I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 353 Liang Qian's Suspicion

Chapter 353 Liang Qian's Suspicion

Liangqian turned her head and stared: "Student Hao Lei, it's morning reading, sit up straight!"

"Yes, sir." Hao Lei shrugged.

At this time, Liangqian yelled at Mo Ran again: "Get up! Homework is handed in!"

Mo Ran raised her head slowly, Liangqian couldn't help swallowing, the picture was too familiar.

"Are you annoying!" Mo Ran raised his head and said in a cold voice.

Liangqian was dumbfounded.

Hao Lei was also dumbfounded.

Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng were completely dumbfounded.

Not to mention Wang Haibo, Liu Yizhe, and Ding Liang. Zhang Xueyi also heard what they discussed just now, and now she also feels incredible.

Neither Xiao Fan nor Lin Pengpeng had transferred to another school that day, so they didn't know.

But others know.

Hao Lei did tell Mo Ran what happened just now, but he deliberately didn't say this line, it was Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng's idea.

So is this a coincidence or something else?
But Liangqian didn't know.

At this time, Liangqian and Mo Ran were looking at each other, and they seemed to be very involved in their roles.

"Hand in your homework!" Liangqian shouted coldly.

"Can't you understand, no!" Mo Ran also acted indifferently.

Liangqian immediately raised her hand and waved it over, Mo Ran was a little confused, it seems that there is no such plot!

Mo Ran hurriedly held it down.

"Do you have!"

"My wife, forget it, I have it."

"Forget it, hand in your homework!"

"No, there are too many people, I will go back to hand in your homework at night."

Everyone: "..."

It's not like what Mo Ran could say at all.

Liangqian took a slap in anger, and immediately laughed: "Which one of you taught him his lines, it's quite similar."

Mo Ran suddenly became ill, it must be Xiao Fan again, he began to doubt.

"We didn't teach you." Hao Lei murmured.

Liangqian frowned after hearing this: "Then how would he know?"

"That's exactly what we want to know, why do you know?" Lin Pengpeng walked beside Mo Ran with a questioning look.

Mo Ran took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Since you have pushed me to this point, I will have a showdown. In fact, I am not dead, I am resurrected, and I am coming back to find you."

Everyone: "..."

Why does this sound so unreliable?

Liangqian was about to get angry after hearing this: "You still pretend, crush you to death!"

Mo Ran laughed loudly, Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng had a feeling that this smiling man was Mo Ran!

As long as more accurate evidence is found, he himself does not admit it, but why doesn't he admit it?
At this time, Mo Ran only remembered the memory pictures from the time when he was studying, but those were just some pictures, just like watching a movie, only a sense of substitution, without that kind of deep emotional color.

The pictures overlap, but the emotions don't overlap. Although they are all the same, Mo Ran is still a little selfish. I hope Liangqian likes herself now, because I can feel it now, but I couldn't feel it before.

"You two really don't want to go back? Are you planning to revisit your homeland?" Lin Pengpeng, who was sitting in the car, asked curiously.

Liang Qian held Mo Ran's arm and smiled, "Yes, he wants to know."

"Tsk tsk tsk, obviously you want to do something bad, then we won't bother you."

Saying goodbye to everyone, watching the minibus leave, Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief: "Obviously you want to stay."

"No way." Liangqian snorted softly.

"I know."

"I understand your size." Liangqian flicked Mo Ran's forehead, and she really couldn't leave a word...

"Let's go, let's take a look around." Mo Ran opened the car door, and Liang Qian thought you were sensible, so she didn't blame you.

Sitting in the car, Liangqian turned on her phone, and there were several unread wechat messages.

Subconsciously opened it and looked, it was from Lin Pengpeng.

"Qianqian, Xiao Fan and I suspect that this Mo Ran is the former Mo Ran!"

Looking at the message left by Lin Pengpeng, Liangqian's eyes were filled with astonishment, her mobile phone was dropped on the floor mat, and her breathing became messy.

In fact, Liangqian also felt this way, but after all, she felt it alone, but now even Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng said so!
Maybe explain!

My feeling is right! ! !

Turning around to see Mo Ran open the car door and sit in, he...is it really Mo Ran?not dead.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Seeing Liangqian's blank look, Mo Ran smiled and fastened her seat belt.

Liangqian took a deep breath: "It's nothing, I just think you're a little handsome."

"Oh, what are you praising, old couple." Mo Ran was so happy, this was the first time Liangqian praised herself, so don't be in a good mood.

But Liangqian, who had regained her senses, picked up her mobile phone and replied to Lin Pengpeng: "Why are you sure?"

Lin Pengpeng sent what happened today via voice, and Liangqian listened to it, her sneaky appearance made Mo Ran very puzzled.

"Who are you chatting with?" Mo Ran asked curiously.

"Peng Peng, he's asking me how many photos I want."

"It's all about looking good."

"I think so too, you concentrate on driving."

"Yes, Mr. Liang."

From getting in the car to getting off the car, Liang Qian kept chatting with Lin Pengpeng, the more they talked, the more certain they became, but there is no evidence to prove it directly!

"You guys are almost finished chatting." Mo Ran said helplessly, and they were about to eat.

Liangqian put away her mobile phone, took Mo Ran's arm and said with a smile: "I'm just chatting with Peng Peng, I see you're impatient again."

others? ? ?

Liangqian actually called herself someone else?Almost didn't get killed.


Hearing Liangqian's address, Mo Ran stopped in his tracks, and asked in disbelief, "What did you call me just now?"


"Call again."



"Husband!" Liangqian suddenly shouted happily, and the people around immediately looked over.

And Mo Ran picked up Liangqian and spun around wildly. These few calls from her husband made her heart ecstatic, and she was willing to do anything.

The couples around looked at it one after another, and the girls were all envious.

"Look at them." The girl said angrily.

The boy held back his mouth: "Look at him too, if you are so thin, I can also turn around."

"I'm afraid I'll beat you around in circles! You still think I'm fat!" The girl immediately grabbed the boy's ears.

At this time, Liangqian was turned a little dizzy: "Okay, okay, let me down quickly, I'm going to faint."

"Call me again and listen."

"Stop barking, it's really annoying."

"Oops, call one last time."

"Don't~" Liangqian bouncing and walking towards the shopping mall, as if she was 16 years old again, this pace doesn't look like Mr. Liang's pace.

Mo Ran was so impatient, it felt like ants were crawling in her heart, this captivating Liangqian.

The two came to a Chuan Chuan hot pot restaurant on the fifth floor.

Liangqian was thinking, if Peng Peng and the others are right, then Mo Ran is pretending now, but how to break this pretending?

(End of this chapter)

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