My daughter-in-law, you can't provoke

Chapter 89 The Priceless Treasure

Chapter 89 The Priceless Treasure
However, other injuries on Wang Ren's body have almost recovered.

Before Feng Lin had time to kill, Zhou Nian blocked him.

Wang Ren also noticed Feng Lin for the first time, and hatred ignited in his heart.

But the pain in his arm always reminded him that this person is not easy to mess with.

He is waiting, his father has already found a killer, this person will not survive a week.

"Feng Lin, you are finally here!"

Jiang Ling noticed Feng Lin coming over, and said with a smile: "The banquet will start soon!"

Feng Lin sat aside with a smile on his face.

Some older people gossiping in the distance, and the younger ones on the other side.

Fang Keke acted as Jiang Ling's deputy and was busy here.

Only Feng Lin was sitting here with nothing to do, so he couldn't chat with that kid Wang Ren.

Looking at the nuts on the table, Feng Lin ate and waited.

Finally, Jiang Ling's birthday party began.

Those older people didn't come, obviously, to give the young people a little time.

If all those people are here, the young people here will not be able to let go.

"Jiang Ling! Happy birthday to you! This is my birthday present for you, imported lipstick."

A woman holds up a gift box in her hands.

"Wow! I saw this lipstick on the Internet last time. It costs 8000 yuan. I'm not willing to buy it. Thank you!"

Jiang Ling accepted it happily.

"Xiao Ling, this is my birthday present for you, the top perfume in the country, I wish you to find your sweetheart as soon as possible!"

Another young woman steps forward.

Feng Lin sat on a chair beside him, sighing inwardly.

These people are really rich, and they can send tens of thousands of gifts.

It's really difficult for Fang Keke to be with these people all the time.

I remember his birthday presents when he was a child, which were crispy noodles and spicy noodles.

The point is that he still likes it very much, thinking about his birthday all the time.

When I went out to practice, I realized how cheap that thing was.

"Xiao Ling, this is a gift from me. I bought you the shoes you caught in the picture last time."

Fang Keke handed the packed box to Jiang Ling.

"Wow! You remember all this, Ke Ke, you are so attentive."

Jiang Ling accepted the gift with a smile.

"Jiang Ling, this is my birthday present to you. I bought a crystal bracelet at an auction, and it cost a total of 16 yuan."

Wang Ren took out a box from his arms, which contained a string of silver bracelets with two diamonds reflecting light.

"Hiss! As expected of Young Master Wang, he is simply rich and powerful. 16 yuan is my living expenses for more than a year."

"This diamond should be real, right? It's so beautiful. I think it's worth far more than 16."


"Your gift is a bit expensive."

Jiang Ling didn't want to take over, but she also knew that the Wang family had always wanted to have a good relationship with her own family.

Therefore, as Wang Ren in the same grade, whenever there is something, he always likes to drill himself.

"Thank you Wang Ren, I wish you a speedy recovery!"

Jiang Ling finally chose to accept it. After all, 16 yuan is not considered precious in the eyes of her family.

Feng Lin continued to eat nuts. On the table in front of him, the nut shells were piled up into hills.

While eating, he found that Jiang Ling was watching him, and then came over and asked, "Feng Lin, where is your gift?"


Feng Lin stood up in embarrassment, pointed at Fang Keke and asked, "I came here with Keke."

He hadn't planned to come here before, but after Fang Keke pleaded, he chose to come and see.

How can I have time to prepare a gift for her when I encountered the previous organization?
"You mean, you didn't prepare a present for me?"

Jiang Ling's mouth suddenly swelled, and a soy sauce bottle could be hung on it.

"Tsk tsk, I don't even understand the most basic etiquette."

Many people saw Wang Ren's sarcasm when he was beaten by Feng Lin last time.

At this time, if he doesn't express it, it seems to make others feel that they are afraid of him.

What's more, what he said was the truth, he came here to eat so many things, and he didn't even have a gift.

"Young Master Wang is right, do you know? The money you spend eating other people's food is enough to buy a nice gift. This is the most basic etiquette."

"Yeah, don't expect your gift to be expensive, at least prepare one."

"It's really shameless. The nuts you eat are famous brands from abroad. A bottle costs 300 yuan."


Everyone around Jiang Ling accused Feng Lin one after another.

The corners of Wang Ren's mouth are slightly raised, and he likes to see Feng Lin deflated.

"It's okay! Feng Lin, you owe me a gift, and you have to pay it back when you have time!"

Jiang Ling smiled and gave Feng Lin a step up.

The main reason is that this guy is too casual. When he comes here, he just sits down and starts eating, just like entering his own home.

In the end, I haven't received a gift yet, and it's normal to be disgusted by others.

Fang Keke is not nervous now.

Because she is used to it.

Every time Feng Lin and himself appeared by Jiang Ling's side, they would always be ridiculed.

However, Feng Lin's behavior was indeed too casual.

In the eyes of these wealthy people, it is normal to be called rude.

"Okay, although I didn't prepare a gift, but I have a baby on me, so I will treat it as a gift this time."

Feng Lin thought of the bracelet he got just now, this kind of thing can save a life at a critical moment.

It was originally intended to be given to Fang Keke, but now it seems that it should be given to Jiang Ling.

"Baby? What baby?"

Jiang Ling opened his eyes wide in surprise, and came to Feng Lin happily.

"It's a priceless treasure."

Feng Lin took out the silver bracelet from his body and put it in his palm.

Hearing that it was a priceless treasure, all the people around gathered around.

When they saw a worn bracelet, they couldn't help but mock.

"Do you think we are fools? Did you buy this faded and inferior bracelet at a two-dollar store?"

"There's something wrong with you! Just now Jiang Ling gave you a step down, but you didn't appreciate it, and you still use this kind of rubbish to deal with it. You'd better go!"

"That's right! Jiang Ling, drive him away. You really think you're someone, and you still want to point a deer into a horse. What kind of priceless treasure is this?"


Different from the words just now, the tone of people this time is already very strong.

A few older people from afar, upon hearing this, came to this side one after another, asking what happened.

"Uncle Jiang, this man is here to make trouble!"

Wang Ren saw the middle-aged man with a short hair coming, and told what happened.

The same was true for the others, who talked about Feng Lin.

The middle-aged man's name is Jiang Yuan, and he is Jiang Ling's father.

"Okay! Since you say it's a priceless treasure, there must be something precious, right? I wonder if your bracelet is more valuable?"

Jiang Yuan walked over with a smile, but the smile was obviously cold, and he also thought that Feng Lin was teasing Jiang Ling.

"This bracelet of mine can save Jiang Ling's life at a critical moment. Jiang Ling's life is priceless, right?"

Feng Lin smiled and held up the bracelet.

"Save your life? What age is this, and you still lie to people about fortunetelling on the street."

Wang Ren shook his head contemptuously.

"Wang Shao doesn't believe it, do you dare to try?" Feng Lin grinned.

(End of this chapter)

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