I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 15 I'll Be Your Teacher

Chapter 15 I'll Be Your Teacher
Walking into an alley, there are many small fried shops here, Mo Ran chose a relatively clean one and walked in, ordered a fried egg, and Liangqian ordered a vegetable.

At any rate, someone else accompanied him out, and he seemed to feel sorry for not having any meat.

"No need to order, I've been losing weight recently." Liangqian said softly.

"People who lose weight still have a lot of fish and meat at noon." Mo Ran chuckled, and understood what Liangqian meant, and added a plate of meat and fried green peppers.

"Hey, it's agreed that I'll cover the meal. If you want to invite me, ask me out next time." Liangqian raised her chin slightly, as if she was already paving the way for the next date.

Mo Ran smiled without saying a word.

After the meal, Liangqian hiccupped contentedly, and suddenly realized that she was not at home, so she immediately covered her mouth.

Mo Ran took a sip of water, thinking about finding a suitable job.

"Let's go, Mo Ran, go find a job." Liang Qian was very caring and served as Mo Ran's adviser.

On the street, the clothes shop is recruiting people, so Mo Ran wants to try it.

But Liangqian said seriously: "No, the salary is so low, and your time is not right."

Not far away, I saw another Internet cafe recruiting network administrators.

"No, the Internet cafe is too messy, and you have to work night shifts, which will delay your studies. Let's take a look."

Not far away, I saw a massage parlor recruiting apprentices.

"No, no, no, didn't you see the red light inside..." Liang Qian hurriedly pulled Mo Ran away.

For an entire hour, all the work was rejected by Liangqian.

"What kind of job do you want to find for me? In an office?" Mo Ran asked doubtfully.

"Of course not, look at those jobs... the time is not right, either the environment is not good, or there are too many people."

"Liangqian, now is not the time for me to choose a job, you know?" Mo Ran said seriously.

Liangqian bowed her head in embarrassment, and suddenly saw a pianist recruited from the corner of her eye: "Mo Ran, can you play the piano?"

"Does playing the piano to a cow count?" Mo Ran said helplessly, asking such a stupid question.

"Look here, this western restaurant is also recruiting, why don't we go and ask."

"Forget it, let's go." Mo Ran said lightly.

"Let's go~" Liangqian grabbed Mo Ran's hand and walked to the western restaurant on the second floor.

Being held by Liangqian, Mo Ran seemed to have no strength to struggle, so he was pulled up.

"Hello, are you hiring a pianist?" Liang Qian asked at the counter.

The girl at the counter nodded, and when she saw Mo Ran, her eyes lit up: "Yes, is this handsome guy here to apply for the job?"

Liangqian approached Mo Ran slightly, stood in front of Mo Ran and said with a smile: "Just to ask."

"Well, the salary starts at 3000, and the working hours are from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] every night."

When Mo Ran heard this, the treatment was amazing!Working an hour a day earns 3000 yuan a month!

"It's only 3000, which is too little. Others usually start at 5000." Liang Qian looked dissatisfied with this kind of treatment, but Mo Ran felt that 3000 was too high.

The girl chuckled and said, "Miss, it depends on whether it's worth 5000."

Liangqian nodded and smiled, "Okay, let's go back and discuss it." After speaking, she pulled Mo Ran back.

The girl at the counter looked at the back of Mo Ran leaving, feeling really sorry, such a handsome guy is rare.

The girlfriend next to me really watched closely.

Coming downstairs, Liangqian asked, "Mo Ran, how are you doing?"

Mo Ran quickly let go of Liangqian's hand, feeling her heart beating a little faster, and Liangqian seemed to have reacted, brushing her hair and looking to the side.

"The treatment is very good, but I don't know how to play the piano." Mo Ran said with a sigh, if he had a piano, it would be done within a month, but he didn't have one.

Liangqian said seriously: "Mo Ran, think about it, what if you start practicing piano now? I believe you will be able to play it in a short time. By then, the monthly salary is 5000. It is not good to reach the pinnacle of life."

"If you look at other jobs, you know that we are students, four to five hundred a month, one month here, ten months in other places, why don't we spend ten months practicing piano, what do you think?" Liang Qian said with a smile.

After hearing this, Mo Ran also felt that it made sense. Instead of taking that kind of cheap job, it's better to learn a skill well.

"But where am I going to learn piano?"

"The school has it."

"There is no teacher."

"I'll teach you."

Mo Ran frowned: "Can you play the piano?"

"Why, don't underestimate me. I have learned the piano for four or five years, which is more than enough to teach you." Liangqian said proudly.

"Why do I feel that you are approaching me on purpose?" Mo Ran touched her chin and said seriously.

Liangqian's pretty face flushed: "Whoever gets close to you, stop being narcissistic."

Mo Ran thought about it seriously, this job is indeed very good, if you can do it... it will be a huge change for the family.

"What's wrong?"

"When do you start learning?" Mo Ran asked.

Liangqian was overjoyed: "Then I have to talk to the head teacher, we can use the lunch break and weekends to practice."

"Okay, that's it."

Seeing that Mo Ran agreed so readily, Liang Qian was also happy for Mo Ran, but she still reminded: "Mo Ran, learning the piano is not easy to learn, I have been learning for a long time before I can play, you have to have Plan to endure hardship."

"I know, thank you." Mo Ran smiled lightly.

"Just say thank you..." Liangqian pouted and said.

"What do you say?"

"Is it what I say?"

"Yeah." Moran nodded.

"Alright then, come with me."

After a while, Liangqian and Mo Ran were sitting in the Internet cafe.

Mo Ran looked at Liang Qian who was beside her and asked, "Didn't you just say that the Internet cafe is messy?"

"Yes, but I dared to come because of you." Liangqian said pitifully, begging for mercy.

Mo Ran sighed, surfing the Internet is really a waste of money and time.

Here Liangqian has already logged in to QQ proficiently, and asked curiously: "Mo Ran, why don't you log in to QQ, let's add a friend."

"I don't have QQ."

"Well, I'll apply for one for you. If you can't find me in the future, you can use QQ to send messages or leave messages." Liangqian said seriously, and applied for a QQ for Mo Ran, and then added each other as friends.

Liangqian also carefully wrote down the account number and password to Mo Ran, reminding Mo Ran not to forget, and to use this to log in in the future.

Seeing Liangqian seriously operating at the side, Mo Ran showed a smile, unfortunately... was seen by Liangqian who turned around.

"What are you laughing at?" Liangqian said embarrassedly.

"Oh, it's nothing..." Mo Ran hesitated and said.

Liangqian held back her mouth: "Okay, play games with me."

"play games?"

(End of this chapter)

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