My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 82 You are so bad, but I like it

Chapter 82 You are so bad, but I like it

Wu Xuanyi is a civil servant and is off today.

Feng Lin handed Fang Keke to her, and he returned to his home.

It was found that Su Yun and Liu Yaran at home were not there.

He also just wanted to be quiet, lay down on the sofa to rest for a while, changed his clothes and went out alone.

Zhang Yushan's injury was that his lung was pierced by a sharp weapon, and he was also poisoned.

This time I went to the pharmacy to buy some detoxification medicine.

After buying it, he went home and steamed it, and made part of it into ointment.

It will take at least a few hours.

Before I knew it, it was dusk.

He received a call from Zhou Qu, saying that the gathering of several people had been changed into a larger donation meeting.

So the time is a few hours ahead.

Zhou Quhui donated a large sum of money, and specially invited popular stars to sing at the party.

In addition to some business leaders, there are also many leaders.

After all, donated money cannot be handed over directly to people, and these leaders need to make good plans.

Such as building schools, building roads for poor places, etc.

"Just tell me the location. I'm cooking medicine and I may be late."

Feng Lin said into the phone.

Zhou Qu also knew that this kind of thing can't be rushed, so he didn't bother Feng Lin.

On the contrary, he has a selfish idea, that is to prevent Feng Lin from getting to know too many rich people.

Those rich people are all old foxes, and there are many beautiful women in the younger generation.

Although he thinks his granddaughter is very competitive, what if he loses?

After Feng Lin cooked the herbs, it was already 05:30 in the afternoon.

Just now Zhou Qu said that this meeting started at this point.

Counting the distance, he was only 10 minutes late, so he was not in a hurry.

Randomly looking for a disposable lunch box, Feng Lin put the ointment in it.

I found a few more white plastic bags, packed the other medicinal materials, and carried the bags to the destination.

The location this time is Zhou Qu's private estate.

"Brother, I can only take you here. This street is closed today, and taxis are not allowed to enter."

The driver stopped at the intersection, looked at Feng Lin and said.


Feng Lin took out the money and walked with the bag, the distance was not far anyway.

Suddenly, two Ferraris rushed past Feng Lin.

One black and one red.

Only about half a meter away from him, there was a gust of wind.

Feng Lin frowned slightly, a little displeased, but not angry.

When he walked to the entrance of the manor, he found several young men and women there, who seemed to be waiting for Feng Lin.

"Brother takeaway, this is a private club, don't eat that kind of junk fast food!"

A young woman in a long purple dress sipped softly at Feng Lin.

Immediately, everyone around laughed and looked at Feng Lin who was approaching.

Feng Lin looked down, the bag in his hand really looked like a delivery person.

"Boy! So you are delivering food?"

A strange voice came, mixed with sarcasm.

Feng Lin raised his head, and a man in a suit stepped down from the red Ferrari just now.

Feng Lin showed a puzzled expression, "Have we met?"

"Haha! Young Master Song! Nobody knows you!"

Here a young man wearing a famous brand covered his stomach and laughed.

Song Shao?

Hearing this title, Feng Lin remembered that when he was in the bar before, this man was fighting with him for Zhou Nian.

I didn't expect him to come too.

"Brother takeaway, let me introduce you, this is the super rich second generation of Yunshi, Song Hao!"

The woman in the purple skirt from before introduced with a smile, and then he looked at Song Hao who was coming, "What is Song Shao doing in our Yangshi?"

"Of course I came after Bailihua. I heard that she will sing here today."

Song Hao explained plainly, he walked all the way to Feng Lin, and then stopped, "This is not for people like you, get out!"

Feng Lin nodded secretly, so this person is not from Yangshi, no wonder he doesn't know Zhou Nian.

"Song Shao, can I help you?" The tall man on the side narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"No! This is my business!"

Song Hao's eyes rejected his kindness.

Even Feng Lin was a little surprised, this man was a bit interesting, and he didn't let the locals teach him a lesson.

"Sorry, I'm also the one who was invited this time." Feng Lin pointed to himself and said.


The woman in the purple skirt laughed directly, "Brother, do you know who is inside? Go home and sleep, there is everything in the dream."

Although there was no deliberate sarcasm in her tone, it was obviously contemptuous.

"Boy, get out of here, people like you can't get in for the rest of your life!"

"Yes! Don't embarrass yourself here."


Regardless of their words, Feng Lin missed his body and walked towards the manor.

The other people here were stunned, did he really have an invitation letter?

The two security guards standing in front of the manor blocked Feng Lin's way, and said calmly, "Sir, please show the invitation letter."

"I don't have such a thing."

Feng Lin was surprised, remembering that Zhou Qu didn't say that he needed any invitation letter.

"Hahaha! I laughed so hard!"

"I didn't die laughing, I was scared to death. If someone really had an invitation letter, they would slap us in the face."


Several people standing behind Feng Lin made fun of each other.

Song Hao also sneered. Before he could sarcastically, he found Feng Lin took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey! Come pick me up, your people won't let me in."

After finishing speaking, Feng Lin hung up the phone, and the place became quiet for a while.

But the next moment, the woman in the purple skirt laughed, "When I'm usually embarrassed, I also like to pretend to make a phone call."

"Haha! I guess so, do you want to wait for us to go in and then sneak away?"

"It's okay, we have plenty of time to spend with you and see who will come out to pick you up."


"You guys are so bad, but I like it!"

Song Hao also laughed, not to mention how happy he was to see this brick mover slumped.

It's just a pity that his beautiful girlfriend is not here.

At this moment, a black Bentley slowly parked in the parking space beside it.

First jump off a woman in a black princess dress.

With her beating, the huge capital was shaking, which almost stunned the few men here.

"Feng Lin! Why are you here?"

Jiang Ling noticed Feng Lin standing here, ran over with a smile, and took his arm.

Then, two old men got off the car.

One of them is a bald old man with a kind face and kind eyes, but there is a scar at the corner of his eye, which adds a touch of majesty to him.

The other is an old man in a suit, leaning on an iron crutch.

Seeing this scene, all the people in front of them turned pale with fright, they turned out to be members of the Jiang family!
The head of the Jiang family, Jiang Cheng, came in person.

Could it be that this food delivery boy knew someone from the Jiang family?

They hadn't reacted from the incident yet, and were taken aback again.

I saw a long-legged and beautiful person walking out of the manor.

"Feng Lin, I'm here to pick you up, come in with me!" Zhou Nian hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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