Chapter 336

It was finished soon, Liangqian waited Mo Ran and took a look, you still don't want to leave, why don't you want to stay for dinner, my parents have sharp eyes, they can see through our relationship at a glance.

Of course Mo Ran knew that he had to go, but he just couldn't bear it. Now he was so focused on Liang Qian that he couldn't see it, and he was very flustered.

"Then, uncle and aunt, I'll go back first, call me if you need something."

"Okay, you can go back." Liang Liang said with a light smile.

Mo Ran stood up and left reluctantly.

The two little guys felt that their father was so pitiful that they just left like this, and their mother didn't let their father have lunch.

Liangqian breathed a sigh of relief, this guy is much more courageous than Mo Ran, and even more sweet talk than Mo Ran, he can coax you to no end.

It's so bad, I feel like I've been cheated.

But I feel that Mo Ran is very good to himself and the child, as long as he keeps like this, he can accept it.

Just after thinking about it, the phone ding-dong.

Liangqian didn't need to think about it to know that it must be Mo Ran, but when Liangqian's cell phone rang, the elders and children all looked over.

"It's the company's business." Liangqian picked up the phone and said softly, then walked to the balcony, as if I was dealing with business.

But in fact, he was replying to Mo Ran.

"Can't you stop for a while, you've only been walking for 5 minutes." Liang Qian was really speechless, she was too clingy.

Mo Ran, who was lying on the sofa, quickly replied: "It's only 5 minutes in your heart, but five autumns and winters have passed in my heart, you can't understand how much I like you."

Seeing the love words from Mo Ran, Liang Qian covered her forehead, oh my god... she believed that he cheated a hundred girls.

"Leave these words to the little girl, I won't work." Although Liangqian thought so, the curvature of the corner of her mouth seemed to betray her. No matter what love words were, women of all ages liked to hear them.

Mo Ran looked at it and smiled, and replied: "I used to think that my whole life was so lonely, until I held you last night, I felt that I would never be alone again, you are my whole world."

Liangqian felt goosebumps popping up all over her body, my god, Mo Ran had never been so numb before.

"Okay, okay, I get it, don't be nasty."

"No, I want to marry you. When will we get married?"

Liangqian rolled her eyes: "Then you have to pass the test of my parents."

"I'm going directly to your house for a showdown now, and I don't care."

"Don't, don't, don't, if you come to a showdown now, it's definitely useless, at least you have to wait for half a year." Liangqian unconsciously gave Mo Ran an idea to marry herself.

Mo Ran looked at the phone and sighed. Originally, he just wanted to get Liangqian, but now he found that he was deeply involved, and now he actually wanted to marry her.

"After so long, is there no other way?"


"Are you coming this afternoon?"

Liangqian still doesn't know what the gangster is thinking: "I want to rest, you should also rest well, don't think about it all day long."

"I'm new to this, so I can't bear it."

Liangqian also knew that when she was with Mo Ran, she didn't go out for a week, so she probably must have suffocated the big gangster.

"My mother called me, don't mess around, or you will be finished!"

Looking at Liangqian's powerless threat, Mo Ran also had a headache. At the same time, he was also thinking about why he was so obsessed with Liangqian, and the strange phenomenon that happened recently, there must be something wrong with it.

Every inch of the familiar skin, the faint fragrance, and the high-pitched voice.

A trace of pain broke out in Mo Ran's mind, which made Mo Ran very uncomfortable, covering his head with his hands.

"Fuck!" Mo Ran couldn't help cursing.

It took a long time before Moran recovered.

Ding dong... ding dong...

At this moment the doorbell rang suddenly.

Mo Ran hurriedly got up to open the door, and when he saw Liangqian at the door, he stretched out his arms and hugged her.

"Why are you sweating so much?" Liang Qian asked suspiciously.

"I feel like we've met before." Mo Ran said seriously.

Liangqian smiled helplessly: "Your love words are useless to me, don't talk nonsense all day long, I am no longer a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl."

"Ha, you have seen through all of this." Mo Ran adjusted his mentality and chuckled.

"Let go, if my parents see it, you won't have a good impression."

Mo Ran also knows enough is enough, not to be greedy, since everything is already his own anyway.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Liangqian carrying a sports bag and sporty attire, Mo Ran asked curiously.

"Didn't I say that I'm going to practice yoga today."

"Then I will accompany you."

"Okay then." Liangqian muttered.

Mo Ran couldn't help but patted Liangqian's head, she was clearly here to ask herself to accompany you, and she still put on a dainty little appearance.

Being touched by Mo Ran on the head, Liangqian was a little distracted. I don't know why, since she was ashamed with him yesterday, she had an inexplicable emotion, that kind of unbearable intimacy. The thought startled me, I felt like a slut.

But sometimes I really feel that this guy is Mo Ran.

Mo Ran locked the door, walked into the elevator room with Liangqian, turned around and hugged Liangqian, and then kissed.

But now Liangqian has no desire to resist, and all the lipstick she just put on is gone.

With the sound of the elevator door ding-dong, Mo Ran couldn't help shouting: "Sweet!"

Liangqian rolled her eyes, she brought two small ones, and now she needs to add a big one.

"Let's drive my car, yours is too big." Liangqian took out the car key and pressed it.

Mo Ran shrugged: "Mine is indeed too big, but yours is too small, I can't even fit it in."

The more Liangqian listened, the more strange she became. When she saw Mo Ran's wicked smile, she just kicked her when she got angry.

"Look, I almost can't fit it in." Mo Ran sat in the co-pilot, and felt that the co-pilot was full.

"Driving, I'm not sensible at all." Liang Qian glared fiercely. As a boyfriend, she didn't know what to do.

Mo Ran smiled and got into the driver's seat.

"Mr. Liang, where are you going?" Mo Ran teased.

"You drive, I will show the way."

"Is the immortal showing the way?" Mo Ran asked with a smirk.

Liangqian stared sideways at Mo Ran, full of threats, if you continue to fuck you like this!
"Okay, okay, I won't say anything." Mo Ran chuckled, grabbed the back of Liangqian's hand and kissed her, causing Liangqian to roll her eyes. The biggest difference between them is that one is shameless and the other is shameless.

After leaving the community, Liangqian said softly, "Mo Ran, there are some things I still want to tell you first."

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

(End of this chapter)

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