I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 347 I want to watch your live broadcast

Chapter 347 I want to watch your live broadcast
"Mom, should I kiss my father?" Mo Fanbai laughed.

"You brat, who taught you this?" Liangqian said with a straight face.

Mo Fanbai said seriously, "I watched it on TV."

"You are not allowed to watch it after that." I know this at the age of three, and I will be fine when I grow up, maybe I will become a playboy.

"Okay, come and eat quickly, or it will be cold." Mo Ran greeted.

"Go and eat." Liangqian patted the heads of the two children and said with a sweet smile.

Seeing Mo Ran's smile, Liang Qian murmured, "Thank you."

"Thank you for taking action."

While the children were not paying attention, Liangqian stood on tiptoe and sucked Moran.

Then he walked away quickly, his face blushing slightly.

Seeing Liangqian's shyness, Mo Ran seemed to understand that this might be destiny, no matter where she went, even if she was forgotten, there was still her in her mind, and she would be found.

After eating, Liangqian continued to work, and Mo Ran accompanied the children to do their homework. They didn't finish it in an hour, so they waited for Liangqian to finish.

It wasn't until ten o'clock that Liangqian stretched herself out, and at a glance, the children were all asleep leaning on Mo Ran.



"Let's go." Mo Ran picked up the two little guys, and Liangqian didn't want to wake them up, so she was extra light.

Although he didn't say anything along the way, it still felt very warm. Mo Ran kept holding Liangqian's little hand, drawing circles in the palm of his hand, which made Liangqian roll her eyes.

Back at Liangqian's house, Mo Ran settled down the children first, and Liangqian sent Mo Ran out.

"You are very tired today, take a good rest, I won't turn over."

"Then you should rest early, you are tired enough."


"Wait a minute." Liangqian shouted.

Mo Ran turned back in doubt.

Liangqian looked around the room, took the initiative to hug Mo Ran's neck, pulled out a cupping jar, and then went back to the room shyly.

Mo Ran gave a wry smile, coming here in the middle of the night obviously didn't want people to sleep well.

Immediately, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Liangqian: "You are too hot."

Soon Liangqian replied with a mischievous expression.

Mo Ran had no choice but to go home, took a shower and lay on the bed. Although she really wanted to go there, she also had to consider that Liangqian was very tired and needed a good rest.

I just couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. I checked the time and it was past 12 o'clock.

There was a ding dong, and the mobile phone called WeChat.

Mo Ran was immediately excited when he saw it, two words from Liangqian.

Open the door!
The quilt was lifted immediately and ran to the door, only to see Liangqian sneaking around outside the door, wearing a sportswear.

Mo Ran thought he would be rewarded, but he didn't expect to be dragged out for a run.

"Oh, get out of the way." Seeing that Mo Ran was standing still at the door, Liang Qian was speechless, she just pushed with both hands, and then gently closed the door, for fear of being heard by her parents.

Mo Ran was at a loss, what the hell was going on?
"Why are you dressed like this?"

"You're stupid, I must have an excuse when I go back tomorrow morning." Liang Qian wanted to bang Mo Ran on the head, it was so obvious that you didn't understand.

Hearing this, Mo Ran instantly understood: "My wife still loves me."

"For the sake of your good performance today, I will come to accompany you."

Mo Ran picked up Liangqian: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up."

"Rogue." Liangqian said shyly.

At six o'clock the next morning, Liangqian didn't want to get up, but she had no choice but to get dressed and go home.

"Qianqian, where did you go early in the morning?" Ye Xueqing, who was making breakfast, asked doubtfully, why did her daughter come back from the outside.

Liangqian pretended to be full of energy: "Run outside and exercise."

"It's for exercising, go take a shower, go to work for work, and go to school for those who go to school."


Liangqian breathed a sigh of relief, she had never done this before when she was studying, and it was a bit exciting to think about it.

It's just that after so many years, it's helpless to be so sneaky.

When Mo Ran woke up here, all the beauties around her were gone, smelling the faint lingering fragrance, Mo Ran was also in the mood, and now the relationship with Liangqian is getting closer and closer.

As before, send the children to school, and then send Liangqian to work.

"What did Tang Wei do in the end?" Mo Ran asked curiously.

Liangqian closed her eyes and said softly, "What else can I do, open it."

"Then you lost another fan."

"It's okay, I'll call him back again."

Mo Ran tapped Liangqian on the forehead immediately.

Liangqian opened her beautiful eyes: "Oh, I found that you are very arrogant, you dare to touch me, haven't you seen how powerful I am!"

"You are amazing, I saw it last night."

"If you weren't driving, I would have overturned you." Liang Qian snorted tenderly.

"Qianqian, I think we should talk to your parents about our matter?"

"Oh, wait a little longer, there will be a showdown then, why worry, you are afraid that I will fail to escape." Seeing that Mo Ran was so impatient, Liangqian was also very happy, showing that she cared about herself.

"I want to marry you." Mo Ran said earnestly, this idea seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, feeling like he was completing something that hadn't been done before.

Liangqian glanced at Mo Ran, then gently held Mo Ran's big hand: "I know, I want to too, but wait another month, or my parents will think we are too fast."

"Really a month?"

"Well, one month."

"Okay, you have to come and accompany me every night for this month."

"Good idea." Liangqian snorted coquettishly, she only went there last night to see how hard you worked, and she still wants to go every day.

"Oh, love talking."

Liangqian poked Mo Ran angrily, and said her own lines.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and that night Liangqian said she was going shopping with Zhang Xueyi, but she actually sneaked to Mo Ran's house for a tryst.

The two are sitting on the sofa cupping, and now they do not let go of cupping dozens of times a day, they are passionately in love.

"It's nine o'clock in a moment." Leaning on Mo Ran, Liang Qian said faintly, as if to say that time passed too fast.

"After passing the hurdle of your parents, we will be able to be together aboveboard. Why do you feel that you are sneaking around now?" Mo Ran said with a helpless smile.

"What can I do, they worry that you are a liar."

"Then it seems that I, a liar, was very successful and cheated your heart away."

"Hmph!" Liangqian snorted tenderly.

"Aren't you boring sitting in the car waiting for me during the day?" Liangqian asked curiously.

"It's okay, check your phone."

"Didn't you say that you are doing a live broadcast? Don't you broadcast it at night?"

The corner of Mo Ran's mouth twitched, and he did broadcast it when Liangqian was not around, but it was mainly to watch some young ladies dancing.

(End of this chapter)

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