My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 689 Chapter 689 No wonder it's so bloated

Chapter 689 Chapter 689 No wonder it's so bloated
It was Gongsun Lan who made the call. Apart from him, there was no extra call this time.

The only thing that comes out is information.

Feng Lin glanced at the message first, and Louise had already taken away the elixir he had left with the goddess.

Alice also sent a message to Feng Lin, saying that the signal has been completed.

From now on, there is a phone signal in their secret realm, and the other party also sent the goddess' phone number to Feng Lin for storage.

Feng Lin looked at the phone number below and wrote it down.

The matter at hand was almost finished, so Feng Lin called Gongsun Lan to ask her what's the matter.

After the call was connected, Gongsun Lan's eager voice came from the opposite side.

"Feng Lin, you finally got through the phone. Where have you been these few days? I have called several times, but you are not in the service area."

Gongsun Lan asked anxiously on the phone.

"I have a mission. I have been in the secret realm for the past few days. There is no signal in the secret realm. I just came out now."

Feng Lin said into the phone.

"Du Berry left our house. She said that the organization wanted her to go back, and she was going to take action in the near future."

"They said they were going to arrest Su Yun."

Gongsun Lan said anxiously, "I informed Su Yun a few days ago, she seems very confident, I'm afraid she underestimated the enemy."

"So that's the case, don't worry, leave this matter to me."

Feng Lin nodded, paused, and continued to ask, "Did Berry say anything else?"

"It seems that the Mei organization has roughly guessed where the fourth-generation potion is hidden, and it's on Su Yun's body."

Gongsun Lan explained.

"On Su Yun's body?"

Feng Lin frowned, what could be on Su Yun's body?
But no matter what, this time, there will be an open war with the Mei organization.

Feng Lin's master really needs to prove himself.

Since Su Yun knew about this, she didn't send him a message, obviously because she wanted to face it herself.

Feng Lin was also full of admiration. Recently, Su Yun has become stronger and stronger, and her personality has also begun to expand.

Come to the grassland location away from the entrance of the secret realm, call the helicopter and ask them to send you to the goddess first.

He still has two precious rings in his hand, ready to show the goddess and sister.

In addition, there is also the elixir given to them last time, which should have been refined a lot.

Taking the helicopter, Feng Lin didn't go to Lin City, but to a place close to the Yellow River.

You must know that the location of this secret place is in the north. On the way to Lin City, Feng Lin must first pass the Yellow River.

Then go directly to Miaoxuan's secret realm, after all, the two secret realms have been opened.

Coming to the Yellow River, Feng Lin entered the secret realm.

He felt carefully, there was no smell of his sister here.

After saying hello to Langhuo who was guarding the gate of the secret realm, Feng Lin rushed straight into the passage in the secret realm.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Lin appeared in the goddess' secret realm.

At this moment, the goddess and Miaoxuan were sitting together, holding the mobile phone together.

Alice sat next to them and explained to them the purpose of the mobile phone.

Feng Lin was not used to seeing this scene.

It was the first time I saw them so harmonious.

After Feng Lin stepped into the secret realm, he found two people fighting in the depths of the secret realm.

Their breaths are far superior to Feng Lin's, and they are very familiar.

If nothing else, the two of them should be Huanyan and Anlian.

It seems that Dark Ripple is out!
"Goddess, sister."

Feng Lin walked over with a smile on his face.

Everyone here turned their heads and found Feng Lin appearing from that secret realm.

Mi Xiaomi and Yang Xiaomai ran over first, smiling and hugging Feng Lin.

Feng Lin squatted down and smiled at them.

Then he took them to the goddess and stood behind them.

"Feng Lin, you are back."

The goddess greeted with a smile, "I have connected to the Internet in the secret realm for the past few days, so I will ask Alice to buy me a mobile phone."

"This mobile phone is really fun. I didn't expect to be able to search so many things. I have learned to shop online now."

Miaoxuan looked back at Feng Lin.

Feng Lin rolled his eyes, and took out two rings from his body respectively, "I snatched these, please see if there are any good things."

After discovering the ring, the two came back to their senses from the phone.

The goddess asked in amazement: "Feng Lin, you have actually entered the late stage of Dacheng?"

"Impossible, can that pill improve so much?" Miaoxuan also put down the phone strangely.

"By the way, I still want to ask you a question. After taking that pill, it almost killed me. What is it?"

Feng Lin thought of what happened last time, and he passed out from the pain.

"That's not's not! You...could it be that after eating it, your spiritual power was activated?" the goddess asked in shock.

"That's right, isn't this common sense?"

Feng Lin asked puzzledly.

"Who told you common sense? You're such a fool."

The goddess immediately grabbed Feng Lin's wrist, "Usually large doses of medicine will increase the effect of the medicine when the spiritual power is used. Fortunately, it didn't break your body again."

"I don't know either, I understand now."

Feng Lin smiled and waved his hands, and sat on the ground, "I also brought some common medicinal materials, take a look too."

He took out several space rings from his body.

"Okay, by the way, this is the super fusion elixir I refined, I haven't named it yet."

The goddess took out a purple gold gourd from her body, "This elixir can enable people to enter the state of distraction in the shortest time from the state of consecration."

"What? And this miraculous pill?" Feng Lin asked incredulously.

"What's so surprising? That kind of elixir is very simple. To put it bluntly, a elixir can continuously emit spiritual power for a few years, even if the talent is poor."

"You can understand it as a pill made of spirit grass, but it has changed from one pill every three days to one pill every three years."

Miaoxuan at the side took out a small black box with disdain, "Come and see mine, the refined and enhanced version of Rising Dragon Pill."

"Rising Dragon Pill? I've heard of this."

Feng Lin remembered that in the secret realm before, Gongdie jumped from the peak of distraction to the realm of great achievement because of a dragon ascending pill.

"Mine is different from ordinary Rising Dragon Pills. The three generals around you, after Su Yun ate this one, directly stepped into the peak of distraction!"

Miaoxuan handed the box to Feng Lin.

"What? And this miraculous medicine?" Feng Lin's heart was filled with huge waves.

It turned out that Su Yun had entered the peak of distraction, no wonder she suddenly became so inflated.

The Mei organization wanted to find her, but they didn't even call themselves.

It's all crazy.

She should remember what the old man said before, as long as she enters the peak of distraction.

General secret realm masters are not afraid at all.

"Have Louise and Liu Yaran also eaten?"

Feng Lin opened the box and took a look, there were more than 20 pieces.

"Eat, both of them have entered the mid-term level of distraction."

Miaoxuan nodded, "As for Alice, Xiaomi and others here, their realm is too low, and it's a waste to eat them. I've given them all. They must at least enter the late stage of transformation before they can use it."

After hearing this, Feng Lin hugged the box excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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