My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 681 Rising Dragon Pill

Chapter 681 Rising Dragon Pill

Shi Yuan's move can resonate the black smoke left on the enemy's body.

If that person was here, the black smoke from his wound would also hover and fly into the sky.

Even if the opponent hides underground, the spiritual power will come out.

This range is enough to cover the territory of the witch clan.

In this way, that person really has nothing to do with the witch clan.

"Senior, he's not here, offended!"

Shi Yuan stood up from the ground and said to the remaining masters around, "Take them away!"


The rest of the masters all lifted up the fallen corpses.

They were also very fortunate, fortunately, it was not themselves who died just now.

When everyone stayed away from the Shenwu clan, one of the elders said viciously, "Patriarch! I can't swallow this breath!"

"Hmph! Do you think this matter will be settled like this?"

Shi Yuan's eyes were bloodshot. This dead one-eyed old man was his former bodyguard, and his strength was at the mid-term peak of the Dacheng realm.

Immediately, like him, he will enter the late stage of Dacheng realm.

To die like this, he felt worse than dying a son.

"Give me an order, from now on outside the territory of the Shenwu Clan, as long as you see them, you will be killed!"

Ishihara tried his best to bear the hatred in his patience, "Especially that short-haired kid!"


All the elders nodded.

"Next, I'll go to the Binghai Clan. Take the corpse back first." After Shi Yuan gave the order, the figure disappeared.


On the other side, all the people of the Shenwu clan were extremely happy, just like celebrating the new year.

so comfy!

Letting them die at six Dacheng realms at once can be regarded as revenge for those dead brothers.

"Feng Lin, you should let the elders do it, you have angered them."

Gong Die looked at the direction where they disappeared, feeling a little worried.

She knew very well that it would be very difficult for their family to leave this territory in the future.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Feng Lin gave Gong Die a reassuring look, "It won't be long before the Black Mist Clan will disappear."

Gong Die nodded, she was very confident in Feng Lin.

Feng Lin stretched out his hand with a smile, and six rings appeared in the palm of his hand, "Here, let's see if there is something good. I got it by the way when I was doing it just now."

"I didn't find out."

Gong He opened his mouth wide in surprise, "Is your speed too fast?"

"Hahaha! Maybe your eyes are all focused on my sword, and you didn't pay attention to my other hand." Feng Lin said with a smile.

"Great! That blind old man is the steward of the Black Mist Clan. In terms of position, he is equivalent to the Great Elder."

Gong Die flicked through the ring in a hurry, her expression changed, and she tremblingly took out a black pill from it.

The pill is wrapped around a pattern similar to a white dragon. The white dragon exudes a strange luster.

"This is... Rising Dragon Pill!"

Gong Die looked at Gong He in shock, and couldn't say anything excited, "The Supreme Elder... Take a look, is it Rising Dragon Pill?"

"Yes! Indeed Rising Dragon Pill."

Gong He took a look at it and sniffed it carefully, "Xiaodie, congratulations, eat it right away, with your current distraction stage, it is enough to enter the Dacheng realm!"

"Congratulations to the patriarch!"

"Congratulations, miss!"


The other elders around were also overjoyed. In this case, they would add another Dacheng realm.

"Feng Lin, can I...can I eat?"

Compared with other people, Gong Die was more embarrassed, Feng Lin got the things after all.

"Of course, eat it quickly. Let the Supreme Elder take a look at the remaining treasures of genius and land. We will share all that is available to everyone."

Feng Lin was not going to compete with them for this kind of thing, because he had better ones.

Goddess and Miaoxuan made him a big potion, which was the size of an apple.

Said that he felt that he had entered the early peak of the Dacheng realm, so he continued to take it, at least it would allow him to enter the middle stage.

What is the most?

With this kind of treasure, Feng Lin would not rob them.

"Okay, let's go back now, I'll kill the people at the exit of the secret realm first."

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he put on his black robe and disappeared.

Now, Shi Yuan will definitely go to the Binghai Clan, or the Feiyu Clan.

It is an opportunity to stay away from the exit of the secret realm.

That kind of powerful race can only be solved bit by bit, and it is impossible for one person to directly challenge them all.

The exit of the secret realm is in a mountain forest. Just as Feng Lin landed here, five masters in armor suddenly appeared around him.

They attacked at the same time, attacking Feng Lin.

"It's finally time for you, boy, kneel down and surrender now, we can make your death more comfortable."

"It's really bold! It's been a long time since no one dared to disrespect our Black Mist clan."


Feng Lin didn't say a word, and immediately killed them.

"Do it! Kill!"

The masters of the Heiwu clan also noticed Feng Lin's shocking spiritual power, and they all took it seriously.

They were not so arrogant as to fight Feng Lin together.

After fighting against each other, Feng Lin can roughly feel that among the five people, one person has entered the middle stage of Dacheng.

The remaining four belong to the peak level in the early stage.

As expected of a master of the blood sacrifice family, one of them is so strong, let alone all three.

This place is located at the edge of the secret realm, and Shi Yuan, who was far away in the depths of the secret realm, didn't feel it.

He came to the Binghai Clan at this moment. The territory of the Binghai Clan is not big, so he didn't waste time.

Outside the gate, he performed his exercises, but he didn't find anything either.

Immediately afterwards, he went to the Feiyu Clan again, and it was the same, but he didn't find anything.

He stood strangely in a forest. Could it be that he was wrong, and it wasn't the work of several races in the secret realm?
Is it an outside country?

Deliberately provoke their relationship?
If that's the case, it's not good.

At first he didn't think about the outside world, the reason is very simple.

Experts from the outside world and ordinary people are all ants, and only mixed blood can enter the state of distraction.

The state of distraction is already very powerful for them.

As a mixed-race master, there are only a handful of people who have entered the Dacheng realm.

But in the realm of Dacheng, if you come to the secret realm to provoke their blood sacrifices, you will still be beaten by meat buns, and you will never return.

"Could it be that... the mixed-blood masters from the outside world are already so strong?"

Just as Shi Yuan was about to go back, he found the breath of a person of his own race behind him, very weak.

He immediately turned his head and rushed over there.

An old man with a broken black armor and a broken arm was found, and he staggered towards this side.

"Old Wang! What's wrong with you? Who can do it?"

Shi Yuan hurried over and held his arm, "Where's Mr. Liu? Why didn't he come?"

Compared with Wang Lao's life, Shi Yuan was more worried about Liu Lao.

Because Liu Lao's realm is in the middle stage of Dacheng.

"Patriarch! It's the man in black, he's a monster! He can't be beaten to death, and he still has pills to replenish spiritual power. We can't beat him!"

"Mr. Liu can only let us retreat, but that person has been sticking to Mr. Liu, so Mr. Liu can only let us go first!"

The elder threw himself on the ground, panting violently.

"What? Mr. Liu has something to do, I'm asking you!"

Shi Yuan was as vicious as a wild beast, ignoring the elder, and hurried towards the exit of the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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