Chapter 54 Semifinals

After the first period, Hao Lei and others came to ask Mo Ran how to play the game.

And Mo Ran had already analyzed the situation of Class 507.

Sitting on the seat, Mo Ran warned: "Class 507 is not like the previous class. They have a school team center forward and four substitute players. The training is also very standardized. Of course, there is no need to say more about the coordination, which is second only to class 503. "

Xiao Fan sat in the back and studied, but his ears seemed to be listening to Mo Ran's words.

"That's right, Brother Mo, the center forward in their class must have at least 186. Our rebounding advantage is gone." Liu Yizhe frowned deeply.

And Ding Liang patted his chest and said: "Brother Mo, although I am not as tall as I am, I will definitely not suffer in terms of physical confrontation. I will secure the inside position."

Mo Ran smiled slightly: "We really don't have the advantage in rebounding, but you need to know where our advantage is."

The four were puzzled after hearing this, and at the same time looked at Xiao Fan who was sitting behind Liangqian.

As much as I hate to admit it, this is indeed an advantage.

After hearing this, Xiao Fan took it for granted.

And Hao Lei and others also understood what Mo Ran meant. If they want to win, today's game must be played around Xiao Fan, and a good environment must be provided for Xiao Fan.

Stop attacking by attacking.

But I have to say that Xiao Fan's three-pointer is really amazing, maybe if he wants to win today's game, he must rely on Xiao Fan's three-pointer.

Liangqian, who was sitting next to her, breathed a sigh of relief. If Xiao Fan really led someone to win the championship, how long would it take to be arrogant in front of Mo Ran?

There are only two games this afternoon, the first is class 503 vs. class 504, and the second is class 507 vs. class 704.

The winner will compete in the indoor hall tomorrow afternoon, and three of the four teams are seniors, and only class 704 is seniors.

This made the freshmen in the first year of high school come to cheer. Although they are not in the same class, they are also the last spark of the first year of high school.

Liangqian didn't go to training today, so she had to come to cheer up Hao Lei and his group. The head teacher was standing not far away talking to several other teachers.

While Mo Ran and Liang Qian were chatting in low voices, Ma Yuankai appeared beside Mo Ran again like a ghost: "Look at how I abused you today, and then you."

"It's not sure who abuses who. Don't say it so early." Mo Ran looked at Ma Yuankai and gave a low voice.

Ma Yuankai laughed contemptuously: "Do you think they can win with just a few of them? Even if you come, you will still be abused by me. This is the result of waiting for you..." After finishing speaking, Ma Yuankai rubbed his thumb on his neck. After that, it seemed to be saying, let's see how I kill you.

Mo Ran's gaze was a little turbulent, facing such an arrogant person, he must be dealt a blow to the head!
"Mo Ran, your injury is still not healed, so you can't mess around." Liang Qian who was at the side seemed to feel Mo Ran's anger, and immediately reminded her.

Mo Ran just hummed softly. After a few days of recuperation, his right hand was still in labor pain. Under this kind of fierce confrontation, the injury would only worsen.

Soon, the two high school classes began to compete.

Class 503 won the competition easily, without any suspense at all, completely one-sided.

After playing, Lin Xiao passed by Mo Ran and smiled at Mo Ran: "I watched you play that day, and you played well. If you don't want to come to the school team, I can ask Ma Yuankai to give your class some face and make your class look good. It's not that ugly to lose."

As soon as Liangqian heard this, she immediately became a little bit overjoyed, what does it mean to lose so ugly, who do you look down on!

"Joining the school team, I can wait until the second year of high school. After all, you will graduate soon." Mo Ran also smiled at Lin Xiao. In Lin Xiao's eyes, this smile was deeply provocative.

"A freshman is pride." Lin Xiao took a deep look at Mo Ran, and walked to Ma Yuankai who was not far away and whispered a few times, and Ma Yuankai showed excitement at the corner of his mouth after hearing this, and squinted his eyes.

At this time Xiao Fan came from not far away, Lin Xiao called Xiao Fan after seeing Xiao Fan.

"Student Xiao Fan." Lin Xiao greeted with a smile.

Of course Xiao Fan knew Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao was also there when he set up a table to apologize that day: "Brother Lin, what's the matter?"

"I see that you play basketball well, do you want to come to the school team to develop?"

"Brother Lin, I just play basketball for fun, and I don't want anything else." Xiao Fan politely declined Lin Xiao's invitation. After all, Lin Xiao was still very good at school, and Xiao Fan didn't want to offend.

Lin Xiao just got angry with Mo Ran, but he didn't expect Xiao Fan to reject him too.

The smile disappeared in an instant, and he said in a low voice: "Xiao Fan, I think you are a sensible person, don't learn from Mo Ran in your class, there is no good fruit to eat."

If Mo Ran joined the basketball team, Xiao Fan would go without saying anything, but Mo Ran didn't go at all, so why not go there.

"Brother Lin, the game in our class is about to start, and I'm going to play." Xiao Fan said with a smile, trying to pass Lin Xiao, but Lin Xiao directly stopped him.

"Xiao Fan, don't be shameless!"

Xiao Fan's smiling face gradually disappeared, he pushed Lin Xiao's arm away and said in a deep voice, "Lin Xiao, I just don't want to cause trouble at school, don't think I'm afraid of you."

As Xiao Fan left, Lin Xiao laughed back angrily, these two people really don't know what to do!
The game is about to start soon, and the first-year students occupy half of the basketball court, shouting that the first-year students must win.

On the other hand, the third year of high school seemed much calmer, because they were all experienced, and there was nothing to cheer for. They would win anyway, it was just a matter of winning more and winning less.

Players from both sides played one after another, and the referee was a physical education teacher.

As the whistle sounded, Gao Yi began to hold his breath, ready to shout for the goal.

Just grabbing the ball at the beginning, Class 507 took the ball first with the advantage of being a center forward, quickly played a fast break, and scored two points!

Looking at this situation, Mo Ran frowned slightly, and Liang Qian was also a little nervous, her hands were hugging Mo Ran's left hand at some point, fortunately, the eyes of the students were all on the field, otherwise it would definitely be a stone hammer , notify parents directly.

After scoring two points in Class 507, Xiao Fan ran quickly and made a three-pointer directly after catching the ball.

Immediately retaliated, the sound of cheering went straight to the sky, I have to say that Xiao Fan's shooting posture is really handsome, even if he loses, his popularity in school is not low.

However, Class 507 did not panic and played steadily, but the guarding of Xiao Fan became more serious. As long as Xiao Fan got the ball, he must be prepared to double-mark. With the advantage of rebounding, the score was gradually overtaken.

Xiao Fan is not a god, he needs to run crazily to get out of position, the physical consumption is very serious, before the first half is finished, Xiao Fan's accuracy drops a lot.

And the score was 31-41, losing ten points.

As the midfield whistle sounded, Ma Yuankai spread his arms and cheered, looking at Mo Ran provocatively.

(End of this chapter)

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