I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 350 Liangqian's Transformation

Chapter 350 Liangqian's Transformation
However, after waiting for 5 minutes, there was no reply!This goddamn person actually ignores himself, doesn't get angry with you anymore, and doesn't even care about others.

At night, Liangqian tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. She wanted to call Mo Ran, but she was angry again. If she didn't call, she would be even more angry.

This guy now possesses his body and mind, and feels completely cheated by him.

Ding dong.

The sound of WeChat immediately touched Liangqian's heart, she immediately held the phone in her hand, and it was Mo Ran's reply.

Liangqian immediately scolded Mo Ran in her heart, this bastard is only replying now!

Open WeChat and take a look.

"Try to come back as soon as possible."

Liangqian thought she could see a bunch of flattering words, but who knew it was only five words.

I'll go, awesome Mo Ran.

Immediately edited a lot of questioning words, but did not send them out after a long time, and deleted a lot of questioning words after thinking for a long time.

Simple reply.

"Be careful outside, I'll wait for you to come back." Liangqian chuckled subconsciously after posting, she lost Mo Ran because of her willfulness back then, but she didn't want to lose another Mo Ran.

With a ding dong, there was another reply.

Seeing Mo Ran's reply, Liang Qian burst into laughter.

"It's not too early for you, take a good rest, take care of the children, love you."

"Well, I will, love you."

After sending out, Liangqian covered the quilt with a shy face.

If we had chosen this way to communicate with Mo Ran back then, perhaps not so many things would have happened.

At this moment, Mo Ran looked at the phone and smirked, how could this little Qianqian be so gentle all of a sudden, she was quite fierce before.

"Boss, what should we do with him?" William asked respectfully as he stood beside him.

At this time, Mo Ran was standing on the deck of the freighter, with the sea breeze blowing on his face, and there were many strong men standing around him, and there were four or five people kneeling on the ground trembling.

Mo Ran stuffed the phone into his trouser pocket, silently took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Mr. Mo, I know I was wrong. I don't dare anymore. Please let me go."

"I... I will give you all the money, don't kill me."

"Mr. Mo, I'll give you whatever you want."

Mo Ran spread out the ashes and said to William, "I gave you a chance to fill it with cement and throw it into the sea."

After finishing speaking, Mo Ran smoked a cigarette and walked back to the cabin. There was a terrified sound of life behind him, and the other two were directly fainted from fright, pouring urine and feces.

Lying on the simple bed, Mo Ran looked at Liangqian's photo and gently stroked her face. In the future, I should do less of this kind of thing and accumulate some virtue for the children.

At this time, Liangqian was having a sweet dream, dreaming that she and Mo Ran were married, and her two children were by her side, accepting everyone's blessings.

It feels so good.

Five days later.

"Qianqian, are you here? I'm just waiting for you." Lin Pengpeng urged on the phone.

Liangqian was waiting for Mo Ran, but she didn't reply to her message, she really wanted to give him a hard time.

"I'm waiting for Mo Ran."

"You come here first, and then let Mo Ran come by himself."

Liangqian looked at the time, and Mo Ran was really convinced: "Okay, I'll come right away."

When Liangqian arrived at the agreed place, she saw a minibus.

"Squad leader, it's really hard for you to wait." Hao Lei waved his hand and smiled.

All the students were in the car: "You are all here, where are you going?"

Lin Pengpeng got out of the car, pulled Liangqian with a smile and said, "Going back to school to take wedding photos, how about it, dick or dick?"

Everyone: '...'

But Liangqian thinks that Lin Pengpeng's idea is very good. It would be great if she also chose some commemorative places to take photos. She has to travel so far to take pictures and see Pengpeng.

"Good idea." Liangqian smiled slightly.

Lin Pengpeng said in a low voice: "Twelve thought about it, this guy still wants me to reward him, Xiao Mian."

"Why do men like to ask for rewards?" Liangqian said with a wry smile.

"You're hungry for our bodies."

"That makes sense." Liangqian smiled coquettishly.

Zeng Rourou opened the window and shouted: "Squad leader, what are you two talking about secretly, let's go."

Lin Pengpeng responded: "Where is Mo Ran?"

"Who knows him? He won't answer calls or reply to WeChat messages. Let's go first and I'll send him a location."

"That's fine."

After getting in the car, the group went straight to Qingyang City, the school where they studied together and were full of memories.

Half an hour later, Mo Ran got off the plane and saw Liangqian open a lot of phone calls, she smiled wryly and provoked her daughter-in-law again.

Call back quickly.

Liangqian, who was sitting in the car, was also relieved to see Mo Ran calling.

"Hey, why did you answer the phone?" Liangqian said in a resentful tone, and the car suddenly became quiet.

Mo Ran said helplessly, "I'm on the plane, Mr. Liang."

"We all set off and sent you a location, come here by yourself."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task." Mo Ran joked.

"Pay attention to safety, do you know?"


Liangqian glanced at her, and she was all looking at her side. You are only allowed to show off, and she wants to show off too.

He just babbled into the phone, and all the students groaned, and goosebumps fell all over the floor.

Mo Ran was so happy that someone prepared an express train.

Who knew that driving an SVJ, Mo Ran had no choice but to sit in the supercar and speed away towards the location Liangqian had posted.

Mo Ran was annoyed by the refueling along the way.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Liangqian had already arrived at the gate of the school. Because it was the weekend, there was no one in the school.

The doorman was also curious when he saw such a group of people gathered at the door, but he seemed to recognize a few of them.

After all, he was also a man of the school back then, and his memory is still fresh.

The old guard came out with a smile, and asked curiously, "Are you from Class 704?"

When everyone looked back, Hao Lei suddenly exclaimed: "Old Ma, don't you still remember me? Hao Lei, I gave you cigarettes before and asked me to go online when I was out of school."

As soon as the words were finished, Hao Lei immediately groaned, and Zeng Rourou who was beside him did not take it lightly: "Okay you, no wonder you skipped class from time to time, so you went out to surf the Internet."

Everyone burst into laughter.

"You are Xiao Fan?" Lao Ma asked curiously.

Xiao Fan is still the same, maybe because he is happy, he still smiles now: "Well, I am Xiao Fan."

"Then you must be Lin Pengpeng."

Lin Pengpeng asked curiously: "How can you be sure it's me?"

"During school, weren't you always by his side?"

The students booed immediately, and Liang Qian even teased: "Oh~ So Peng Peng, you had someone else with you when you were studying."

"No, talk nonsense, Twelve, please explain it to me."

Xiao Fan put his arms around Lin Pengpeng's waist and said with a smile: "There is nothing to hide, I also liked you at that time."

"That's why you liked me first."

(End of this chapter)

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