Chapter 8 You Are My Wife
After Su Yun drove away, Feng Lin lay comfortably on the sofa.

"Feng Lin, don't you have a job?" Gongsun Lan asked with a smile while arranging the dishes in the distance.

"Yes, but I was fired." Feng Lin sighed, really not used to the world without gunshots.

He called the chief last night and said that the task had been completed and he wanted to go back.

But the chief said that he will not be needed for the time being, and let him rest for a while, and then there will be a very serious task.

"How about I find you a job? Our school is currently short of a physical education teacher. I heard from Xiao Yun that you are a veteran."

Gongsun Lan put away the bowls and chopsticks and walked over with a smile.

"Physical education teacher? Can I do it? I don't want to stay at home all the time." Feng Lin was a little moved, and it was the first time that he had pretended to be a teacher before.

"Of course, I'm the vice president of Yangshi University. You're a retired soldier. You're sure." Gongsun Lan smiled softly.

Feng Lin nodded, patted his chest and said: "Yes, I agree, but I can only work part-time because I will enlist in the army at any time."

"Well, let's go now."

Gongsun Lan nodded with a smile, and went upstairs to change into an office uniform.

Looking at this attire, Feng Lin couldn't help sighing. Although he wasn't as hot as Su Yun, but with the other party's gentle temperament, he could be evenly matched with Su Yun.

Su Yun is a woman who really knows how to find someone. The secretary Liu Yaran beside her, and Gongsun Lan who lives with her are all superb beauties.

"Is it that pretty?" Gongsun Lan stared at Feng Lin shyly.

"Well, I'm a person who likes to appreciate beauty, so if I want to blame it, I can blame you for being beautiful!" Feng Lin said with a smile.

"No one is upright, be careful and I will sue." Gongsun Lan said pretending to be angry.


Sitting on Gongsun Lan's red BMW, the two came to Jiangshi University.

Both men and women in the school are dressed very trendy, highlighting the vigor of young people, and many women feast Feng Lin's eyes.

Walking with Gongsun Lan, he also became the focus of people.

People passing by guessed his identity.

"Xiao Lan, who is this man? I saw him get off your car today."

A tall man came from a distance, wearing a suit, at least in terms of dressing, he was several grades above Feng Lin.

"It has nothing to do with you?"

Gongsun Lan frowned, her bland temper also showed impatience.

Hearing this sentence, Wang Zhong's face darkened, "Why is it okay? Everyone in the school knows that I am pursuing you!"

"Wang Zhong, please take care of yourself. I have already said that it is impossible for the two of us, let alone I have a boyfriend."

Gongsun Lan suddenly looked at Feng Lin, the appeal for help was very obvious in his eyes.

Feng Lin was happy to solve Gongsun Lan's troubles, he put his arms around Gongsun Lan's waist lightly, "Brother, we two are true love, please bless us."

Gongsun Lan's body trembled suddenly, but in order to cooperate with the acting, she gradually relaxed and approached Feng Lin's side.

"Very good, boy, are you poaching my corner? I'll give you a chance to leave her obediently, or I'll make your life worse than death!"

Seeing the closeness of the two, Wang Zhong became angry from embarrassment.

"Scaring me? I'll tell you today, Xiao Lan is my woman!" Feng Lin dismissed her, and did not forget to rub Gongsun Lan's pretty face.

Gongsun Lan didn't react at all. If she had known in advance, she would have stopped it.

This feeling made her face feel hot, and because Wang Zhong was here, she didn't have an attack.

Seeing this scene, the kings gritted their teeth, showing a vicious look, "Very well, you are all well."

After speaking, he strode away.

"Feng Lin, you make me a little angry." Gongsun Lan's indifferent voice came over, and then she stepped on lotus steps and quickened her pace.

"Xiao Lan, I'm doing it for your own good too." Feng Lin hurried to catch up.

"I'm a very traditional woman, your actions just now made me a little embarrassed." Gongsun Lan puffed her mouth slightly, but didn't look at Feng Lin.

"Okay, I will tell you in advance when I do it again in the future, is this the head office?"

Feng Lin said seriously, he really didn't expect this, after all, in foreign countries, this kind of closeness is considered a form of etiquette.

"You want to do it again?" Gongsun Lan stepped on Feng Lin angrily.

"Haha, don't be angry, our relationship, even a kiss is nothing, let alone a kiss." Feng Lin smiled and touched Gongsun Lan's shoulder.

"Are we related?" Gongsun Lan stopped and asked.

"Of course, Su Yun is my wife, you are Su Yun's wife, and you are both wives, so you are equal to Su Yun, and also equal to my wife." Feng Lin gestured with his fingers.

"Bah! What nonsense theory?"

Gongsun Lan was also taken in by Feng Lin, and was finally amused.

"Honey, what's the matter with that man? I'm afraid he's going to hurt you." Feng Lin put away his smiling face and looked into the distance solemnly, now he wanted to confirm his identity.

"If you call me wife again, I will be angry!"

Gongsun Lan rolled her eyes at Feng Lin, but this time she was pretending.

She told the story of Wang Zhong.

It turned out that the two had been classmates in college, and he was the son of a group, and he was quite important in Yangshi.

In order to pursue Gongsun Lan, he used his contacts to work as a teacher at the school, and harassed him almost all the time.

Feng Lin nodded secretly. In this way, Wang Zhong didn't seem to be lying, so he should be careful these few days.


After completing the formalities, Feng Lin became a part-time physical education teacher.

Even the salary card is specially made, because there is no information about Feng Lin.

His ID card also alerted the big shots above.

Gongsun Lan looked at Feng Lin who was leaving, pondering endlessly, becoming more and more curious about his identity.

"Huh? He didn't leave?"

Feng Lin walked down from the Academic Affairs Office, and saw the kings in the distance.

He was chatting with a few students who looked like students, looking in his direction from time to time.

He shook his head and said to himself, as long as he is by Gongsun Lan's side, no one in the country can hurt her.

The reason why it is limited to the country is because the country is too chaotic, and he may not be able to protect it from a bomb from time to time.

Glancing at the phone, Gongsun Lan sent the class schedule and the office where he worked.

"Is there my class in the morning?" Feng Lin took a careful look at his phone before wandering around the school.

This is his habit, every time he goes to a strange place, he will find out everything around him.

In the last class at noon, Feng Lin stood on the playground and saw his class.

"Brother Feng Lin!"

Suddenly, a joyous cry made Feng Lin turn his head strangely.


Feng Lin didn't expect such a coincidence, so he felt relieved after thinking about it, after all, this university is the only one in Yangshi.

Now Fang Keke is recovering well, and the haze on his face has turned into a beautiful smile.

"Brother, why are you here?"

"I'm a physical education teacher now." Feng Lin smiled lightly, seeing her innocent smile, he thought of his dead brother, should he tell her or not.

(End of this chapter)

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