I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 120 The first day after Mo Ran left

Chapter 120 The first day after Mo Ran left (for subscription)
After sending the message, Liangqian breathed a sigh of relief, Mo Ran should reply to her.

But what if Mo Ran didn't see it, probably not, since I couldn't see it when I was abroad, as long as Mo Ran was still in China, I could see it on QQ.

Holding her chin with her hands, she stared blankly at the screen until Ye Xueqing knocked on the door, Liangqian came back to her senses, and quickly turned off the computer screen, still acting guilty.

"Qianqian, have a glass of milk." Ye Xueqing put the soaked milk on the table.

"Well, I see."

Ye Xueqing paused, and asked tentatively: "Qianqian, Mo Ran is not at school anymore, why don't we go with your father?"

"Mom, if you miss Dad, you can go. I can take care of myself by myself." After finally returning to China, how could Liangqian go abroad again, even if Mo Ran didn't come back, she wouldn't go of.

Ye Xueqing sighed slightly, Qianqian is already in her third year of high school, and she will be admitted to university soon, so she must take care of her daughter.

When her daughter is admitted to university, she can take care of her husband.

"Rest early, class starts tomorrow, adjust your mentality." Ye Xueqing patted her daughter's shoulder and said with concern.


In the early morning, the man in the guard room was standing outside smoking a cigarette. It was still difficult to work the night shift, mainly because he was not in a good mood.

Watching them get together step by step, that kind of pure love without any impurities, how comforting it is.

In the end, I watched them separate, alas... life.

Suddenly, the man saw the girl coming out on a bicycle, so he ran back to the guard room and opened the railing.

When he saw the bicycle the girl was riding, the man was slightly taken aback. Isn't this bicycle the boy's?
The man suddenly chuckled, as if he wasn't so sad anymore, the girl didn't give up, otherwise how could she ride the boy's bicycle, I believe the boy would not give up, the man can be sure, after all, the man still understands the man.

Liangqian was not in a hurry to go to school, but waited at the gate of the community for a while, looking at the direction Mo Ran came from.

There is always hope, what if Mo Ran appears?

Just like before, Mo Ran would wait at the gate of the community, so it wasn't the hope in his heart.

But in the end they all leave with disappointment, Mo Ran is like this, and so is Liangqian now.

When she came to school, Liangqian put the bicycle away, picked up the chain and locked it.

In fact, Liangqian was also very curious. Mo Ran left. His bicycle was placed outside, and it was indeed locked, but the key was not removed from the lock. Liangqian always felt that Mo Ran was giving herself some secret signal.

I just thought about it all night and couldn't figure it out.

After walking a few steps, Liangqian heard someone calling her from behind.

Looking back, it was actually Zeng Rourou...

Mo Ran left, leaving nothing for himself, except for a rival in love, you say you are not angry.

"Hello, Liangqian, my name is Zeng Rourou." Zeng Rourou stretched out her small white hand and said softly.

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand, Liangqian also squeezed out a smile and reached out to shake her hand: "Hello."

The students around were paying attention to Liangqian and Zeng Rourou.

Knowing about Mo Ran and Liang Qian, they have already gone to college.

Now in their eyes, these two are the top school beauties of No. [-] Middle School.

A few high school freshmen gathered around and pointed.

"Damn, those two girls are so beautiful. I didn't expect there to be such beauties in No. [-] Middle School. Come on!"

"Do you like the one on the left, or the one on the right?"

"The figure on the left is also very good, and she is also beautiful, but she is a bit cold."

"Indeed, the one on the right is better, soft and weak, just like a kitten waiting for you to love."

When a few boys were discussing the girls' secrets, they suddenly felt someone behind them. Looking back...it was a short-haired beauty with a similar expression.

"Damn Gan, this year's freshmen are very courageous!" Lin Pengpeng said, staring at her.

The freshmen are also young people, how can they be frightened by a girl!
Just as he was about to say a few words to this short-haired beauty, he suddenly saw a two-meter-tall "strong man" approaching, and his sharp gaze froze in an instant.

"Excuse me." Several freshmen hurriedly slipped away.

The "strong man" is none other than Ding Liang.

Lin Pengpeng cut, everyone is cowardly, and there is no one like Mo Ran.

"Ding Liang, can you stay away from me, others will be scared when they see you."

Ding Liang scratched the back of his head foolishly: "Isn't this the way to our classroom..."

Lin Pengpeng rolled his eyes, and quickly chased after her. Zeng Rourou must be provoking Qianqian.

When he came to the classroom, Lin Pengpeng saw Liang Qian watching the group photo of the basketball champion.

"Qianqian?" Lin Pengpeng called softly standing behind Liangqian.

Liangqian turned her head and smiled: "It's a pity I didn't take pictures with you."

Looking at the smiling Mo Ran in the photo, Liangqian felt distressed. If she had pretended to be sick earlier, she would have come back sooner.

"I heard from Hao Lei and the others that Mo Ran didn't go to the basketball team originally, but he promised you that he would take the first place, so he went." Lin Pengpeng looked at the photo and said softly.

After hearing this, Liangqian felt even more heartbroken. She never thought that she would remember everything she said casually.

I couldn't sleep for a long time last night, and there was no way to adjust.

"I also promised him that I will get the first place in my studies." Liangqian said softly, besides waiting for Mo Ran to come back, she has a new goal.

Lin Pengpeng joked: "Really? Just ignore me like that?"

Liangqian was amused after hearing this: "I keep you in my heart."

Lin Pengpeng clutched his chest: "Damn, don't say that to me, tell Mo Ran, I really can't stand you guys."

At this time, Zeng Rourou looked at Liangqian and Lin Pengpeng with a calm expression, but she was actually a little jealous of Liangqian in her heart. Mo Ran, such an excellent boy, only had Liangqian in her eyes, and she was not inferior to Liangqian.

Back to his seat, Lin Pengpeng reminded in a low voice: "Qianqian, be careful with Zeng Rourou, she looks weak and weak, but she is actually very scheming."

"I think it's okay." Liangqian chatted with Zeng Rourou just now, Zeng Rourou didn't say anything bad, besides, Mo Ran is gone, what else could she cause.

Lin Pengpeng rolled his eyes: "You can't underestimate the enemy, this Zeng Rourou has never given up on Mo Ran."

"I believe Mo Ran." Liang Qian was very confident.

Lin Pengpeng held back his mouth, what's so good about Mo Ran, if he likes him so much, why doesn't he not like him?

At this time, Hao Lei suddenly ran in from the back door: "Damn! Guess who I saw just now?!"

As soon as Liangqian heard this, she became energetic in an instant, and turned her head to look at Hao Lei, hoping that Hao Lei would say the name in her heart.

 Thanks to the boss Lsland for the reward, and thanks to the brothers for their support!

(End of this chapter)

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