My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 87 That organization hasn't been destroyed yet!

Chapter 87 That organization hasn't been destroyed yet!
Noticing someone looking at him, Fang Gan raised his head instinctively, and found Fang Keke standing across the road.

There was a burst of sadness in his heart, and tears kept streaming out.

"Coco! Help Second Uncle, I know I'm wrong! I know I'm wrong!"

Fang Gan stuffed all the buns into his mouth, and rushed over to grab Fang Keke.

But Feng Lin took a step forward, stood in front of Fang Keke, and looked at him calmly.

His heart is not that kind. Before doing anything, he needs to think about the consequences.

Seemingly hearing voices outside the door, Li Xiu, who was still looking for money, came out to take a look.

Compared to Fang Gan, she has completely lowered her face, rushed over, and knelt in front of Fang Keke.

Crying with snot and tears, "Ke Ke, I know I was wrong, go home, I will treat you as my own daughter! No! As my own mother!"

These two years of life have completely turned them into waste.

Now that the money is suddenly cut off, and they still owe hundreds of thousands, how can they pay it back.

They have already called the police, and the trial is currently underway. By then, the house they live in may have to be handed over.

"I have already said before that I have severed ties with you, and I hope you will not bother me!"

Fang Keke gently pushed Feng Lin away, she knew that she needed to stand up and explain this kind of thing clearly.

"Coco! My good boy, the second uncle is really wrong, otherwise, you can lend me 35 yuan and let me pay back the money I owe to others!"

Fang Gan also knelt on the ground, covering his face in grief, "I will be a good man from now on, please!"

"Ke Ke doesn't have any money now, I think you guys are wondering why her brother's money didn't come in time, because he sacrificed!"

Feng Lin knew Fang Keke's character, he was soft-hearted in this kind of thing, and would only be entangled by them like maggots.

When it breaks, it breaks!

"What? He..."

The faces of both of them turned pale at the same time, no wonder the salary of that month has not come, it turned out to be because of this reason.

"By the way, Ke Ke, Fang Tao sacrificed, so there is no subsidy from the state?" Li Xiu asked hastily.


Fang Keke was so angry that his brother died.

Their first reaction is not to be sad, but to think about subsidies.

"Of course there is a subsidy, but it will only be given to immediate family members, that is, Fang Keke alone."

Feng Lin patted Ke Ke on the shoulder, "She now has [-] living expenses per month."

When the two heard this, their faces were ashen.

They are regretting, regretting why they got addicted to gambling in the first place.

Otherwise, they have at least 200 million in their hands.

Fang Keke looked back at them, without the slightest sympathy, and pulled Feng Lin away from here.

Both of them were sitting on the side of the road, the remorse in their hearts was endless.

Just then, a young man with earrings suddenly appeared.

"Equation! Didn't you ask you to find a job? Why did you run out again?"

Fang Gan looked at his son and shouted sharply.

"Dad, I just got the news that Fang Keke bought a small villa in the East District yesterday, 400 million! And the full amount!"

Fang Fang lowered his voice, "I heard that she tied up a big money, and only her name was written."

"What? 400 million?"

Li Xiu's round face became longer in shock, and she couldn't help thinking, "Could it be Fang Tao's subsidy?"

"It shouldn't be possible! I think that kid just bought it for her!"

Fang Gan looked in the direction where Feng Lin disappeared, even if Fang Tao really died, he would not subsidize so much.

"Since he knows Fang Tao, it's normal to have a few million in his hand."

"Damn it! Dad! That little brat is too powerful, and there is nothing we can do about it."

Fang Fang clenched his fists, thinking that his father was planning to rob.

Last time, Feng Lin had already cast a shadow on him, and he still felt a dull pain from the wound.

"You know what! That kid may be hard-hearted, but Fang Keke is definitely not."

There was a hint of coldness in Fang Gan's eyes, "We need to make a plan. As long as we can get 200 million, we will find a small town on the [-]th line to live in."


On the other side, Feng Lin accompanied Fang Keke to buy shoes, wrapped them up, and prepared to go to Jiang Ling's house.

Feng Lin didn't want to go, but it was inconvenient to tell Fang Keke when it happened with Jiang's family.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to follow.

"Brother, you can take this bank card, I will ask you for it when I run out of money."

Fang Keke planned to do this before, and kept several million on his body all the time, what if he lost it?
Seeing Fang Gan's family today confirmed her guess even more.

Now they owe hundreds of thousands, what if they force themselves when they are alone?
Feng Lin is currently her only family member, so it is only natural that he should be entrusted to her for safekeeping.

"fair enough."

Feng Lin put away the bank card, he suddenly looked into the distance, and hurriedly said: "Ke Ke, or you go first, I'm in a hurry."

Fang Keke puffed her mouth in displeasure, but still nodded, "Got it."

"Don't worry, I'll be there right away!"

Feng Lin reached out and pressed the knob next to her watch, and his phone vibrated.

Last time Feng Lin told her how to use the watch, as long as she pressed it, Feng Lin could know where she was.

Obviously, Feng Lin was in a hurry.

"Brother, go get busy first, don't worry." Fang Keke said with a smile.

Feng Lin nodded and hurried to the distance.


After crossing several streets, he came to a dead end.

At the end of the alley, a woman is holding a green Xiao and playing here.

That kind of music seems to pierce the air and touch the soul.

Feng Lin will never forget this song.

At the beginning, before meeting the old man, he and a group of children were locked in a cage like wild animals being fed.

This piece is their collection ringtone.

After listening to this piece of music, you must get up immediately and go to the designated place to stand in line.

After the song is over, those who fail to make it on time will definitely be pulled out and beaten to pieces.

"It turned out that someone was playing it. I thought it was something in this alley."

Feng Lin kept smiling and walked towards the woman, "I said beauty, why are you playing here?"

The woman didn't speak, but paused for a second because of Feng Lin's appearance.

The next moment, she continued to play the tune.

Feng Lin was about to move forward, but he felt a strong killing intent.

He turned around and found a woman in black sportswear, about the same age as Fang Keke.

With short hair, showing a handsome oval face.

Her eyes were a little dull, as if she had lost her soul.

It cannot be described by people, only by puppets and puppets.

Seeing this person reminded me of my former self.

It turned out that that disgusting organization hadn't been destroyed yet.

The short-haired girl knelt down on her knees, her dull eyes hanging on the ground.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly kneel down?"

In order to prove that he did not understand the piece, Feng Lin hurriedly walked towards the kneeling woman.

"This is Huaxia, just knock it out!"

Suddenly, the older woman behind her whispered emotionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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