I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 93 Forcing Liangqian to Get Mad

Chapter 93 Forcing Liangqian to Get Mad (First Order)
Mo Ran is speechless, why are you so stupid and cute.

"Sometimes they talk nonsense, don't believe it." Mo Ran exhorted, seeing how embarrassing her innocent girl was, and Lin Pengpeng probably did the same.

Soon, the head teacher came.

"Students, you should know about the fight in the basketball game yesterday afternoon, right?"

Lin Pengpeng raised his hand and asked curiously: "Mr. Yang, have we lost?"

Teacher Yang glared at Lin Pengpeng, but said nothing: "For the students who fought yesterday, the school will punish them with demerits, and Lin Xiao will be punished with major demerits and expelled from the school basketball team."

Hearing this kind of punishment, Mo Ran felt that Lin Xiao was cold. Last time he kicked Ma Yuankai out of the school team, and now he was also kicked out. I am afraid that there is no hope of being recommended. unwise.

This should be the consequence of being young and frivolous.

"Students, no matter what happens, don't let your emotions control your body, or you will regret it for the rest of your life." The head teacher reminded all the students.

"The final exam will be coming soon, everyone should start preparing and strive to achieve excellent results in the final exam."

After class, the girls start talking about Christmas Eve and Christmas, which will be in a few weeks.

For this kind of festival, Mo Ran would not take it to heart.

"Mo Ran, how do you plan to spend the holidays?" Liangqian at the side of course hoped to spend Christmas Eve with Mo Ran.

"Is this festival going to be celebrated too?" Mo Ran asked in confusion.

"Of course, Christmas is very popular these days."

Mo Ran said indifferently: "Boring."

Liangqian rolled her eyes, she was really puzzled, she originally wanted to hold hands and take a walk by the river.

At this time, Lin Pengpeng had already started asking girls to play on the street, as usual, but he didn't call Liangqian.

Liangqian said that she didn't care, and felt that the more Lin Pengpeng cared about who she cared about, the more she would ignore her. She just wanted to attract the attention of the person she cared about.

At this time, Mo Ran was thinking, should I go to that western restaurant to apply for a job? Now that I have mastered a few pieces of music proficiently, if the time comes, I won't be able to make any money if I get caught first.

"I plan to try that western restaurant sometime." Mo Ran said softly.

"So fast? You've only learned a few songs now." Liangqian originally thought about playing the piano in the name of getting more contact, but she didn't expect Mo Ran to learn so quickly, and she could indeed make her debut.

"It's not wrong to study and work at the same time."

"The final exam is coming soon, and it will affect the grade."

"Don't you know my strength?"

"Then you will be very tired like this."

Seeing Liangqian's reaction, Mo Ran asked suspiciously, "Don't you want me to go?"

To be honest, Liangqian really didn't think too much about going, and being a tutor for herself was enough to make up for the family's expenses, so it was okay not to go.

But Mo Ran wanted to make more money, that would be the only guarantee.

"Of course...not." Liangqian said helplessly.

Moran smiled.

"Well, you can practice for another week or two, and then I will go with you." Liangqian said seriously.

Moran nodded and agreed, don't you know Liangqian's little thought?In a few weeks it will be Christmas Eve.

A few weeks passed in a blink of an eye, and the end of the year was approaching. The students were very happy, and they had already started chatting about the winter vacation.

Sunday was Christmas Eve, so Liangqian asked Mo Ran to try it out today.

As for the parents, Liangqian is now at her fingertips, and she just finds an excuse to go out to find a job with Mo Ran, which is actually a disguised date.

Coming to Qingyang Road again, there are a lot of people on the street today, probably because of the festival.

After all, they came to do business, and the two rushed to the entrance of the western restaurant. It was only after 9 o'clock in the morning, and the only western restaurant had not opened yet, but the information about recruiting a pianist was still at the door.

"Mo Ran, you just have to play well." Liang Qian told her as she leaned her bicycle beside her.

Mo Ran breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, I see."

When I came to the counter, it was the same girl from before, maybe because I was very impressed with Mo Ran's handsomeness, the girl smiled and said, "Handsome guy, here we come."

Liangqian on the side was taken aback, did they know each other?When did it happen, why didn't I know?Why didn't Mo Ran tell himself?Is Mo Ran hiding something from himself?
All kinds of hypotheses flooded into Liangqian's mind, and even a scene of arguing with Mo Ran appeared.

If Mo Ran knew what Liangqian was thinking, she would definitely be helpless, girls' thinking really couldn't keep up.

"Hi, I'm here to apply for a pianist." Mo Ran smiled slightly.

"Okay, come with me." The girl was very happy to help Mo Ran lead the way, but Liangqian was not happy, seeing this girl had crooked thoughts about Mo Ran, if Mo Ran worked here, she would definitely treat Mo Ran Then move hands and feet.

I must tell Mo Ran that the boy must protect himself when he is outside.

The girl knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A serious voice sounded from inside the room.

Walking into the office, I saw a man in a suit smoking, and the room was filled with the smell of smoke.

Liangqian frowned, not liking this environment.

"Manager Huang, this person is here to interview the pianist," the girl said.

Manager Huang put out the cigarette after hearing this, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't I tell you earlier that we are not hiring pianists now!"

The girl was taken aback when she heard this, she never received such a notice at all.

Manager Huang said to Mo Ran: "We have hired a pianist here, I'm sorry." It's just that there was a trace of contempt in his eyes. How can such a young boy play the piano?
I'm afraid that after learning a little superficiality, I want to come out to make money.

Mo Ran sighed in his heart, it was a pity.

Liangqian is not so easy to be fooled, she walked out immediately and said, "You guys are not recruiting, why are there still advertisements for recruiting people outside?!"

"That's the staff's mistake, Xiao Liu, you accepted the recruiting sign. Didn't you ask you to accept it yesterday!" Manager Huang said seriously to the girl.

Xiao Liu said that he was innocent and had never heard of such a thing.

Seeing this, Liangqian didn't know what the manager meant. He just didn't want to recruit Moran, and looked down on Moran. Looking down on Moran was equivalent to looking down on herself. Looking down on herself, that was forcing herself to get mad!
However, before Liangqian could get mad, two people walked in the door.

One of the men was proudly dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and the other was very coquettishly dressed.

"Mr. Huang, I'm sorry for being late. This is my friend. He is a great pianist. He worked in a western restaurant in the provincial capital and has good work experience." The manager's eyes are also strange.

(End of this chapter)

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