Chapter 279 Suspicious Man

"Let's go." Liangqian pinched Mo Ran angrily, so she could fall asleep.

Mo Ran opened his eyes: "What's wrong?"

"I went to eat, and said that I was pretty, and they were all sweet words, and I actually fell asleep."

Mo Ran chuckled, and took Liangqian's little hand: "You've made me dizzy."

"I know how to say good things, hum."

"I can't help it, my wife is angry, the husband has to coax her well."

"It's good to know, I forgive you."

"Thank you, wife, for your generosity."

Liangqian suddenly laughed coquettishly, and jumped on Mo Ran's back by the way, wanting to carry her back.

If the boyfriend is not strong enough, he may have to quit after walking a few steps, but Mo Ran is no ordinary man.

After searching on Little Green Book, Liangqian immediately found an online celebrity store.

"The business of this store is really good." As soon as she arrived at the door, Liangqian saw that the big shed was full of customers, and there were people queuing up to get their numbers.

"Why don't you change to another one." Mo Ran suggested.

Jerry, who was driving, smiled and said, "I'll go talk to the boss and see if I can accommodate him."

"Do you still have such a service?" Liangqian asked curiously.

Jerry shook his head: "The guests of our hotel like to eat here, and they come and go back and forth, and they get to know the boss here."

"So that's the case, so please trouble me." Liangqian smiled sweetly.

"It's okay, it should be."

Jerry ran to say a few times and then came back: "It's ok."

After getting off the car, under the strange eyes of other tourists, Mo Ran and Liang Qian jumped in line like this, but look at other people's cars, rich people.

Liangqian ordered all the signature dishes, as if she was planning to give up the treatment to make the double chin more obvious.

"Qianqian, if you continue to eat like this, you won't be able to wear the wedding dress when you get married." Seeing Liangqian put her hands together, Mo Ran still had to remind her, otherwise she would say, why don't you look at me a little bit .

However, Liangqian squinted at Mo Ran: "You think I'm fat?"

"I'm worried that you won't be able to wear the wedding dress." Mo Ran smiled wryly.

"Tch, it's obvious that you've started to dislike me. Alas, in another ten years, your eyes will be looking at other young ladies." Liangqian said bitterly, and began to act again.

Mo Ran quickly shut up and let her eat as she pleases, and she will cry when she stands on the scale.

"Hmph, you still want to stop me from enjoying the food, there's no way." Liangqian continued to eat and drink with a proud face.

Mo Ran sighed softly, picked up a big lobster and began to chew on it.

The surrounding guests looked at the two and felt that their appetite was really scary.

After eating and drinking enough, the two did not go back to the hotel by car, but walked on the road hand in hand, with Jerry driving behind.

The happiness of the rich is so simple and boring.

"Have you thought about our child's name, Teacher Mo?" Liang Qian asked jokingly.

Mo Ran knew that as soon as she said it, Liangqian would say this is not good, that is not good, this woman has changed, she used to be a more obedient woman.

"Let Teacher Liang think about it, I'm just a reckless man." Mo Ran laughed.

"I don't even care about the child's name, forget it, let me think about it myself." Liangqian held back her mouth, but Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and after giving birth to the child, she will teach Qianqian well.

Blowing the cool sea breeze, holding the beloved, life is so simple.

Back at the hotel, Mo Ran forced Liangqian to rest and sleep, otherwise she would have to make noise until early in the morning, and would have to take pictures tomorrow.

In the early morning, when the sun shines on the big bed, Liangqian entangles Mo Ran like an octopus.

And Mo Ran is like a food without resistance, being eaten by octopus.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Mo Ran was going to wake Liangqian up. I don't know when it started, it was not easy to wake Liangqian up.

"Oh, you don't love me at all now, and you actually told me to get up early." Liangqian shouted as she covered the quilt.

"You said yourself to get up early to take pictures."

"I don't care, I'm sleepy~"

"Get up, beep beep and watch me beat you!" Mo Ran said fiercely.

Liangqian pursed her lips, looking pitiful: "Mo Ran, you actually raped me domestically, I want to take a picture of it." As she spoke, she really took out her phone.

Mo Ran gave a wry smile: "My little Qianqian, wake up, okay?"

"Hmph, you know what to do."

Mo Ran helplessly gave Liang Qian a sip, and then coaxed Liang Qian out of bed, it was really too difficult.

Liangqian dressed very coolly today, even Mo Ran looked unhappy.

"Oh, that's a straight face. Look at me, I'm wearing mid-pants, and look at the others, which girl is wearing mid-pants."

"I can't see."

Liangqian is angry and funny, she is really jealous.

"So, if I go swimming, I have to wear long sleeves?"


Liangqian has nothing to say, it's too hard to have a jealous husband like Mo Ran.

When they came to the studio, the two began to shoot indoors, and went to outdoor shooting in the afternoon.

"Handsome guy, hold your baby tighter, yes, that's it, look happy, it's very good, keep it up." The photographer's tone of voice was a bit motherly, but it didn't hinder his level.

Mo Ran's face was so hard to smile in the morning, he would rather go off-road for five kilometers in gear, which is really tiring.

Liangqian, on the other hand, seemed so excited that she didn't even enjoy taking pictures.

Standing by the window, Mo Ran opened the window to let in some air. If you persist, tomorrow will be much better.

Looking at the crowd on the street, Mo Ran suddenly frowned and looked at the man under him.

This man was wearing a black peaked cap, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking left and right, very strange.

Suddenly, the man looked up to Mo Ran.

Mo Ran's frown deepened, this man is very strange.

"Mo Ran, come over and continue shooting." Liangqian shouted in her wedding dress.

Mo Ran replied, and when he looked over again, the person had disappeared, could this man in the peaked cap be him?

"Mo Ran, come quickly."


After closing the window, Mo Ran walked over and squeezed out a smile.

And Liangqian helped Mo Ran tidy up the neckline: "After finishing this group, I will rest this morning and persevere."


Not long after, all the shooting in the morning was over, and the two of them didn't plan to go back to the hotel to rest and have something to eat, so they were ready to shoot in the afternoon.

But Mo Ran became more vigilant. Although he is not sure yet, he still has to pay attention.

"Mo Ran, why are you absent-minded again?" Liangqian seemed a little unhappy. Isn't it fun to take wedding photos? Mo Ran didn't seem to be happy just now.

Mo Ran was taken aback for a moment, then said softly, "No."

Liangqian didn't speak after hearing this, but she became even more angry. Since she was pregnant, her mood fluctuated a bit, and she could get angry about trivial things like sesame and mung beans, but fortunately she didn't care about it.

(End of this chapter)

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