My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 76 This Is Really My Father!

Chapter 76 This Is Really My Father!
Feng Lin learned from Zhou Nian that she was here to see Zhou Lei off.

Zhou Qu finally forgave him, after all, he was his own son.

Give him 500 million and let him take his wife to enjoy the blessings.

However, he couldn't enjoy it for long.

There is still Gu poison in his body, and the incubation period is only a few months.

Feng Lin has neither joy nor sorrow about this matter, this may be his best destination.

After chatting for a few words, Zhou Nian had something to leave.

Feng Lin continued to walk deeper, and now this group of people began to fear Feng Lin.

The originally blocked roads gave way to him one after another.

Bailihua froze in place, and finally, angrily, she handed the microphone to the staff on the side.

"Huahua is very angry! The consequences are serious!"

After she finished speaking, she gritted her teeth and ran away. Before leaving, she took a deep look at Feng Lin.

At the end of the road, Feng Lin finally met the Lord.

A lazy middle-aged man in an unbuttoned suit.

He has a cropped head, his hair is already half-white, and he has a stubble on his chin.

With one hand in his trouser pocket, he leaned lazily against the counter beside him.

He teased the staff inside, his voice was magnetic and deep, "By the way, are you married?"

"Sir, it's working time now, sorry, I can't answer your question."

The woman in uniform sitting inside was a little angry. This man looked like he was in his fifties and wanted to hook her up.

"Isn't there no one now? There is a stinky boy in my family, who looks good, and I will introduce you to you later."

Feng Jue habitually took out a cigarette from his pocket, and as soon as he put it in his mouth, he was scolded by the woman.

"Sorry sir, we can't smoke here!"

Feng Jue turned his head back with a smile, and set his eyes on Feng Lin who was in the distance, "Did you see that? That person is my boy, isn't he pretty good?"

The staff sitting inside looked up at Feng Lin, he was really handsome.

But she is not in a hurry to get married yet, so she definitely needs to find out first.

"Old man, what are you doing in a daze, let's go!"

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked over with a smile, "I haven't seen you in a few years, and there are more gray hairs."

"People are always getting old!"

Feng Jue's eyes lit up, and he immediately rushed towards Fang Keke who was beside Feng Lin, and grabbed her shoulders, "Little sister, what's your relationship with Feng Lin?"

"Uh...Feng Lin is my brother."

Fang Keke originally thought that Feng Lin's father was a very serious person.

Seeing his personality like this, he didn't react immediately.

"Brother, brother, you can be her wife directly, I agree to this!"

Feng Jue patted Ke Ke on the shoulder, and looked back at Feng Lin, "This matter is settled."

Fang Keke's face turned red immediately, not knowing how to answer.

what's the situation?
I'm about to... marry Feng Lin?

"No no no!"

Fang Keke shook her head vigorously, and she raised her head and said, "Uncle, Brother Feng Lin, isn't he already married?"

"Yeah! What's the matter? What happened to my son, three wives and four concubines..."

Before Feng Jue finished speaking, Feng Lin strangled him by the neck and dragged him away.

They had just left when a woman at the counter pointed at Feng Lin's back and said in surprise, "It's him!"

"Team leader, do you know him?"

The woman who chatted with Feng Jue just now asked.

"just met!"

The older woman told what Feng Lin did just now.

Including Zhou Nian, who knew Zhou's group, he didn't pay attention to popular stars at all.

It proves that he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Hearing this, the woman who was chatting with Feng Jue just now froze in place.

What did I miss?
If you can marry into a wealthy family, why come here to work?

Outside the high-speed rail station, Feng Jue finally breathed a sigh of relief, lit the cigarette in his pocket, and took a deep breath.

"Tsk tsk, now the country is becoming more and more civilized, and smoking is prohibited everywhere."

"You can quit smoking if you have time, maybe the goddess will like you after you quit smoking." Feng Lin said with a smile.

"I don't believe it, unless the goddess tells me personally."

Feng Jue took a few puffs, then squeezed out the cigarette with his hands, and put the remaining half back into the cigarette case.


Feng Lin pressed the BMW car key and sat in the driver's seat.

"Come on! Daughter-in-law, let's sit in the back."

Feng Jue grabbed Fang Keke's shoulder.

Fang Keke's head is still dizzy from the station to now.

How could she become his daughter-in-law.

However, she still sat in the back row according to the other party's wishes.

"Hi uncle, my name is Fang Keke."

Fang Keke introduced himself with a smile.

"Ke Ke! That's a good name. When I was young, a Taoist priest told me that my future son would be called this name when he married a wife."

Feng Jue looked so serious that Fang Keke didn't know where to start complaining.

"Uncle! Don't be kidding, brother Feng Lin is married, sister-in-law will be angry if you are like this."

Fang Keke lowered his head and said.

"Angry? Why is she angry? It's not good to find her a younger sister?"

Feng Jue raised his head angrily, "If she can't make it through, she will get a divorce!"

Feng Lin: "..."

Fang Keke: "..."

The two were speechless, Feng Lin could only speed up and drive towards his own community.

When she came to her house, Liu Yaran was waiting in her yard.

Now she has changed into a very homely dress.

When she saw her car back, she straightened her hair.

Showing a sweet smile to the small mirror in his hand, he stood up and opened the door of his house.

Feng Lin drove her car to the garage, got out and returned the key to Liu Yaran, "Thank you very much!"

"Let me guess who you are."

Suddenly, Feng Jue walked in with one hand in his trouser pocket, pointed at Liu Yaran and said, "I guess you are my son's wife, right?"

Liu Yaran was stunned for a moment.

What's happening here?
It seems that I haven't expressed myself yet, so why did I succeed directly?

She thought she heard it wrong, so she said a standard opening sentence, "Haha! Hello uncle, I am a good friend of Feng Lin."

"What? Are you still in the friendship stage? When will you get married?"

Feng Jue hugged Feng Lin's neck with a smile, and whispered, "This woman is fine, she is comparable to that girl Su Yun, marry her."

Although he lowered his voice, Liu Yaran, who was close at hand, could hear clearly.

With the other party like this, she didn't know how to accept the move.

"Stinky boy! Are you a man? Are you living with someone and still not marrying him?"

Feng Jue grabbed Feng Lin's collar and shouted.

"Can you shut up? This is not my house, my house is opposite."

Feng Lin was speechless, and continued to drag him back to his home.

Although Liu Yaran didn't know what happened, having such an enlightened father was exactly what she needed.

So, she hurried home, took out the prepared fruit, and walked to Feng Lin's house.

"Uncle! I have fruit here."

Liu Yaran put the fruit basket on the table, and sat on the sofa very ladylike.

"Haha! I can see it, you like my kid, right?"

Feng Jue took an apple and asked.

Liu Yaran was overjoyed, pretending to be sad and said: "Uncle, don't be joking, what's the use even if I like it? Feng Lin is already married."

"What's the matter with getting married? My son only married one, and I would be ashamed to say it."

(End of this chapter)

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