Chapter 88 I Had a Bad Dream

But Uncle Fu understands that Lin Pengpeng cares a lot, but he doesn't want to show it. Actually, Pengpeng is quite lonely. Being able to invite so many classmates to play at home today shows how important today is to her. It's a pity that the wife is still not at home. accompany.

in the community.

"Ah? You mean Lin Pengpeng knows about our relationship?" Mo Ran exclaimed slightly.

Liangqian shrank her head slightly, knowing that Mo Ran would react like this: "I didn't mean to say it on purpose, it's not that I'm not smart, it's that Lin Pengpeng is too cunning."

Seeing Liangqian's cute expression, Mo Ran was amused: "That can't be helped, but she didn't say anything, which is strange."

"I don't think Lin Pengpeng is bad, he just wants to attract everyone's attention." After half a day of contact, Liangqian also had the same feeling.

"A fox can pretend to be a tiger." Mo Ran chuckled, feeling that Lin Pengpeng is lacking in love, and he is also lacking in it. Luckily, Liangqian has made up for it.

"I can change you, and maybe I can change her too."

"Oh? Don't hate others now?" Mo Ran joked.

Liangqian pursed her lips: "Actually, it was quite annoying at first, but..."

"But she keeps a secret from us, doesn't she?" Mo Ran added.

Liangqian nodded.

Patting Liangqian on the head, Mo Ran smiled and said, "I will support you no matter what you do."


"Of course, except for wearing those revealing clothes." Mo Ran added.

Liangqian rolled her eyes, still remembering: "Tsk tsk tsk, then I just wear it for you to see."

"Of course, only for me to see."

"It's really domineering." Liangqian poked Mo Ran's arm angrily.

Soon at the door of Liangqian's house, Mo Ran said softly: "I'll go back first, and study hard tonight."

"Well, I'll go to your house tomorrow, I haven't seen grandpa for a long time."

"Won't uncle and aunt say anything?"

"They're going out tomorrow."

Moran paused, and said in a low voice, "Aren't our uncles and aunts not at home, is it more convenient for us?"

"You bad bastard, you are not allowed to think about those things." Liangqian hammered angrily, but her heart was beating wildly.

"What am I thinking? Don't think about it."

"Hmph, I won't let you succeed anyway, see you tomorrow~" Liang Qian raised her hand, turned and ran into the house.

Mo Ran gave a wry smile, not knowing what he was thinking.

Back home by bike, when I entered the house, I saw my grandfather looking for something.

"Grandpa, what are you looking for?" Mo Ran asked doubtfully.

Wang Jianguo frowned tightly and asked, "Mo Ran, have you seen my reading glasses? Why did they disappear all of a sudden?"

Mo Ran looked at the reading glasses hanging around his grandfather's neck and paused: "Grandpa, it's hanging around your neck."

Wang Jianguo looked down, and immediately slapped his forehead and smiled wryly: "Oh, my brain is getting worse and worse recently."

"I sometimes look for a pen with a pen in my hand."

Wang Jianguo put on his reading glasses and was about to sew his trousers, but the hem of his trousers was torn.

Seeing this, Mo Ran said, "Grandpa, why don't we go to the night market later?"

Wang Jianguo, who was wearing a needle and thread, said softly: "No need, save some money, you will need it in college in the future, grandpa's clothes can be worn, but you, you have to buy a few decent clothes, and be with girls It costs a lot too.”

"I'm not with any girl." Mo Ran quickly argued.

Wang Jianguo smiled without saying a word.

Mo Ran also hurried to cook, lest grandpa torture himself, and he might be discovered if he didn't pay attention.

One dish and one soup, there is meat in the soup.

In the past, I didn't dare to put meat in the dishes, but now there is meat in the soup, which shows that the quality of life has improved a lot.

"Mo Ran, it's your birthday tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" If Grandpa hadn't reminded him, Mo Ran wouldn't have paid any attention.

Wang Jianguo smiled: "Oh, it's so big in a blink of an eye."

Mo Ran smiled, in fact, every birthday, grandpa has this sentence.

"Come back tomorrow night, I'll buy a roast chicken, let's have a few drinks." Mo Ran teased, and suddenly remembered that Liangqian would come to his house tomorrow.

"Then Qianqian is also called here. I haven't seen it for a long time. Besides, it's so crowded." Wang Jianguo said with a smile, and his heart felt creepy.

"Okay, okay, my name is."

"Well, boys should take the initiative, and don't always let girls say things that are not ashamed."

Moran: "..."

At 11 o'clock, Mo Ran lay on the bed on time, and took out the pendant Liangqian gave him from under the pillow.

Looking at Liangqian's smile when she looked back, the corners of Mo Ran's mouth could not help but gradually rise. This birthday seems to be different from the past, there is an extra girl.

With longing for the future, Mo Ran had a dream.

This was not a good dream. When Mo Ran was awakened, his face was panicked, but he couldn't remember the content of the dream.

Breathing heavily, Mo Ran sat on the bed, the sunlight from outside had cast through the glass and shone on the bed.

After calming down for a while, Mo Ran shook his head, he hadn't had a nightmare for a long time.

Get up and tidy up, Mo Ran goes out to buy breakfast, a little bit extravagant on birthday, bring two bowls of noodles back to eat.

Back home, I had breakfast with my grandpa. After the meal, the grandpa and grandson sat at the door of the house and played chess.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and Mo Ran looked up at the entrance of the alley from time to time. It was already 8 o'clock before, but today it is past 8:31.

"General, hahaha." Wang Jianguo laughed so happily that he finally won over his grandson.

Mo Ran gave a dry laugh, a little worried about Liangqian, did something happen on the way?
Coupled with the nightmare he had yesterday, Mo Ran was even more flustered.

"If you want to look for it, look for it, mother-in-law's." Wang Jianguo said helplessly, placing the chess pieces.

Mo Ran strode out of the alley quickly, looked around, and changed from striding to running.

Just after Mo Ran left, a small tricycle drove into the alley and stopped in front of Mo Ran's house.

"Grandpa, good morning." Liangqian yelled sweetly after jumping off the tricycle.

"Qianqian, what is this?" Wang Jianguo stood up and asked in doubt.

Liangqian unloaded the computer from the tricycle and clapped her hands: "Mo Ran bought this."

"Really?" Wang Jianguo asked, staring at Liangqian.

Liangqian couldn't stand it, she felt guilty in an instant: "Ah, yes..."

"That girl, you haven't paid me yet." The tricycle driver shouted.

Liangqian hurriedly paid ten yuan for the shipping fee. She was delayed this morning and went to find a tricycle.

"Grandpa, where's Mo Ran?" Liangqian asked curiously, didn't she get up yet?The lazy pig.

"He, seeing that you haven't come for a long time, I went to look for you."

"Find me?"


"Then I'll go take a look."

Liangqian turned around and ran to the entrance of the alley, and suddenly saw that she hadn't run far, and she seemed to be in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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