My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 85 Where is your strength ranked?

Chapter 85 Where is your strength ranked?
In an instant, Feng Lin's limelight overshadowed Bailihua.

People who don't understand music can clearly distinguish which of the two songs sounds better.

Not to mention professional.

Who is strong and who is weak is clear at a glance.

Jiang Ling rushed towards Feng Lin full of nympho, hugging his arm and shaking, "Feng Lin, you are so handsome!"

It made Su Yun look sideways in the distance.

She was just about to stand up, but Liu Yaran grabbed her wrist by the side.

"What? Are you going to expose your relationship with Feng Lin now?" Liu Yaran asked in a low voice.

Su Yun gritted her teeth secretly and could only give up.

The other family members of the merchants in the surrounding area all came over one after another and surrounded Feng Lin together.

Only those businessmen who are in charge feel that things are not so simple.

They all looked at Zhang Yushan in the distance. This time, if he hadn't taken the lead, the others would not have donated at all.

Everyone felt that Zhang Yushan donated so much to see Feng Lin's jokes.

But thinking back carefully, he didn't show a sarcastic smile just now, but was extremely dignified.

Could it be that this man is Zhang Yushan's friend?

Before these people could guess, Feng Lin confirmed it himself.

He nodded apologetically to the people around him, pushed them away, and walked towards Zhang Yushan in the distance.

Zhang Yushan greeted him with a smile, and behaved very respectfully.

The rich second generations who mocked Feng Lin at first were all autistic.

Especially the woman in the purple skirt before, her father even quietly told her to ask her to approach Feng Lin proactively.

She could only smile wryly.

Song Hao was also stunned, Yunshi and Yangshi were next to each other.

Maybe he doesn't know the important figures in Yang City, but he knows Zhang Yushan's name very well.

"Your condition is getting worse."

Feng Lin raised the bag in his hand, "This is the medicine prepared for you, and it's still in time."

"Please sir."

Zhang Yushan nodded secretly, and went to the interior of the manor with Feng Lin.

In the antique mansion, Feng Lin asked Zhang Yushan to take off his clothes.

His skinny body was exposed, and there were still black wounds on his lung lobes, which was shocking.

"You should have met an expert."

Feng Lin looked at the location of the wound, it was obvious that he had been healed before.

Otherwise, if you are injured by a poisonous sharp weapon, you will undoubtedly die.

"That gentleman should be a more powerful expert. You are right. I have been treated before, but he can only alleviate it, not cure it."

Zhang Yushan nodded slightly, showing even more respect for Feng Lin.

Feng Lin smiled, took out the medicine paste from the bag, and spread it evenly on his front and back.

Then he wrapped the bandages he bought around his body.

"Persist for two or three days, and tonight, your wound will be very itchy, so you must hold on."

Feng Lin took out other herbs and put them in front of Zhang Yushan, "Once a night, for detoxification."

"Thank you sir!"

Zhang Yushan bowed deeply, put on his clothes again, and sat on a chair beside him, "I'm not afraid of death, but there are still things in front of me that haven't been completed yet."

Feng Lin suddenly remembered that Liu Yaran's Liu family was also a big family in Jiangbei.

So, he asked with a smile, "Have you ever heard of the Liu family in Jiangbei?"

"The Liu family? Of course I've heard of it! To tell you the truth, sir, my injuries are most likely caused by the Liu family!"

Speaking of this family, Zhang Yushan's eyebrows flashed with a murderous look.

At the beginning, he left Yang City to develop, and he grew bigger and bigger. In the end, his sphere of influence overlapped with that of the Liu family.

There was a conflict between the two sides, and they have been fighting openly and secretly since then.

Feng Lin didn't expect such a thing to happen, but he wasn't worried, Liu Yaran wished that the current Liu family would be extinct.

"I will come over in a few days and force out all the toxins in your body."

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Feng Lin turned around with a smile on his face, "Just rest and don't see me off."

After bidding farewell to Zhang Yushan, Feng Lin walked towards the banquet.

From the current point of view, he must interfere with Liu Yaran's affairs.

Now that Liu Yaran has been recognized by the old man, it is reasonable to help her solve the matter.

The most important thing is that the organization behind the Liu family is the murderer who killed Su Yun's family.

They sent Liu Yaran over to prove that they have not given up.

This kind of organization must be resolved as soon as possible.

Feng Lin appeared again, and Bailihua was singing with a microphone.

Her voice is very good, she is beautiful and sweet, and her piano skills are average. No wonder so many people like this kind of woman.

Said that she is generally not negating, it is just because Feng Lin is used to the old man and goddess's piano sound.

That kind of music was the only soul song that could appease Feng Lin's killing intent when he was a child.

Before leaving, Feng Lin nodded slightly to Zhou Qu, signaling him not to trouble.

This time I came here purely to treat Zhang Yushan.

Zhou Qu wished this was the case, if he was too close to Feng Lin in a crowded place, others would definitely investigate Feng Lin.

At that time, I will have many competitors, and the sound of Feng Lin's piano before is already attractive enough.


After leaving the manor, the sky darkened.

Feng Lin walked on the street alone, feeling the cool breeze.

There was a tense breath in the cool wind, and someone was following him.

He came out of the manor, and the follower, of course, was the same.

In this way, Feng Lin guessed it.

He stopped and stood on this deserted street, where there were only dim street lights illuminating the surroundings.

"What's the matter?" Feng Lin didn't look back.

Under the illumination of the street lamp, a long and narrow shadow appeared beside Feng Lin, with its body crooked, approaching Feng Lin step by step.

Finally stopped.

Feng Lin turned his head and looked at Qin Yao with a smile. He didn't expect it to be him at first.

Because he fell into Qin Yao's logical trap.

I remember every time I saw him, I could hear the sound of metal crutches hitting the ground.

But now it doesn't ring.

Looking closely, he found a small black thing attached to the end of his crutch.

Should resemble rubber.

"Just a little curious, who are you? What are you doing in Yangshi?"

Qin Yao supported his crutches expressionlessly, his eyes gradually turned cold, "What are you doing so close to Jiang Ling?"

"Jiang Ling?"

Feng Lin suddenly realized that this person is very strong, and he should also realize that he is not an ordinary person.

Plus the piano skills just now.

If it was just like this, he might not care.

But a special person like myself has a very good relationship with Jiang Ling, which makes people think deeply.

"Jiang Ling and I are in the same class." Feng Lin explained.

"Of course I know. I still know that you have transferred to another school not long ago. Tell me, what are you going to do to get close to Jiang Ling?"

Qin Yao slammed his crutches to the ground, and the solid asphalt road was penetrated three inches by the crutches.

"It's interesting, so sensitive, it seems that you are not ordinary people."

Looking at Qin Yao's face, Feng Lin knew that he couldn't explain it, so he asked with a smile: "In Jiang's family, where is your strength?"

Qin Yao's eyes slightly narrowed into a line, and he said in a low voice, "Number one!"

(End of this chapter)

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