Chapter 813
Feng Lin gasped, he had long wanted to meet those people, especially Donghuang and Shunshen back then.

See how far you are from them now.

"Okay, I see, I'll go."

Feng Lin nodded.

Wu Yun said in a deep voice: "The matter of Donghuang must be very important, you must keep it in your heart, I will hang up first, and take a good rest these few days."

"Okay, let's go here first." Feng Lin nodded in agreement.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yun, who was sitting opposite Feng Lin, who was working on her laptop, raised her head, "What's the matter? God list?"

"Well, something big should happen. Donghuang asked the people on the list of gods to go to the temple of the gods for a meeting in a few days and said they wanted to discuss something."

Feng Lin stretched and lay down on the sofa again.

"God list? Until now, I don't know who is on the list." Liu Yaran and I looked at Feng Lin in confusion.

"I know about the God List."

Lei Ting sat alone on the sofa, suddenly raised his head and said, "The Mei organization is very afraid of these masters of the god list, and has issued an order publicly. In the outside world, as long as they encounter a master of the god list standing on the opposite side, the mission will be canceled immediately!"

"Is it really that strong? I remember Feng Lin was ranked ninth." Su Yun put down her work.

"The Eastern Emperor, number one on the list of gods, led the secular world and drove all the people from the secret realms from all over the world back to the secret realm. He is a legendary figure!"

Lei Ting looked at the indoor swimming pool in the distance. Fang Keke, Jiang Ling and the others were frolicking in it. The queen also joined them because of lack of thinking.

"Feng Lin, have you seen Donghuang? Is he handsome?"

Liu Yaran looked at Feng Lin with a smile and asked.

Feng Lin rolled his eyes, spread his hands and said, "I don't know, from the voice, he should be a middle-aged man, but his face was always shimmering, and he couldn't see his face clearly."

"Then who is the rest? Up to now, I know Thorn God, one place higher than Feng Lin, eighth on the death list!"

Like a curious baby, Su Yun closed the notebook and looked at Lei Ting next to her.

"The second is Shun Shen. This person and Donghuang are both members of the first generation of gods. Their strength is far greater than that of the latter."

Lei Ting held up three fingers, "The third one is currently the former Pope of the European Holy See, Dark Left Hand."

Su Yun and Liu Yaran looked at each other, they remembered the secret realm last time, when they ranked in the death list, there were a few people from the Holy See, and their strength felt pretty good.

"The fourth place is the Ice Emperor who was born in Siberia, but he has traveled around the world all year round and is almost never in his hometown. He is quite low-key."

"Ranked fifth. Her name is Jealousy Jinshen. She was born in China. Later, she killed many people. Fearing that the country would catch her, she absconded abroad."


"What? There are women in this God List?"

Su Yun asked suddenly.

"Well, she is the only female among the ten God List members." Lei Ting nodded.

"This name is interesting. It comes from one of the hundred ghosts in our legend. This man jumped into the river because his husband praised other women, and committed suicide. Later, as long as the beautiful women who pass by that river will suffer."

Liu Yaran explained from the side, "Only ugly women can get through it safely. For safety, as long as women want to cross the river there, they will mess up their hair and make themselves look ugly."

"Hahaha! That's right. As far as I know, the one she killed in Huaxia was a woman." Lei Ting explained with a smile.

Su Yun looked at Feng Lin, "Didn't you see her? How does she look?"

"She is an old lady, but now that I think about it, many of her actions are undoubtedly the same as those of young people. If there is no accident, there should be formations around her body that can change her appearance."

Feng Lin closed his eyes and said.

"Ranking fifth, it's considered high-class, and definitely not a character to be messed with." Liu Yaran shook her head.

Gongsun Lan here has been pretending to be playing with his mobile phone, but he listens very carefully. This is knowledge that he does not know.

"What about the sixth?" Su Yun asked.

Thunder explained with a smile: "No.6 is pull!"

"Huh? What the hell? What's this name?" Su Yun asked strangely.

"Should be from Egypt?" Gongsun Lan asked suddenly.

"That's right! It seems you know." Lei Ting nodded with a smile.

Su Yun is getting more and more confused, not only her, but even Liu Yaran doesn't understand, she also has a lot of things that she doesn't understand about non-mainstream foreign cultures.

"La is the sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology, which means the sun at noon, and is the head of the nine-pillar god. The school once organized activities in ancient civilizations, and I remembered that."

Gongsun Lan explained with a smile.

"This title is really becoming more and more domineering, either God or Emperor." Su Yun curled her lips.

Lei Ting laughed a few times, and continued: "The seventh-ranked one is called Di Shitian."

"I know this, it is one of the twenty heavens of Buddhism." Su Yun raised her hand suddenly like a student.

"Eighth and ninth, we all know." Liu Yaran said with a smile, "Stinging God and Phantom Pupil."

"Then there is tenth place left. He is a great Onmyoji from an island country, the guardian of Tuyumen Palace."

Thunder said with a smile.

"Master of the God List, Eastern Emperor, Shun Shen, Dark Left Hand, Ice Emperor, Jealousy God, La, Di Shitian, Stabbing God, Phantom Eye, Great Onmyoji."

Su Yun pointed her fingers and murmured.


Early the next morning, the sun's rays came in through the windows, causing everyone here to open their eyes in a daze.

Last night, all the people here slept outside and did not return to their rooms.

After all, they are all masters, and they are not afraid of the most common cold.

"Otherwise, you go back first. Let me take the queen to find the venue today, and I will send a message to the higher-ups to arrange for her."

Feng Lin said to several people.

"Brother Feng Lin, your bracelet."

At this time, Fang Keke hurriedly came to Feng Lin and took out the invisibility bracelet.

"it is good!"

Feng Lin took the bracelet, put it on his wrist, and then hooked his fingers at Su Yun, "Come here, I'll discuss something with you, Yaran, you should call the above first, it's still the place yesterday, you first Let's go first with everyone."

"it is good!"

Liu Yaran nodded and made a call.

Su Yun followed Feng Lin strangely and came into the room, "What's the matter?"

"This good thing, do you want it?" Feng Lin closed the door of the room, leaned his back against the door, and took off the invisibility bracelet with a smile.

Chen Yin gave Feng Lin something better, so this one is useless.

As for the few people around her, not to mention Su Yun's strength is the strongest, she is still good at assassination techniques, and the invisibility bracelet has a greater effect on her.

"You... Seriously?"

Su Yun rushed over excitedly, she had wanted Feng Lin's invisibility bracelet for a long time.

"I can give it to you, but ah."

Feng Lin sensed the breath outside, Liu Yaran had already left with the others, and the queen was left alone outside, so he also boldly said, "Tsk tsk, I haven't smoked for a long time, I miss it a bit."


Su Yun hugged her body immediately, her face flushed, "Get lost! Shameless!"

"Forget it, I'll leave it to Louise. After all, it's very dangerous to work undercover all the time, not to mention that she's no younger than you."

Feng Lin put away the bracelet again.

(End of this chapter)

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