afraid of was that the opponent used a trick to seal the spiritual power.

At that time, he will not be able to use the transfer tactics that Feng Lin established in advance.

According to the direction of spiritual power, Feng Lin suddenly swung a moon-slashing blade. It wasn't Shi Yuan, but the woman on the building in the distance.

The shadow attack was performed by this woman.

Her spiritual power is at the level of Dacheng, which is far from that of the middle-aged people around her.

If it was that middle-aged man, the attack he used would definitely not be so weak.

Feng Lin stepped on the ground, kicked up a cloud of dust, covered his figure, took the opportunity to activate the formation, and disappeared in place in an instant.

The moment before disappearing, his Moon Slashing Blade came out from the black mist, and appeared in front of the masked woman in an instant.

The middle-aged man who was sitting and drinking appeared in front of the woman in the blink of an eye, grabbing the golden crescent with one hand.

The masked woman took two steps back.

"I told you a long time ago that we must be distracted in the battle of our clan. While paying attention to the shadow attack, we must also pay attention to the opponent's attack."

The middle-aged man was ready to crush this crescent attack, only to find that it disappeared by itself.

The black mist below also gradually dissipated, and Shi Yuan stood alone in the distance.

Shi Yuan's face was as calm as water, he turned around, picked up his son's body, and left here.

"He's really calm, obviously his son is dead." The masked woman looked at the background where Shi Yuan left.

"That's because you don't know him. He is a scary person, and he almost never shows his emotions to the outside."

The middle-aged man jumped off the roof with a smile, "The people of the Black Mist Clan may all be dispatched!"


When Feng Lin returned to the position where the formation was transferred, he immediately froze his wounds, and then erased the transferred formation.

There is his blood here, and there is a formation, if found by the opponent, it will be very unfavorable for his future transfer formation.

Be careful with everything.

Afterwards, Feng Lin entered a state of invisibility, and quickly rushed to the witch clan.

After arriving at the destination, Feng Lin immediately entered his room, lifted his invisibility, and began to repair his wounds.

In the battle with the opponent, he was seriously injured.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Lin's room is the guest room where Gongdie lives. Gongdie is busy, only Mu Mu is here.

When she heard the sound of Feng Lin's door opening just now, she came over to take a look and found that Feng Lin's body was covered in blood.

"It's none of your business, go and rest."

Feng Lin took off the black robe he was wearing, and found that black smoke was emitting from his wound.

Entrenched in the position of the wound, it will not leave for a long time.

"I wipe! What is this?"

Feng Lin carefully felt the black smoke from the wound, the spiritual power inside was not his own, but the person who fought him just now.

At the same time, Gong Die hurried over from a distance.

She looked nervously at the black mist on Feng Lin's body, and asked solemnly: "Have you fought with the Black Mist Clan?"

"It should be, what's wrong?"

Feng Lin closed his eyes, all the wounds on his body were wrapped in black spiritual power, and began to heal himself.

"You may be in danger."

Gong Die said anxiously: "Our people at the Blood Sacrifice have received news that all the masters of the Black Mist Clan have been mobilized and are currently rushing to the entrance of the secret realm."

"If nothing else happens, they will guard the entrance of the secret realm to prevent you from escaping."

Gong Die gave Mu Mu a look, and the two supported Feng Lin, lifted him up, and let him sit on a chair beside him.

"Aren't they fools? I'm so strong, do they think I'll escape?"

Feng Lin asked puzzledly. While speaking, the wound on the sole of his foot had disappeared and returned to normal.

"It seems that you don't understand the abilities of the Black Mist family. Their spiritual power can erode the skin of the human body and cause continuous damage."

Gong Die pointed at Feng Lin's body, "Like our spirit poison, it can be manipulated at close range."

"so smart?"

Feng Lin immediately touched the repaired black on his body, and sure enough, black smoke was still rising from his wound.

"This is the opponent's ability. Their spiritual power will continue to erode unless your spiritual power can surpass the opponent's."

Gong Die sat aside and explained, "Otherwise, the damage will last at least half a month."

"Half a month, not too long." Feng Lin said with a smile.

"You still don't understand what they mean, they sealed the entrance now, the purpose must be to find you!" Gong Die was very anxious.

Feng Lin's face didn't change a bit. He put his hand on the black smoke and found that the smoke stuck to his wound.

If you want to relieve it, one way is to cut off all the flesh around the wound.

But in this case, it can cause the wound to continue to expand.

"Patriarch! People from the Blood Sacrifice Clan are here!"

An old voice came from outside.

Gong Die's expression suddenly changed, did she come here so quickly?
Feng Lindui gave him a reassuring look and motioned for her to go first.

After Gongdie closed the door, she rushed out immediately.

Feng Lin looked at Mu Mu, who was nervous, and said with a smile, "What should I do? What if I die, what will you do?"

"When are you still laughing?"

Mu Mu rolled his eyes, put his hand on Feng Lin's wound, and said solemnly, "Actually, I have a way to heal you."

"Oh? In what way?"

Feng Lin took off his ring and bracelet, put them on the table beside him and asked.

"I can absorb the black fog on your body." Mu Mu explained.

"Really? My butt also has wounds."

While Feng Lin was speaking, he began to take off his clothes and pants.

"You... bastard master! You die quickly, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

Mu Mu snorted coldly, but found that Feng Lin was about to take off his panties, she immediately covered her eyes, "What are you going to do? Let me tell you! If you dare to force me, I will turn into water!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just cover your eyes obediently."

At this moment, Feng Lin put everything on his body in order and put it aside.

Next, he cast Water Moon.

In an instant, two Feng Lins appeared in this room.

The only difference between the two Feng Lins is that one wound is emitting black smoke, while the other is not.

(End of this chapter)

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