I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 318 I'm an Absolutely Good Person

Chapter 318 I'm an Absolutely Good Person
Although [-] is indeed a bit small, at least in the hearts of Liangqian's parents, they are not the kind of idlers, and of course they are not the kind of vicious people.

After all, this is not based on threats to make money, but on ability.

Hearing what Mo Ran said, Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing were stunned for a moment. They could earn [-] yuan by live broadcasting this night, which is a very powerful existence for ordinary people.

But for their family's situation, there are not many, it mainly depends on the person.

Ye Xueqing suddenly whispered to Liang Liang: "Old Liang, I heard that all the live broadcasters are idlers, is it true?"

Although the voice was very low, Mo Ran still heard it and was shocked.

I tried everything possible to make myself less idle, and it turned out to be idle when I started a live broadcast job. Isn't that a sin?

Liang Liang coughed lightly: "Your name is Mo Ran, haven't you changed your name?"


"So where do you live now?"

"I just returned to China recently, so I have been living in the hotel." Mo Ran replied.

The two elders also understand the situation similarly, no house, no car and an idle job, this is much worse than Mo Ran before.

In the past, Mo Ran had a mission on his shoulders. Although he didn't have much money, he was devoted to his daughter, but this Mo Ran didn't feel so reliable, and he didn't know what his purpose was when he approached Qianqian. Maybe it was to look at Qianqian He is the boss of the company, he wants to eat soft food, and he also has the advantage, he looks like Mo Ran.

"But I plan to buy a house recently. If I get together with Liangqian in the future, I have to give her a home."

Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing were taken aback for a moment, this didn't seem to be a big deal, it seemed like something was wrong, they couldn't laugh or cry.

"Uncles and aunts, don't worry, I can do what Mo Ran could do before, I can do now." Mo Ran said firmly, and wanted to say, I can give all that Mo Ran couldn't give before.

Liang Liang glanced at Ye Xueqing, Mo Ran was not as good at talking as he was before, and it sounded very comfortable.

"Mo Ran, what will you and Qianqian develop into? As elders, we will not intervene. My daughter naturally has her own ideas, but we look at character. If your character is not good, even if Qianqian agrees With you, we are also firmly opposed."

After hearing this, Mo Ran was overjoyed, he agreed to the words of affection, and immediately patted his chest and said: "Uncle and aunt, don't worry, I will never do bad things, let alone threaten others, and I will not show face to others. Sometimes I will help the old lady, even if it is touching porcelain."

Seeing Mo Ran so happy, Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing also smiled wryly, feeling that there was indeed a big difference from the previous Mo Ran.

"It's almost noon, why don't you stay for a meal." Ye Xueqing stood up and said.

Mo Ran understood in seconds, and said with a smile: "Auntie, don't worry about it. I still have something to do, so I'll go first. I'll treat you to dinner next time."

Ye Xueqing was puzzled, refused to stay for dinner?So disrespectful.

If Mo Ran knew Ye Xueqing's true thoughts, he would vomit blood.

But Liang Liang smiled and said nothing, if it was on the former Mo Ran, he would sit down and eat honestly, this Mo Ran is an old fried dough stick, very smooth.

Walking out of Liangqian's house, Mo Ran clenched his fist, one step closer to getting Liangqian.

Now it's good to find a way to get close to Liangqian, what can I do.

Mo Ran looked around, there was another household on the opposite side, a sly smile appeared on the corner of Mo Ran's mouth, he walked into the elevator and took out his phone to call William.

"Boss, do you have any orders?"

"I don't care what method you use, just buy me the one across from Liangqian, if you can't buy it, get out of here!"

William's mobile phone was almost scared to the ground, and he said quickly: "Don't worry, boss, I guarantee it will be done within three days!"

"Tomorrow is Friday, and I have to move in on Sunday night. If I can't move in, you can sleep on the street for me!"

"Yes, boss!"

After hanging up the phone, Mo Ran hey hey hey, smiling very perceptively.

As the saying goes, you get the moon first if you are close to the water. I already live across from you, so what else can I say.

When I walked to the doorman and rode on my small bicycle, I felt bad.

I still have to buy a car so that I can pick up the children and, of course, Liangqian.

Seeing an Alfa driving into the community, Mo Ran immediately called and arranged for an Alfa. Hurry up. I have to drive to climb a mountain on Saturday the day after tomorrow.

At this moment in the company, two middle-aged men were sitting opposite Liangqian.

One is the vice president and the other is the manager of the human resources department. Both of them are veterans of the company.

But now they want more, more, more.

"Uncle Mao, I will take care of this matter, don't worry." Liangqian said to one of them. This man is a bit fat, named Mao Wenxin, and he is the vice president of the company. The person next to him wearing presbyopic glasses is personnel Department Manager, Malifa.

Mao Wenxin smiled slightly: "Niece, you always say this, and we don't know what to do. This time, many companies are rushing to cooperate with MR companies to develop projects. They can make money without losing money, and they can also take advantage of the MR consortium." This line is very useful for the future development of our company, and you must make a commitment to this matter."

"Uncle Mao, I will definitely win this project, and I won't let you down."

"Okay, if it doesn't work, let Lao Liang come forward." Mao Wenxin added, as if to say that Liang Qian was incompetent.

Liangqian felt uncomfortable after hearing this.

"Niece, the personnel department has to allocate funds." Ma Li said with a natural smile.

Liangqian frowned slightly: "Didn't you dial last month?"

"Niece, we are recruiting top talents, and they all need to be exposed to food and so on."

"How much?" Liangqian asked in a low voice.


Liangqian nodded: "Okay, I'll sign it when the time comes."

After hearing this, Ma Lifa chuckled: "Okay then, we won't bother our eldest niece, and we'll leave first."

Liangqian stood up and watched the two veterans leave. She knew in her heart that they were already veterans, forming cliques in the company, just like the manager of the HR department who found an excuse to ask for money, and then ended up with a job. Spending money and drinking, this is the norm.

It seems that Dad wants to wash himself quickly, and it is difficult for him to do it.

But what Mao Wenxin said was right, for the cooperation of the MR consortium, he must get it, and his father also meant the same.

It's just that the MR consortium doesn't care about themselves at all, and the managers over there can't even meet each other. These consortiums are really proud.

Suddenly the phone rang.

Liangqian raised her hand and saw that it was a fake WeChat message from Mo Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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