I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 307 That uncle is not a good person

Chapter 307 That uncle is not a good person
The charm of the widow is so great that I can only think about her now. I have never seen a woman who is as attractive as her. She is the mother of two children. It still feels so good, and it is full of elasticity.

Thinking of what happened in the bathroom yesterday, Mo Ran couldn't help but want to find Liangqian.

Then the phone rang, and it was William.

"What's the matter?" Mo Ran asked in a deep voice, he was in a bad mood, and you were going to hit the gun.

"Boss, I just checked. This Qingqing Group is bidding for your company, the boss, that is, this Liangqian, Mr. Liang."

"Oh? What are you doing?" Mo Ran asked curiously.

"It's a 200 billion project. We have to choose a local company to cooperate with, but it has not been determined yet."

"Then don't be sure yet." Mo Ran had an immature thought in his mind.

William understood in seconds: "Yes, then wait for the boss's news."

After hanging up the phone, Moran looked at the Bund outside the window, Qingqing Group, which was a bit interesting.

Although she is a widow, I like this woman.

"Mom, where's Dad?" In the elevator home, Mo Fanbai looked unhappy, and just fell asleep, and Dad disappeared.

Mo Shiyu knew the situation, and she wasn't very happy.

"Xiaobai, that's not dad, that's uncle." Liangqian taught sternly.

"No, that's the father." Mo Fanbai insisted on his own feelings, which made Liangqian stare fiercely, how could he let the child recognize a hooligan as his father.

Seeing that his mother was angry, Mo Fanbai was also afraid and hid behind his sister.

"Remember, that uncle is not a good person, so stay away from him in the future." Liangqian didn't like the children getting close to him again, so as not to be led astray.

Mo Shiyao finally spoke: "Mom, I don't think Dad is a bad person."

"Shiyao, why are you the same as your younger brother? Mom always thinks you are the most sensible."

Mo Shiyao didn't speak after hearing this, but her stubborn expression was still protesting against her mother's dictatorship.

Liangqian suddenly had nothing to do with her two children.

As the elevator door opened, the three of them walked into the room, and the children ran into the room angrily, closing the door, as if they were about to go on a hunger strike.

"What's the matter? Why are they so angry?" Ye Xueqing asked curiously as he walked over wiping his hands.

Liangqian poured a glass of water, sighed softly and said, "That man is not Mo Ran, the children don't believe it."

"Mom just took it. How could it be Mo Ran? It's just that they look alike. Xiaobai and Shiyao will be fine after a while. After all, they still want a father in their hearts."

"Yes." Liangqian sighed.

Ye Xueqing paused, sat next to her daughter and said, "Qianqian, your father doesn't tell you some things because he is afraid that you will be stressed. Recently, the shareholders in the company have started to speak ill of you to your father."

"In the past few years, they have earned enough, and Dad has always followed those people." Speaking of this, Liang Qian became angry.

"They all fought together with your father, how dare your father do it."

Liangqian smiled helplessly: "So let me come?"

"You finally understand what your father meant."


"Qianqian, you have been working for two years. You should understand a truth. You are the one at the helm. So many people depend on you for food. Some moths need to be pulled out quickly to prevent more and more moths."

"Then you have to find a reason."

"Your father has a lot of evidence, but your father still wants you to do this by yourself. It can be regarded as a test for you."

"I see." Liangqian rubbed her forehead, really annoyed.

Ye Xueqing patted her daughter's shoulder: "Qianqian, sometimes, you also need a man's shoulder to lean on when you are tired."

"No need." Liangqian resolutely refused.

"Actually, your father found a man for you. He is an artist and has never been married. I think it looks good in the photos, or..."

"I'm tired, go take a rest." Before Ye Xueqing finished speaking, Liang Qian got up and left.

Seeing her daughter like this, Ye Xueqing was also very helpless.

Back in the bedroom, Liangqian stared at Mo Ran's photo in a daze. They were clearly two people. Mo Ran's eyes were full of justice and love, and this man was the embodiment of evil. He even said that he would stay with him all night. Who am I?
Get angry when you think about it!
She actually kissed him, and cooperated so well, she was so confused that she was almost given to him like that, Liangqian immediately felt sorry for Mo Ran, and she wanted to give him a cuckold when she died.

Now wait for the result to come out, let yourself die of this heart!
Three days passed quickly, and Liangqian also got the result. As expected, the man's DNA was different from that of the children, so he was not the father of the children.

Knowing the news, Liangqian felt very depressed, wishing her guess was wrong.

But the reality is so cruel.

"Mr. Liang, it's time." Tang Wei pushed open the office door and reminded, because he was going to pick up the child.

These few days, Liangqian picked up and dropped off the children in person, and told the school that no one could pick up the children except herself.

After cleaning up a bit, Liangqian left the office with her bag, and Tang Wei followed behind, smelling the charming fragrance.

What a charming widow.

In the past few days, Mo Ran was also trying to figure out whether to use the hard one or the soft one. If it was hard, Liangqian might not be able to bear it, and if it was soft, she would be afraid that Liangqian would not be moved.

So after much deliberation, it is still necessary to start with the children and get the approval of the little ones first, this little widow can't escape!

So when school was over, Mo Ran bought a lot of snacks to bribe his children.

When I came to the school gate, I was blocked by people.

"Mr. Mo, you can't go in."

"Why can't I go in, my child is inside."

"Mr. Mo, the child's mother said that only she can pick up the child. Please understand Mr. Mo." The teacher said very sincerely, and did not dare to let people go.

Mo Ran really admired this widow, she didn't even let her children see her.

Seeing that Mo Ran's painting style changed, he said with longing: "This teacher, I haven't seen the children for three years. Their mother forcibly separated us, and I only found them recently."

The parents around to pick up their children were stunned, the version is wrong, shouldn't it be you who abandoned your wife and son?
"The children's mother is Bai Fumei, and I'm just a loser. I was kicked out by their family and I still can't see the children. Teacher, do you know how bitter I am?" Mo Ran grabbed the teacher's wrist with pain Said.

Everyone didn't expect that this was the correct version. It wasn't about abandoning his wife and son, but being ruthlessly abandoned by a rich family. This man is really miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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