I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 200 This Is Too Vicious

Chapter 200 This Is Too Vicious (Please Subscribe)

The others sighed softly when they heard what happened to Hao Lei. Their originally bright future was ruined by a woman. If it wasn't for Zeng Rourou's help, it would be very difficult to get over the difficulties.

But Wang Haibo is very good at mediating the atmosphere now, and immediately involved Mo Ran and Liang Qian.

"I remember when I was studying at that time, I ate brother Mo and sister-in-law Mo's dog food every day, and I was full just thinking about it." Wang Haibo joked while adjusting his glasses.

Mo Ran chuckled and said, "Are you that full? Why didn't you see it?"

"How do you two parties know, especially when we went climbing together that time, it was really going to kill us."

Thinking of climbing the mountain that day, both Mo Ran and Liang Qian deeply remembered that they were a bit afraid to even hold hands at that time, and when they saw someone coming, they immediately separated.

Looking back at that time, it is really full of memories.

"Hai Bo, you haven't found a girlfriend yet?" Liang Qian seemed a little drunk at this time, her cheeks flushed.

"Well, women nowadays are so realistic. My goal is to find a girl like you, monitor. I don't think I will ever find such a girl in my life." Wang Haibo took a sip as he spoke, and it seemed that there was a story behind it. man.

Mo Ran smiled and said: "Then you have to lower your requirements a little bit, there are no good girls like Qianqian anymore."

"I don't agree with your statement." Xiao Fan said lightly.

Wang Haibo was taken aback after hearing this: "Xiao Fan, have you found a girlfriend yet? Who has loved you?"

Liangqian suddenly laughed coquettishly: "Hai Bo, you don't know yet, the two of them are already like this now." As she spoke, she stretched out her thumbs.

"F*ck! No way!!!" Wang Haibo exclaimed looking at Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng, never dreaming that they could be together.

Xiao Fan chuckled: "Are you surprised? Is it difficult?"

Lin Pengpeng slapped the table immediately: "Twelve, I think you owe it!"

As he said that, he punched Xiao Fan, Xiao Fan is not a soft persimmon now, along with that small fist lightly, Lin Pengpeng's whole body fell into Xiao Fan's arms: "If you want to act like a baby, just say so, we are all acquaintances , nothing to be ashamed of."

Everyone burst into laughter immediately, they didn't expect Lin Pengpeng to be cured by someone.

However, the next scene made the corners of Mo Ran and Wang Haibo's mouths twitch.

Lin Pengpeng actually came up with a trick of beauties stealing peaches!
"I fucking drive you crazy! Give me another one to try!"

Mo Ran, who was drinking, was sprayed, which was too cruel, and he really responded to Yang Wei's words, defeating the enemy with one move.

Xiao Fan's face changed, red with white: "Lin Pengpeng! Why are you crazy!"

Lin Pengpeng glared at Xiao Fan viciously, don't think that my old lady doesn't know what you are thinking, you owe me a slap.

Xiao Fan also breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't expect Lin Pengpeng to come here in front of everyone, he is really a man.

"Then what, you guys really love each other." Wang Haibo sighed, he couldn't bear this kind of beauty, it was too scary.

They didn't eat this hot pot until two o'clock, Liangqian and Wang Haibo were both drunk.

Everyone came to the parking lot of the shopping mall, Mo Ran supported the drunk Liang Qian, Xiao Fan supported Wang Haibo, and the two of them were drinking.

"Hey, Haibo, you already drive a Porsche, awesome." Seeing Wang Haibo's car, Lin Pengpeng patted the hood.

The drunk Wang Haibo laughed and said, "I don't dare to show off this broken car in front of you." When Lin Pengpeng was studying, he was picked up by Rolls-Royce, and he was the richest local tyrant.

"I'll send Qianqian back, you guys send Haibo back." Mo Ran said to Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan nodded, pushed Wang Haibo into the back row, Lin Pengpeng said: "I'll drive."

Xiao Fan immediately prepared a bag for Wang Haibo, Lin Pengpeng was driving, he would definitely vomit.

"Lin Pengpeng, the urban areas are diverging too quickly!" Mo Ran said to Lin Pengpeng.

And Lin Pengpeng made a face at Mo Ran, and kicked the gas pedal to the end.

Mo Ran sighed lightly, it was too difficult to manage.

"Ouch!" Liangqian in her arms suddenly vomited, looking as if she was about to vomit.

Mo Ran hurriedly helped Liangqian to the trash can, and Liangqian started to vomit.

Following Liangqian's back, Mo Ran said softly: "What are you doing drinking so much, you are hurting your health by drinking like this."

Just finished speaking, Liangqian pushed Mo Ran aside, and then vomited violently again.

Sure enough, just now when he was there, he was obedient to himself, but when he left, he began to lose his temper.

"Don't make trouble." Mo Ran stepped forward and said, following Liangqian's back again.

Liangqian turned her head and stared at Mo Ran, but Mo Ran immediately stared back, she wouldn't be used to it like Xiao Fan, she had to have a degree of unreasonable trouble, what did Zeng Rourou think, can she control it?

It took a long time for Liangqian to feel comfortable, and then walked towards the exit.

Mo Ran was also a little angry, he put Liangqian on his shoulders and walked towards the car.

"Let go of me! I won't talk to you anymore." Liang Qian patted Mo Ran's back and made a fuss, attracting the attention of the people around her.

Open the passenger door and stuff Liangqian in, and Liangqian tries to get out of the car.

"Liangqian! Sit down for me!" Mo Ran shouted in a deep voice.

Seeing Mo Ran's sharp eyes, Liang Qian's aura was instantly suppressed, and she sat puffed up.

Mo Ran helped Liangqian fasten her safety belt, and walked over to get into the driver's seat by herself.

The car was filled with the smell of perfume and alcohol, so Mo Ran didn't rush to leave, and lowered the windows to let in some air.

"I've explained everything that should be explained to you. I didn't mention Zeng Rourou back then because I was afraid that you would be like this now." Mo Ran said in a deep voice. If this matter is not resolved today, I don't know how Liangqian will make a fuss in the future.

"Anyway, she likes you, and I'm not happy!"

"That Huo Junjie still likes you, do you think I'm very happy? Don't you have any trust in me?" Mo Ran's tone was a little heavy, and after only a few days of getting along, they quarreled twice, and it will be fine in the future .

"Then I don't like him."

"I don't like her either! Why are you still so angry?"

"Can't I be jealous? I just don't want you to be missed by others, so I'm afraid of losing you again, can't I!!!" Liangqian couldn't hold back anymore, and burst into tears.

Compared with the waiting of the two, Mo Ran did not work as hard as Liang Qian. Liang Qian's contribution was not only her own youth, so when she found Mo Ran again, Liang Qian became selfish and wanted to help Mo Ran firmly. .

Seeing Liangqian who was crying loudly, and what she just said, Mo Ran's heart was also touched.

Holding the crying Liangqian in her arms: "I won't leave, I will always be by your side and never leave, I don't even look at other women, just look at my eyeballs."

"Then you are not allowed to buckle it. If you buckle it, you will not be able to see me." Liangqian choked up and said, hammering Mo Ran's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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