Chapter 192 (Subscription)

I even met them when they were passionate!Ye Xueqing was completely dumbfounded, just watching helplessly as a huge body crushed her daughter,

I was really worried that my daughter would be crushed. At the same time, I didn't expect that Qianqian would choose such a strong man. I felt like I didn't understand her daughter.

Especially seeing their fierce kissing, especially when her daughter was still so active, Ye Xueqing was in a bad mood, her blood pressure was soaring all the way.

If you don't stop it, I'm afraid something that shouldn't happen will happen!
At this moment, Liangqian looked at the black-faced mother, wishing she could dig a gap and get in, oh my god!

Why did my mother come here, didn't make a phone call, and sat at home without even turning on the lights, so I must have been seen just now.

What a shame! ! !

At this moment, Mo Ran was in a daze, and of course she recognized Liangqian's mother at a glance. After so many years, the aunt's face had a few wrinkles.

But the gentle smile turned into a stern look.


Auntie saw what she did to Qianqian just now, damn it!

Mo Ran and Liang Qian were so shocked that they hadn't adjusted their posture yet.

Ye Xueqing looked at Mo Ran, feeling a little familiar, but couldn't remember it.

But the other party is tall and big, Ye Xueqing will not offend her, after all, she and Qianqian are not opponents, it would be bad if she was pushed too hard.

"You guys are still sitting down!" Ye Xueqing sternly shouted.

Liangqian pulled La Moran, why are you still holding me down, did you get angry when you didn't see my mother?

Mo Ran quickly propped up his body, and Liang Qian quickly adjusted himself. The two of them sat on the sofa, like elementary school students who made mistakes, sitting upright.

Especially Mo Ran, with his hands on his lap, the standard military posture.

Liangqian hurriedly tidied up her clothes and combed her hair a little.

Ye Xueqing looked at the shy daughter, and the man who was sitting upright beside him. Ye Xueqing was puzzled, a soldier?
Ye Xueqing had seen this sitting position a lot before, so she immediately confirmed Mo Ran's identity.

Qianqian actually found a soldier?

Your grandfather found you a soldier king, you don't want it, but you actually found such a burly and tall one. Could it be that Qianqian's orientation has changed?
"Mom, why are you here? You didn't even say anything to me." Liangqian hurriedly said something nice, but the baby was also suffering in her heart, and was ruthlessly interrupted.

"If I told you, how could I have seen this scene." Ye Xueqing said with a sullen face, staring at Mo Ran, his precious daughter was taken away by others.

"Mom, don't be angry, let me explain to you."

"Don't talk, I'll ask him."


"Shut up! How did Mom teach you, girls need to know how to love themselves, look at you! Just bring a man home casually! And... and... I'm really going to piss me off!"

Seeing that Auntie was so angry, Mo Ran hurriedly said, "Auntie, I..."

"Who is your aunt! Stop yelling at people!!!" Seeing Mo Ran speak, Ye Xueqing became even more angry.

Liangqian thought her mother recognized Mo Ran, but she didn't expect her mother to not recognize him at all.

Think about it too, Mo Ran has changed a lot.

"Mom, he is Mo Ran." Liang Qian quickly added.

Sure enough, when Ye Xueqing heard this sentence, she was stunned, her eyes gradually became less sharp, and she began to look puzzled, looking at Mo Ran.

"You are Mo Ran?" Ye Xueqing looked at Mo Ran and asked with certainty.

Mo Ran nodded: "Auntie, I am Mo Ran, sorry."

Hearing Mo Ran's confession, Ye Xueqing looked at her daughter in disbelief, and she really found her!
Ye Xueqing didn't know whether to be happy or not.

My old father has already helped Qianqian find a good one. Although he doesn't know the specific situation, his father is sure he can't be wrong, so the family unanimously approves of this marriage.

If this marriage did not exist, Ye Xueqing would be happy for her daughter. After all, she also knows that her daughter has worked so hard for so many years, and now she finally found it, which can be regarded as her daughter's concern.

But things are different now.

But Ye Xueqing was very happy to see Mo Ran again, back then she had tacitly agreed that her daughter was with Mo Ran, but it was a pity that Mo Ran didn't know where she went.

"Are you really embarrassing?" Ye Xueqing finally showed a smile.

This made Mo Ran breathe a sigh of relief: "Auntie, I really am."

"Why are you so burly and tall? Auntie didn't even recognize you." Ye Xueqing said with a smile. Before, Mo Ran was not 1.8 meters tall, and he was relatively thin. Now he looks 1.9 meters tall, standing up like a hill of.

Seeing her mother smile, Liangqian was also relieved, and jokingly said, "Mom, Mo Ran has been living in the army all the time, and he got it out of training."

"It turned out to be in the army, no wonder Qianqian couldn't find it."

Mo Ran said embarrassedly: "Auntie, I thought Qianqian had been abroad..."

Ye Xueqing sighed softly, the two children are still destined, but maybe it's the kind of fate that is not destined.

Now the family is not the husband, but Qianqian's grandpa, who dotes on everything, but as long as the decision is made, it cannot be changed.

When he married Liangliang back then, if Liangliang hadn't made some achievements, his father would not have let go.

If Mo Ran was another profession, maybe it would be easier to say, but he was a soldier.

Father's requirements for soldiers are higher than mountains.

"How did you meet?" Ye Xueqing asked curiously.

Liangqian told the story again, Ye Xueqing also felt that it was miraculous, it could happen to her.

And Mo Ran is also a figure at the level of an instructor. According to his age, he is indeed pretty good, but the person in his father's mouth seems to be even more powerful, and he is not at the same level as Mo Ran.

Looking at the time, it was ten o'clock, and Mo Ran knew that he should leave, and he could stay overnight if his aunt was not there. If the aunt was here, let's be more honest.

"Auntie, it's getting late, so I'll go back first." Mo Ran stood up and smiled, feeling that Auntie was still the same as before, and things with Liangqian felt a little more stable.

Ye Xueqing stood up and smiled, "Okay, let's have a meal together next time."

"Yeah." Mo Ran nodded with a smile.

Liangqian sent Mo Ran to the door: "Then you go back first, and call tomorrow."

Listen to this tone, how lost and lost you want to be.

"Help me find out about Auntie's tone."

Of course Liangqian knew what Mo Ran meant, and asked mischievously, "Why?"

"Because I want to marry you as my wife."

Hearing Mo Ran's words, Liang Qian smirked: "No problem, wrap it on me, drive slowly, and send me a message when you arrive."

"Okay, you also go to bed earlier." Mo Ran pressed the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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