I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 327 Zhang Xueyi's Sadness

Chapter 327 Zhang Xueyi's Sadness
Mo Ran pretended to be embarrassed.

Liangqian rolled her eyes, there were carelessness in life.

"Come over and eat at my side." Liangqian said softly, turned around and left.

"Father, there is a show." Mo Fanbai blinked his eyes, and his mother actually took the initiative to invite his father to have breakfast.

Mo Ran also felt that there was something interesting, so he hugged one in each hand, and went to Liangqian's house to have dinner.

"Uncle and aunt, I'm sorry to bother you again." Mo Ran said politely after entering the room.

Liang Liang didn't care, and said with a smile, "I heard from Qianqian that you moved to the next door?"

"Yeah, I've been staying in hotels before, so I went looking for a house. It happened that there was a house for sale here, so I bought it."

After hearing this, Ye Xueqing said in a low voice: "The family next to us has lived longer than us. Last time I heard them say that they will live forever."

"Auntie, maybe something difficult happened, so I sold it." Mo Ran hurriedly explained.

The second elder didn't think much about it, after all, selling houses is also very common.

"Auntie, the food you cook is really delicious. I was eating it in my dreams yesterday." Mo Ran hurriedly flattered her, after all, she will be the mother-in-law from now on.

Ye Xueqing joked: "Auntie is still waiting for you to cook a meal."

Mo Ran can't wait to slap himself, what kind of flattery does it make him feel cold.

"I am very sure of that."

"Mo Ran, that uncle is waiting."

"Good good."

What a headache, I have to learn a few dishes quickly to pass the test.

After breakfast, the family of four went out to climb the mountain under the advice of the elders.

In the car, Liangqian remained silent, and Mo Ran was used to it. After all, she chatted with the children before letting go.

I really like the two of them, they are cute and smart, and the point is that they are very sensible.

Suddenly, Liangqian's cell phone rang.

The car driver paused for a moment, and listened with his ears pricked up. After all, the intelligence said that there were many men pursuing her, so he had to listen carefully to see if it was a man!

Even the two kids stood behind mom and helped dad listen in.

It is worthy of being the chairman of the father.

Liangqian glanced at it, it was just a phone call, to see how nervous they were.

"Xueyi, what's wrong?" Liangqian said aloud.

Mo Ran was relieved to hear the name, and drove normally, but the children stopped eavesdropping when they heard that it was Aunt Xueyi.

"Qianqian, where are you?" Zhang Xueyi's tone seemed to be a little lost, and Liangqian could tell it right away.

"Preparing to take the children to climb the mountain."

"climb mountains?"

"Do you want to be together?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then he said softly, "Yeah."

"Send me your location, and I'll pick you up."


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xueyi sent a location.

"Go here to pick up a friend of mine." Liangqian gave Mo Ran a look.

"Oh, good." He said yes on his lips, but he secretly scolded his father in his heart, isn't this a big light bulb, the plan has been disrupted, oh!
Soon, they came to the gate of a community, and Mo Ran saw a slim girl standing by the side of the road: "Is that her?"


Parked on the side of the road, Liangqian opened the door and got out of the car, looking at her good girlfriend who was a little haggard, she felt distressed.

I also know why Zhang Xueyi is like this: "Let's go, just go and relax."

"En." Zhang Xueyi nodded and got into the car.

"Aunt Xueyi."

"Aunt Xueyi."

The two little guys had sweet mouths, and Zhang Xueyi was much happier seeing the children.

When seeing the person driving, Zhang Xueyi exclaimed: "Mo Ran!"

"Hi, how are you?" Mo Ran turned back and smiled, unexpectedly everyone regards herself as Liangqian's husband, is it that similar?

Liang Qian reminded: "He came back from abroad, Mo Ran."

Only then did Zhang Xueyi realize that she also heard from her younger brother that it was him.

It's really like it, I even feel that this one is more handsome, and the skin is much whiter.

"I didn't bother you." Zhang Xueyi suddenly teased, she seemed to be in a better mood, and it seemed that the source of her happiness came from Liangqian. After all, judging from the situation, she deliberately accepted Mo Ran, which is also a good thing. After all, Mo Ran Ran has been dead for three years, it's time to come out.

Liangqian immediately explained: "We are simply climbing the mountain, so there is no need to bother."

"Aunt Xueyi, Dad has already lived next to our house." Mo Fan rolled his eyes and quickly added, wishing to tell all his relatives and friends.

Zhang Xueyi was startled, the progress must have been too fast: "Sister Liang, you didn't tell me, it's not kind."

"Don't listen to the children talking nonsense."

"We didn't talk nonsense, Dad, are you right?" Mo Shiyao pouted.

Mo Ran chuckled and said, "That's right."

Zhang Xueyi watched Liangqian and Mo Ran arguing, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she had returned to the past, and this feeling was much better.

Unfortunately, Brother Yang is unwilling to go back to the past.

"Xueyi, do you have a boyfriend? Would you like my brother-in-law to introduce one to you?" Liangqian asked jokingly. After all, building a good relationship with Liangqian's best friend is also an important part.

Liangqian glared at Mo Ran: "What nonsense are you talking about, someone else has a boyfriend." Who knew that he introduced a pitfall, making Zhang Xueyi so sad.

"Okay brother-in-law." Zhang Xueyi suddenly smiled.

This made Liangqian stunned, did Xueyi figure it out?

Mo Ran looked at Liangqian in doubt, whether you have this best friend or not, you can't be a scumbag.

Liangqian signaled Mo Ran not to talk nonsense, and said not to meet each other in the future.

Mo Ran seemed to understand Liang Qian's meaning, keep quiet, and finally make a good relationship, so you can't waste all your efforts.

With Mo Ran around, Liangqian is not easy to ask, and besides, the children are also there, so let's ask another time when I have a chance.

Half an hour later, everyone came to the foot of Narcissus Mountain, and there are quite a lot of people who come to climb the mountain on weekends.

"Mo Ran, take the two of them to the bathroom first, or you'll have to pee arguing later." After getting off the car, Liangqian gave a warning.

"That's good." Mo Ran hugged one in each hand, and walked to the public toilet not far away.

Zhang Xueyi looked at Mo Ran's back, then smiled and said, "Sister Liang, you didn't dare to order brother-in-law like that before."

"That was before." Liangqian rolled her eyes, she seemed really afraid to get angry in front of Mo Ran before, but now she knows she is sensible just by looking at her.

"So, are you planning on that?"


"Tsk tsk tsk, the whole family came out to enjoy the weekend, and they said no."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about me, what's wrong with you? Brother Yang is mad at you again?" Liangqian asked with concern.

Zhang Xueyi took a deep breath: "Last night, my mother urged me, so I called Brother Yang."

"Did he say that he asked you to find a good man to marry?" Liang Qian didn't know Yang Wei's tricks, so she was really convinced.

Zhang Xueyi nodded silently, looking very tired.

(End of this chapter)

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