I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 22 My tablemate is amazing

Chapter 22 My tablemate is amazing
Seeing this, Xiao Fan also frowned slightly. He also learned about Mo Ran's situation just now. Although the grades in the senior high school entrance examination were the same as his own, but during the first month of school, it can be said that he slept in class and never did homework. He typically doesn't like studying. .

Even so, the students in the class did not seem to be prejudiced, and even said that Mo Ran was very loyal.

But what's the matter with the monitor, why should he be so nice to a person who doesn't like to study, even eating like that, it shouldn't be.

It seems that there must be something wrong with these two people.

Xiao Fan breathed a sigh of relief, such a cute and beautiful squad leader shouldn't be with Mo Ran, but with himself, that's a good match.

It's just that now it seems that the squad leader doesn't have a good impression of himself, and he wouldn't have made a small report if he knew it. After all, girls have a sympathetic heart and pity the weak.

I have to change myself, become weak, and win sympathy.

Nothing happened in the whole afternoon class, Mo Ran also changed his normal routine and began to study seriously, Liangqian did the same, and asked Mo Ran about English after class, but he had an immature idea in his heart.

As the head teacher announced that school was over, Xiao Fan left the classroom without saying anything, because he was going to make friends with the school's "student bully" later, and building a good relationship first would definitely be useful.

And Mo Ran and Liang Qian both agreed that they were going to practice piano for half an hour before going home together.

"Mo Ran, I'll practice with this world piano score for you tomorrow." Liang Qian said seriously. Mo Ran's memory is very good, but some basic skills can be ignored.

Mo Ran closed the cover, smiled slightly and said, "Okay, let's practice some more pieces."

"Have you really never practiced before?" Liang Qian still didn't quite believe it, it must be too good.

"Look at the conditions in my family, my strength does not allow me to practice." Mo Ran said indifferently, if he had this condition, he would have practiced a long time ago.

Liangqian thought about it too, and smiled slightly: "Let's go, let's go home."


However, when the two of them opened the door, there were seven or eight female students standing outside, who seemed to be eavesdropping...it should be the second and third year of high school.

Passing by here after school, I heard the sound of a piano, and wanted to see who was practicing the piano.

When Mo Ran and Liang Qian appeared, the eyes of seven or eight girls were of course on Mo Ran's face, feeling that this classmate was so handsome.

"Please let me go." Mo Ran said softly, walking out with a somewhat unnatural Liangqian.

As the two left, the girls whispered.

When he came to the parking lot, Mo Ran unlocked the chain: "Practicing piano at school is not a long-term solution."

"That can't be helped, why don't you come to my house?" Liangqian said casually.

Mo Ran narrowed his eyes slightly: "Squad leader, you must be too impatient."

Liangqian was taken aback, and said shyly, "Mo Ran, can't you be more serious...it's always like this."

"Didn't you invite me to your house just now?" Mo Ran said as he walked towards Liangqian, and Liangqian just retreated until there was no way to retreat, her heart was like a deer hitting a bell, she dared not look directly at her.

"I didn't say anything." Liang Qian said softly, pushed Mo Ran away, got on her bicycle and fled with a blushing face.

Looking at Liangqian who was running away, Mo Ran smiled slightly, got on the bike and followed.

Along the way, Liangqian was so angry that she ignored her.

"Hey, are you angry?"

"I'm not calling hello!" Liangqian snorted coquettishly.

"Okay Liangqian, I apologize for my behavior just now."

Liangqian pouted her lips and said solemnly: "Well, for your sincerity, I accept your apology."

"Whenever your parents are not at home, I will come to your house."

"Mo Ran! You are a rascal!" Liang Qian was very angry, with bad intentions.

Mo Ran was speechless: "What are you thinking? Do I want to go to your house openly? Your parents still don't drive me out."

Thinking about it, Liangqian felt embarrassed for her own thoughts, and it turned out that she had made a mistake.

"My parents are basically at home on weekends, rarely absent." Liangqian said helplessly.

"That's it, forget it, let's practice at school. After I'm proficient, don't follow me, or everyone will think we're dating." Mo Ran said seriously, and he couldn't embarrass Liangqian because of his own affairs. .

After hearing this, Liangqian was unwilling: "We have no relationship, it's someone else's nonsense."

"Gossip, when the time comes to the teacher's ears, if you don't tell your parents, then it will definitely be a club to separate us."

"No, we won't be separated!" Liang Qian said sternly.

And Mo Ran laughed after hearing this, Liangqian didn't know what Mo Ran was laughing at, and it took a long time to realize it.

"Mo Ran! See if I don't hit you!!! Bullying me again!!!"

Mo Ran ran away quickly, but Liang Qian was in hot pursuit.

This feeling seemed to make Mo Ran very relaxed, without any pressure.

The way home was full of joy, but the joy was short-lived, and soon came to the gate of the community.

"See you tomorrow morning." Mo Ran waved to Liang Qian.

Liangqian nodded, and suddenly shouted: "Mo Ran."

"Huh?" Mo Ran turned around in doubt.

"Be careful, ride slowly." Liang Qian smiled slightly.

"Okay." Mo Ran waved his hand again and rode forward.

And Liangqian looked at Mo Ran's back, and didn't go home until she disappeared.

When I got home, my parents were already at home. It was strange that my father didn't have to work overtime today.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back." Liangqian called out.

"Wash your hands and eat right away." Ye Xueqing smiled softly.


The family of three sat at the dining table and had a sumptuous dinner. Liangliang put the chicken legs in his daughter's bowl, and asked with concern: "I'm in high school, can I keep up with my studies?"

"Well, English is a bit difficult, but everything else is pretty good." Liangqian said softly.

Liang Liang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then you have to work hard. If you go abroad in the future, you won't be able to speak the language."

"Indeed, you have to learn English well." Ye Xueqing said seriously.

Liangqian suddenly said seriously: "Mom and Dad, my deskmate is a master of English, I didn't even know it before."

"You are at the same table? Isn't that the poor student?" Ye Xueqing asked in confusion.

Liang Liang frowned slightly after hearing this: "Why are you sitting with a poor student?"

"Mom and Dad, what are other poor students? The high school entrance examination results are better than mine. I have finished my high school English. I even said NBA in English in class today, which convinced our English teacher." Liangqian said that Crazy to brag to Mo Ran.But it is also true.

Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing looked at each other.

At this moment, Liang Liang got up and walked to the sofa, picked up the phone and was going to call the class teacher to ask why her daughter was sitting with the poor students, and whether it was like what her daughter said.

(End of this chapter)

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