I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 194 Mo Ran and Liang Qian's Distress

Chapter 194 Mo Ran and Liang Qian's Distress (Subscribe)

"Old Liang, I guess Qianqian will not disagree."

"Your father has already made a decision, and I agree with this matter. After a year or a half, we should get married. If it drags on, I will be a 30-year-old girl."

Liangqian couldn't hold back any longer, and immediately said, "Dad, I won't agree!!!"

Liangliang didn't seem surprised when he heard his daughter's voice: "For so many years, Dad has followed your will, but now Dad can't do whatever you want. There is nothing to discuss about this matter. Your grandfather said, this The boy is very good, handsome and tall, and his future is boundless."

"Anyway, I won't agree, I found Mo Ran!" Liang Qian said seriously.

Sure enough, upon hearing this sentence, Liang Liang fell silent.

After a while, Liang Liang said in a low voice: "It's too late for you to find out now, your grandfather has already arranged for you, no matter what, you have to go and meet."

"I do not!"


Seeing that the father and daughter had a tendency to quarrel, Ye Xueqing quickly picked up the phone, turned off the speakerphone and walked to the balcony.

"Old Liang, calm down, why are you arguing with Qianqian?" Ye Xueqing persuaded softly.

"I'm too used to her. I was arguing to go back to China before, and then I was arguing to go to Beijing Film Academy to perform. I paved the way for her. My agent called me and said she quit. I'm going to be pissed off."

"Old Liang, you have high blood pressure, don't be angry, Qianqian did this because she found Mo Ran, she doesn't really want to be a star, why are you doing so many things?" Ye Xueqing said with a wry smile .

Liang Liang sighed lightly: "Did you see Mo Ran?"


"He is with Qianqian? Live together?"

"That's not there."

Liang Liang breathed a sigh of relief: "Did Mo Ran change for so many years?"

"The change is quite big. I didn't recognize it at first. He is taller and bigger. Do you know where Mo Ran has been for so many years?"


"In the army, they are all captains now."

Liang Liang chuckled lightly after hearing this: "I said at that time that no matter what field this kid goes to, he will be the best."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Mo Ran is indeed excellent, and I know what my daughter means, but I still stand on your father's side."

Ye Xueqing frowned deeply: "What do you mean, being a double-faced man?"

Liang Liang laughed out loud after hearing this: "You know your father's personality better than me. Do you think that if I agree, they will be able to do it together? Just dream, if I stand on Qianqian's side, your father will be alone and helpless." , more seriously, I am going to be a spy."

Ye Xueqing snorted and laughed coquettishly: "You are still a spy. If Dad catches you, your legs will be broken."

"Isn't it, it's risky."

"So, you also agree that Qianqian and Mo Ran are together?"

"Have I said that?"

"Then you say you're going to be a spy?"

"I'm just providing you with information. Whether Mo Ran can be with Qianqian in the end depends on his own ability. Isn't he in the army? The one my dad introduced is also in the army. Whoever can embrace the beauty in the end depends on his own ability." Rely on ability."

Ye Xueqing understood her husband's intentions, she was on Mo Ran's side in her heart, but she was on her father's side in her actions. She is really a cunning businessman and would not offend anyone.

"Go and tell Qianqian that if she wants to be with Mo Ran, she'd better listen to her grandfather first. You know Dad's temper. I'll come over someday and call Mo Ran. Let's have a meal and see what's going on here." Has the boy made any progress?"

"Well, I'll talk to Qianqian."

"Rest early, you will be staying there during this time, watch Qianqian."

Ye Xueqing knew what her husband meant, and was afraid that the two of them would live together, and when the time came, the raw rice would be cooked, and her daughter would definitely be able to do such a thing.

"Okay, you should go to bed earlier, don't be too tired, remember to take medicine."


After hanging up the phone, Ye Xueqing breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the room.

Liangqian in the room was sitting on the sofa sullenly, her eyes were saying anyway, I will fight to the end.

"Qianqian, what your dad meant, whether Mo Ran can be with you or not depends on his own abilities."

Liang Qian was taken aback after hearing this: "Mom, what does Dad mean?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid, you know, your dad also said, don't resist grandpa, your grandpa will become ruthless, and there will be no retreat for you at that time."

Liangqian knew what her mother meant, and now she was going to use a roundabout tactic.

"Then I want to go on a blind date according to Grandpa's wishes?"

"That's for sure. The more you resist, the more determined your grandfather will be."

Liangqian sighed lightly: "Then what Mo Ran wants to do, Dad will be satisfied. There must be a standard."

"You silly child, your dad and I were together back then. Your grandfather was even more cruel than this. Your dad never gave up. This is a child with no standards, but how long he can persist."

Liangqian found out, now it's Tuo.

"Your father said, come over when the time comes, and ask you to call Mo Ran, let's have a meal together, let Mo Ran perform well, your father's attitude is still very important."

"Well, I see." Liangqian said seriously, Mo Ran needs to prepare for this meeting, it is likely to be a meeting that will determine the future.

Patting the back of her daughter's hand, Ye Xueqing smiled and said, "Okay, don't think so much, go and rest."


On the other side, Mo Ran was driving the car to go back to the shop. As the captain, he was not assigned to the dormitory.

Holding the steering wheel, the corners of Mo Ran's mouth slightly raised, thinking about the surging passion just now in his mind.

It was soon interrupted by the ringing of the phone.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Grandpa Yan calling.

"Hey, Grandpa Yan, haven't you rested so late?" Mo Ran chuckled lightly.

"Listen, I'm very happy about this mission."

"Fortunately, I haven't lived in the city for a long time, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

Yan Guoqiang smiled lowly: "It's good to be satisfied, then you should also satisfy me."

The smile on Mo Ran's face gradually disappeared, knowing what Grandpa Yan was talking about, blind date!

"Grandpa Yan, what if I don't go?"

"It's okay if you don't go, then go to another place. I will let Jia Zhengjing take charge of Linhai City."

Mo Ran was desperate, this threat worked better than anything else.

"Okay, I'll go."

"Isn't that right? Other people's girls are not scourges. They look very handsome. After taking a look, I guarantee that you will think about it day and night, and you only want to have babies with other girls."

Moran: "..."

"When?" Mo Ran asked, this matter cannot be known by Liangqian.

"I just said a little bit, what are you in a hurry for, just listen to my call."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Mo Ran sighed deeply. It seems that this matter cannot be avoided, so he can only go to meet her.

(End of this chapter)

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