I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 208 Accidents in Missions

Chapter 208 Accidents in Missions (for Subscription)

Lin Pengpeng shouted angrily at Xiao Fan: "You are laughing!"

Xiao Fan immediately shut up, and the boss acted as if I understood. They were all people who had eaten here for a few days, so they understood a little bit.

After dinner, Mo Ran made another video call with Liangqian to make sure that Liangqian was at home before going back to the meeting room.

It feels like she is fighting wits with Liangqian now, but it's not the same thing that Liangqian has been guarding the shop.

In the conference room at this time, Mo Ran played the task information on the big screen.

This is a fat man in his fifties with a pair of thick glasses. His name is Wang Dabao. He is a geneticist and will arrive in Linhai City in three days.

"Everyone, the task this time is relatively simple. This Wang Dabao will come to Haishi to hold a symposium with other geneticists. It will take five days to ensure his safety." Mo Ran said lightly.

Bi Yuntao frowned: "This is too simple."

"Compared to the previous missions, this mission is really simple, but don't take it lightly, the identity has been arranged." Mo Ran took out the necessary documents.

"Lin Pengpeng, Xiao Fan, Qin Hao, and Yang Wei, the four of you will complete the protection task this time, and Yang Wei will be the team leader, and Yang Wei will also record the performance of the three of you this time. It's an achievement." Mo Ran issued the certificates to four people, who were bodyguards dispatched by a security company.

"Promise to complete the task!" Lin Pengpeng stood up and shouted coquettishly.

Mo Ran reminded: "I'm more at ease with other people, Lin Pengpeng, you'd better change your impulsive personality and follow orders!"

"Captain, don't worry, as long as Twelve doesn't interfere with me, I will never make a mistake!"

Xiao Fan, who didn't speak, lay down again.

"Be serious! This is a meeting!" Mo Ran let out a low voice, really regardless of the occasion.


"Old Yang, look at them, there is trouble elsewhere." Mo Ran still had to warn, after all, they were on a mission for the first time, and Yang Wei was calm and experienced in doing things, so he could still feel a little relieved.


"The meeting is over, remember to pick up the plane." Mo Ran reminded.

"I didn't expect our Yan Luo team to accept this kind of task now, isn't it a bit overkill." Song Ming stood up and sighed, as if he missed the previous task a little bit.

Mo Ran's face was serious: "Do you think, if it is an ordinary protection task, we will handle it?"

Sure enough, as soon as this sentence was said, everyone put away their contempt.

Three days passed quickly, and Liangqian suddenly came early this morning, as if for a surprise inspection.

"Hey, why are there so few people? Where did Peng Peng and Xiao Fan go?" Walking into the store, Liangqian only saw Mo Ran and the other four busy.

Mo Ran turned back and smiled: "Lin Pengpeng and Xiao Fan are dating, so let them go on vacation."

"Then there are two more?" Liangqian put the bag aside and began to help clean up the trash.

"The two of them took a few days off and went back to their hometown." Mo Ran found out all the reasons.

Speaking of going back to her hometown, Liang Qian wanted to go back to Qingyang City, but seeing Mo Ran's busy appearance, she definitely didn't want to.

At this time, the airport in Linhai City.

Lin Pengpeng was wearing a professional black suit and was holding a sign that said Wang Dabao.

Standing not far from Lin Pengpeng were Yang Wei and Xiao Fan, on guard, and there was a plain-clothed Qin Hao outside.

Immediately, the notice board showed that the plane was landing, and people came out one after another.

Lin Pengpeng saw Wang Dabao at a glance, and Wang Dabao also saw Lin Pengpeng.

It's just that Wang Dabao didn't come over to accept protection as he imagined, but actually trotted with the suitcase.

This situation made few people think of it.

Yang Wei ordered in the headset: "Xiao Fan, bring the target into the car before talking, don't cause unnecessary disturbance."


Xiao Fan strode forward, Wang Dabao turned his head to look at Xiao Fan who was coming, his eyes showed panic, he didn't even want the suitcase, and ran like crazy.

Xiao Fan threw the suitcase to Lin Pengpeng behind, and ran up.

Maybe it was because he was too fat, and he didn't do any physical activity on weekdays, and Wang Dabao was out of breath after running for a while.

Xiao Fan walked up to Wang Dabao: "Run, keep running, this kind of running can last for a day."

"Stop bragging, you're not a superman." Wang Dabao took off his glasses and wiped his sweat, then looked up at the handsome man in front of him.

"We are from a security company. We are here to protect you this time, and please cooperate with us."

"I don't need any protection, please leave!" Wang Dabao pushed Xiao Fan away, seemed very displeased, and looked around.

This made Xiao Fan more sure that there was a problem.

Qin Hao drove over in a Buick commercial vehicle, Xiao Fan directly pushed Wang Dabao into the car, and encountered such a target who did not obey the arrangement for the first mission.

At this time, Yang Wei's eyes were cold, and a bad premonition struck him. Looking at the surrounding open area and the tall buildings not far away, a reflection flashed past.

"Get down!" Yang Wei shouted angrily.

Everyone quickly lowered their heads, Xiao Fan directly pressed Wang Dabao down.

I saw a small hole in the car window suddenly.

"Drive!" Yang Wei yelled lightly. Is there any need to teach at this time?

Qin Hao gave the accelerator a kick and walked away.

Wang Dabao looked at Xiao Fan at this moment, only to see that Xiao Fan's trousers were already stained with blood.

"You, you are hurt!!!"

Xiao Fan frowned, just now he hit low from high and his thigh was bruised, but fortunately he was fine.

"Twelve! You idiot, why are you injured!" Lin Pengpeng hurried over to check.

"It's okay, it's just a scratch." Xiao Fan said softly, and pressed Lin Pengpeng's head down by the way, the other party was not easy.

After driving for a while, Yang Wei asked Qin Hao to change the route and go back to the city, fearing that there would be any accidents on the road.

And Xiao Fan also bandaged himself briefly, a piece of meat was poked off, shocking, and Xiao Fan didn't even frown.

"Tell me, what's your situation, why are you running?" Xiao Fan asked in a deep voice.

Wang Dabao didn't look like a bad person, he said with a sigh of relief: "My daughter was kidnapped by them, if I ask for help, I will tear up my ticket."

"What do they want?" Xiao Fan questioned.

Wang Dabao took out a bottle filled with red liquid from his arms: "They want to exchange this for my daughter."

"What is this?" Looking at the red liquid, Xiao Fan felt that it was not a good thing.

Talking about this red liquid, Wang Dabao showed a proud expression: "This is the greatest invention, a small sip can make you gain fit muscles, a big sip can make you have Tyson's fist in an instant Strength, if you drink it in one gulp, there must be no doubt."

Everyone: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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