Chapter 48

The middle-aged woman thought it was Mo Ran's parents, and hurried over to thank her: "Thank you so much for your son, if it wasn't for him, my life-saving money would have been taken away."

Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing looked at each other, it seemed that the aunt in front of her had made a mistake.

"Don't worry, I will cover all the medical expenses for this child." The aunt patted her chest. If you look carefully, she is wearing a gold necklace around her neck, her earrings are also gold, and there are three gold pieces on her fingers. This is definitely a rich woman. aunt.

Ye Xueqing smiled slightly: "Sister, I think you must have made a mistake, that is our daughter, and the boy on the hospital bed is my daughter's classmate."

The aunt was taken aback when she heard this, and then she smiled and said, "Well, then your girls have really good eyesight." The aunt saw the intimate behavior of Liangqian and Mo Ran.

After hearing this, Liang Liang and Ye Xueqing didn't know what to say.

And the two young people next to them were frightened when they heard what the aunt said.

At this time the attending doctor came, Liang Liang stepped forward and asked, "Doctor, the child is not serious, is it?"

"Fortunately, there is no displacement, just put a plaster on it, and remember not to do strenuous exercise."

Liang Liang was relieved, nodded and said, "Thank you."

Since the aunt still had things to deal with, she just stuffed 2000 yuan into Mo Ran, and then left.

And Mo Ran can go home with a plaster cast after the anti-inflammatory, but the date on Saturday is probably going to be dirty, and there is even the upcoming sports meeting.

After leaving the hospital, Mo Ran got into Liang Liang's car, which was an Audi A8.
It was the first time for Mo Ran to ride in such a luxury car, and he thought that when he became rich, he would buy one and take his grandfather around the country, and of course he had to take Liangqian with him.

"Mo Ran, if you encounter such a thing in the future, don't act recklessly." Liang Liang, who was driving, reminded.

Ye Xueqing was also afraid for a while: "Yes, I heard from that police comrade that there is still a murder case against that person."

When Liangqian heard that there was still a murder case, she was also frightened. She secretly pulled the corner of La Moran's clothes and stared fiercely.

Mo Ran didn't worry so much. Grandpa said that he would draw his sword to help when the road was injustice.

"Well, I know, I won't be so impulsive in the future."

Liang Liang, who was driving the car, smiled lightly and said, "But Mo Ran, you are really good. I heard from that aunt that you kicked me down with one kick? Have you ever studied martial arts?"

"Uncle Liang, I haven't learned martial arts, but my grandpa usually teaches me twice."

"Your grandpa is a veteran?"


"Oh, that's it, no wonder." Liang Liang nodded silently. After all, Mo Ran and his daughter are close, and sometimes they need to understand.

But from now on, there is nothing wrong with Mo Ran's character.

In the car, Liangqian actually had a lot of things to say to Mo Ran, but with her parents next to her, it was hard to say, and she had to wait until tomorrow.

After reaching the small alley, Mo Ran got out of the driveway: "Uncle Liang, Aunt Ye, thank you."

"Go back quickly and rest at home on the weekend." Liang Liang looked at Mo Ran and smiled.

However, Mo Ran didn't want to rest. Of course Liang Qian also wanted to see Mo Ran, but she couldn't be too aggressive.

No way, Mo Ran smiled slightly: "Well, okay."

Watching the car drive away, Mo Ran sighed softly. Although he did a good deed, it was a bit of a loss that he didn't see Liangqian on the weekend.

Seeing that Mo Ran finally came back, Wang Jianguo let go of his worries, but when he saw that Mo Ran's arms were tied, he immediately asked nervously, "Mo Ran, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, grandpa, just bumped into it." Mo Ran put down his schoolbag and smiled, and told what happened, of course it wasn't that serious.

"Well done, we want to crack down on these criminals." After hearing this, Wang Jianguo praised Mo Ran fiercely.

Mo Ran was also happy to hear that.

The weather is cool on Saturday, the summer heat is gradually leaving, and it is still a little cool in the early morning.

It has to be said that today is a good day for mountain climbing, but unfortunately it is yellow, Wang Jianguo and Mo Ran are sitting outside playing chess, and they can still bask in the morning sun.

"Mo Ran~" Suddenly a voice came from the entrance of the alley.

I saw Liangqian wearing a pink skirt, pushing Mo Ran's bicycle. Yesterday, Liangqian's family didn't go home directly, but went to find the bicycle first.

Mo Ran and Wang Jianguo turned their heads to look at the entrance of the alley, and they were stunned for a moment. Wang Jianguo smiled lightly and said, "I'm still going to pick it up."


Seeing Mo Ran's flustered look, Wang Jianguo chuckled, and shouted to an old man not far away: "Master Ma, come over and play a game."

"Old Wang is in a good mood today, who is that girl?"

"Mo Ran's classmate."

"Such a beautiful girl is rare."

Wang Jianguo clicked his tongue: "Are you watching chess or people?"

"Hahaha, look at how stingy you are."

Mo Ran strode up to Liangqian, and Liangqian felt as if she was going to rush over to kiss her when she saw Mo Ran like that.

"Why are you here?" Of course Mo Ran was very happy, thinking that he couldn't see him today.

"Why, can't I come to you?" Liangqian stretched out her hand and poked Mo Ran's chest, so I didn't want to see you, so I went home, see if you don't want to.

"Hahaha, of course." Mo Ran scratched the back of his head and smiled like a fool.

It was the first time Liangqian saw Mo Ran so embarrassed, she immediately joked, "Did you miss me?"

Mo Ran was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little stupid, and quickly adjusted: "I don't want to."

"Obviously I thought about it very much. I have caught you for your small appearance." Liangqian showed a sly smile.

After taking the bicycle, Mo Ran said solemnly: "Obviously you miss me."

"Tut tsk tsk, I don't miss you, it's you who miss me."

"Hehe..." Mo Ran pushed the car to the door of the house.

And Liangqian stood beside Wang Jianguo and shouted sweetly: "Good morning, two grandpas."

"Squad leader, good morning." Wang Jianguo showed a kind smile, with a bit of old man's mischievousness, so he was called the monitor like Mo Ran.

Master Ma followed Wang Jianguo and shouted, "Squad leader, good morning."

Liangqian was a little embarrassed: "Grandpas, just call me Qianqian."

Ma Yuanliang was blunt, and said with a smile, "Qianqian, come and help grandpa take a look."

"Tsk, Qianqian, don't pay attention to him, help grandpa to see, how can we kill him so that he loses his helmet and armor." Wang Jianguo patted his thigh and said, Qianqian does not belong to your family.

Liangqian really looked at the chessboard, and after a while she came to a conclusion: "Grandpa, you are a little passive now."

Hearing Liangqian's words, Wang Jianguo was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Liangqian to be able to play chess.

It's normal to be passive. After all, Mo Ran was playing chess with his grandfather just now, and Ma Yuanliang just took over Mo Ran's chess.

"Then how should I turn defeat into victory now." Wang Jianguo asked curiously, and at this time Mo Ran also came over to take a look.

Liangqian pondered for a while, and said seriously: "Grandpa, I suggest you eat the soldiers crossing the river first."

 Thank you boss for the reward and recommendation tickets, please ask for another wave... Let's rush to the first place
(End of this chapter)

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