Chapter 74

Feng Lin and Fang Keke turned their heads at the same time, and found Liu Yaran in black uniform appeared here.

She gently pushed down her glasses and walked over with a smile on her face.

Fang Keke knew this person, she was the one who took the two of them away when it rained last time.

It's no wonder that he lived here too.

"Hi sister, I didn't have time to thank you last time."

Fang Keke said hello with a smile. It has to be said that Fang Keke's smile without any impurities can easily win the favor of others.

"you are welcome."

Liu Yaran glanced at the watch on her wrist, and waved at the two of them, "I still have something to do today, let's go first."

After speaking, she quickened a few steps.

Looking at her back, Fang Keke looked envious, "Brother Feng Lin, this sister is so beautiful, when can I become this kind of woman?"

This voice was naturally heard by Liu Yaran in front.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, and it felt good to be praised.

After returning to his home, Fang Keke found out that Liu Yaran and Feng Lin were opposites.

If this was in the countryside where she used to live, the relationship would be very good.

"You go take a shower first, and we'll go out for dinner later."

After Feng Lin walked into the living room, he took out his phone and started searching for nearby cameras.

The camera uses the principle of optics, and Feng Lin's mobile phone can capture it.

Perform tasks outside, and scan once every time you return to your place of residence.

Now Feng Lin is also a bit depraved. Su Yun was able to come here accurately yesterday, obviously because of the cameras and listening devices.

His mobile phone was like a radar, scanning around, and eight red dots appeared on it.

Five of them are pinhole cameras, and the remaining three are bugs, even in the kitchen.

Feng Lin found them very skillfully, and then removed all the pinhole cameras.

Just when he was about to take off the last bug, the old man called.

"Old man! What's wrong?" Feng Lin asked while sitting on the sofa.

"I'm going out tomorrow, and I happen to be passing through Yangshi, and I'm going to visit your place to see how you're doing."

The old man said on the phone.

"What? Are you coming over tomorrow?"

Feng Lin asked back, originally planned to hang out with Fang Keke tomorrow, but it seems that there is no other way.

However, Feng Lin's rhetorical question was heard by the two women.

Because right now, he still has one bug left.

Liu Yaran who is across the door, the first thing she does when she returns home is to open her notebook and switch to Feng Lin's lobby.

After hearing this sentence, she immediately took off her gold-rimmed glasses.

She heard from Su Yun that Feng Lin was an orphan and grew up with his adoptive father.

Feng Lin called him his adoptive father.

Not only that, but his adoptive father is also a tall man.

Su Yun only went to practice for two or three days, and when she came back, she was completely different.

If you show yourself in front of such an expert, try to get as close as possible to Feng Lin.

Maybe the matter between her and Feng Lin will work out.

She knows that it is normal for a master under normal circumstances to have three wives and four concubines.

On the other side, Su Yun also heard this sentence.

Master will come over tomorrow, she must cooperate with Feng Lin in acting.

If it is found that he is lying to him, it would be bad for others to take advantage of it.


After Fang Keke took a shower, he took out his clothes again, obviously embarrassed to wear a bathrobe.

She came to the refrigerator first, opened it and looked, there were ingredients in it.

So she said with a smile: "Brother Feng Lin, let's not go out to eat, I will cook for you!"

"Okay, let me try your handicraft."

Feng Lin nodded, he was indeed a bit tired after a busy day today.

While Fang Keke was cooking, he also rushed over.

After coming out, Fang Keke just finished the meal.

Very simple home-cooked side dishes, millet porridge, vegetables tofu, fried eggs with tomatoes.

Feng Lin ate some casually and nodded vigorously: "Yes! The taste is just right for me!"

"Hee hee! I was the one who cooked and washed all the dishes at my second uncle's house..."

Fang Keke was stunned when he was talking.

Since meeting Feng Lin, her life has also changed.

"It's a good habit, keep it in my house." Feng Lin raised his head and smiled.


Fang Keke deliberately snorted, then smiled.

At night, Feng Lin asked Fang Keke to sleep in Su Yun's room before.


Early the next morning, Feng Lin went about his activities as usual.

Only to find that Fang Keke was already sitting on the sofa in the lobby, playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

His face looked haggard.

"Coco, what's wrong with you? Didn't sleep well last night?"

Feng Lin walked over strangely, sat beside her and asked.

But found that Fang Keke deliberately moved his body, away from Feng Lin.

This tiny move made Feng Lin puzzled.

" you have a girlfriend?" Fang Keke suddenly raised his head and asked.

"Why do you ask that?" Feng Lin was puzzled.

"Yesterday you let me sleep in a room with a fragrance that only women have, and I also found long hair."

Fang Keke's eyes were reddish, women are very sensitive to such things, "Is there any other woman who slept in that room?"

"That's right, and the person who slept was my wife in name."

Feng Lin nodded, and when he noticed Fang Keke's reddish eyes, he roughly guessed her emotion.


When Fang Keke heard this address, his face turned pale.

The tears rolling in the eyes finally fell, "She... sister-in-law is beautiful, right?"

"very beautiful."

Feng Lin nodded slightly. He didn't know how to explain it, so he could only change the subject, "My old man is coming over today, we'll pick him up after dinner."


Fang Keke didn't answer, but quietly stood up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Feng Lin looked at her back and sighed softly, he really couldn't handle women.

During breakfast, Fang Keke kept his head down and didn't say a word.

Feng Lin was also helpless, until a text message was sent, saying that he was going to the high-speed railway station in Yangshi right now.

Feng Lin stood up and took Fang Keke's hand, "Okay, let's pick him up first."

Fang Keke puffed his mouth slightly, originally wanted to break free, but held back.

When Feng Lin just walked out of the house, he happened to meet Liu Yaran doing activities in the opposite yard.

This opportunity is very important to her, but she didn't sleep all night.

"Feng Lin, where are you going?"

Liu Yaran asked in her yard.

The two homes were only separated by a road less than ten meters wide, and the voice could be heard clearly.

"I'm going to the high-speed rail station." Feng Lin pulled Fang Keke out.

"So far? Why don't you drive me there? I don't go to work today, Saturday."

Liu Yaran spoke out the excuses she had prepared long ago.

As long as he drives his own car, there is a high chance that he will bring his adoptive father back.

Even if she didn't pick it up, she could still take the opportunity to call and ask Feng Lin's location, saying that she had something to do and needed a car.

At that time, he can also meet his adoptive father.

This plan is perfect!
(End of this chapter)

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