I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 17 Here Comes a Transfer Student

Chapter 17 Here Comes a Transfer Student (3)

Mo Ran said indifferently: "She is the class monitor, she sees that I am not making progress in study, so she wants to help me, it's as simple as that."

"Really? You didn't like her?"

Mo Ran was amused: "Grandpa, how could I like her, it's impossible..." Just after finishing speaking, a slim Liangqian appeared in his mind with a happy smile.

"It's fine if you don't have one. You should study hard at your age."

Mo Ran nodded and continued eating.

"Oh, I think this girl is pretty good, if she can be my grandson-in-law."


Mo Ran sprayed all the food in his mouth.

"Tsk, why are you so excited, wipe."

"It's not grandpa, you must have thought too far." Mo Ran smiled wryly, and the granddaughter-in-law even ran out.

Wang Jianguo said solemnly: "You are in love now, and you are taking care of other people's daughters-in-law."

"Isn't it exciting to take care of someone else's daughter-in-law?"

Wang Jianguo: "..."

"You boy, where did you learn the crooked tricks, look for a fight."

"Just kidding." Mo Ran hurriedly laughed.

The small and simple room was filled with the laughter of the grandpa and grandson, making it very warm.

On Sunday, Mo Ran didn't go out, and was reviewing at home... Liangqian's idea is really good, and I can adopt it.

It's just that Mo Ran, who is studying, sometimes gets a little lost in thought.

Liangqian on the other side was also studying hard, but sometimes she would look out the window in a daze, and then her face would gradually turn red, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

On Monday, for the students, they have to study before they have had enough fun, and they are like eggplants beaten by frost.

Liangqian was already waiting for Mo Ran at the gate of the community.

Within a few minutes, Liangqian saw Mo Ran riding over from a distance.

"Good morning." Liangqian shouted happily.

"Morning." Mo Ran looked calm.

As for Mo Ran's personality, Liang Qian has also mastered a thing or two, most of the time she keeps a straight face, and occasionally smiles when she is with Hao Lei and the others.

After greeting each other, the two rode to school, and the journey was quiet.

When she arrived at school, Liangqian said helplessly, "I don't have a lock."

Mo Ran glanced at Liang Qian, who lowered her head slightly in embarrassment, and locked the two rear tires together again.

The two of them entered the classroom together, and all the students in the class were almost there. Seeing Mo Ran and the monitor appearing together again, I felt a little tricky.

"I'll go to the teacher in charge to discuss it." Liangqian said in a low voice, and then left the classroom.

Seeing Liangqian leave, Hao Lei immediately sat over: "Brother Mo, are you really dating?"

"What are you thinking about? I'm not sick." Mo Ran said helplessly, probably many people misunderstood.

"Brother Mo, I actually want to say that the squad leader is actually pretty good, and I've been chasing you so much, Brother Mo."

"Sit back and stop talking nonsense!"

Hao Lei sighed: "Brother Mo, look at this tone, you have assimilated with the monitor..."

Moran: "..."

Not long after, Liangqian returned to the classroom, frowning slightly.

Seeing Liangqian like this, Mo Ran also frowned.

"How is it?" After Liangqian sat down, Mo Ran asked in a low voice.

"The head teacher said... If you don't sleep in class and listen carefully, you can consider giving the key to the piano room." Liangqian said seriously. In fact, the key has already been obtained. It is also a painstaking effort to say this on purpose.

After hearing this, Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was impossible: "Yes."

At this time Liu Yizhe came over to collect the homework, originally to filter out Mo Ran, after all it was Mo Ran's character not to hand in homework.

However, Mo Ran took out his homework today.

This made Liangqian and Liu Yizhe stunned, Mo Ran actually did his homework! ! !

Is the sun coming out from the west?
"What are you doing in a daze, take it?" Seeing Liu Yizhe in a daze, Mo Ran reminded.

"Oh... oh..." Liu Yizhe hurriedly put away his homework.

And Liangqian whispered happily: "Mo Ran, you are awesome~"

Moran: "..."

That said, it was as if I was being praised when I went to kindergarten.

Liangqian even forgot that she had to collect her homework, so she hurriedly got up to collect it... with a friendly smile the whole time.

The girls feel that the monitor has changed...

The boys also felt that Brother Mo had changed...

The head teacher, Mr. Yang, walked into the classroom at this time, and brought a tall and handsome boy with him.

This boy is tall, with a confident smile, giving people a feeling of closeness... and Mo Ran's personality is completely equal.

If Mo Ran is a bit ruffian, then this boy is a kind of sunshine.

The girls in the class are very happy, after all, there are not too many handsome guys.

At this time, Liangqian also looked at the boy on the podium, and said in a low voice, "Mo Ran, this boy is so handsome."

"What a handsome hammer!" Mo Ran said in a cold voice, feeling instantly upset.

Liangqian was taken aback, and Mo Ran who was beside her was actually angry, and comforted her in a low voice: "Yeah, you are the most handsome."

"Hehe..." Mo Ran didn't know what to say, she was very upset just now.

Teacher Yang said with a smile at this time: "Students, this is Xiao Fan, a student transferred from Beishi. His high school entrance examination results are the same as those of Mo Ran in our class. Welcome."

The whole class applauded.

Although Mo Ran was also applauding, he could feel a challenger coming to his "territory"!
This boy named Xiao Fan is an outstanding talent, with excellent academic performance, comparable to himself.

"Mo Ran, you have to work hard, you are already one month behind in class." Liang Qian reminded.

This stone is really well-placed.

"Xiao Fan, tell me a few words." Teacher Yang smiled at Xiao Fan who was beside him.

Xiao Fan nodded and walked to the center with a smile on his face: "Hi, my name is Xiao Fan. I am new here. Please give me your advice. I usually like playing basketball, reading books and listening to music. I wonder if there is any basketball in our class." master."

The whole class was silent, and the scene seemed a little awkward.

My brother Mo is still your brother Mo, whoever dares to answer at this time will be against my brother Mo.

Teacher Yang came out at this time and said with a smile: "There are a lot of basketball players in the class, you can have a good chat."

Xiao Fan had no other reaction, and accepted the embarrassment with a smile: "Alright, Teacher Yang, where should I sit?"

Yang Nan looked at it, and then said softly, "Sit behind class monitor Liangqian first."

"Who is the monitor?" Xiao Fan asked curiously.

Liangqian raised her hand and said, "Student Xiao Fan, this way."

Xiao Fan looked at Liangqian at this time, his eyes froze, and his whole body froze.

This girl...so beautiful...

It's over, I fell in love myself...

"Xiao Fan?" Yang Nan called out.

"Oh... oh..." Xiao Fan responded twice, and hurriedly walked behind Liangqian and sat down.

Just as he put down his schoolbag, Xiao Fan patted Liangqian on the shoulder: "Hi, monitor, I'm the new Xiao Fan."

Liangqian turned her head and smiled, "Hello, my name is Liangqian."

"Squad leader, don't whisper during class time." Mo Ran reminded lightly at this time.

 Third watch for collection and recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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