Chapter 110 Interview
The hot search of the airport rescue incident is still going on, and more and more people are participating in the discussion.There are all kinds of news, including the self-reports of the passengers, the captain's self-report, the tower's self-report, etc.

Among these news, the most interesting one is the statement of Hong Chen, the key person in the plane rescue incident.

Hong Chen went to the TV station to record the program at 08:30 p.m. and recorded for more than an hour. Afterwards, the TV station did video editing and post-processing, and it was broadcast in prime time on Kyoto TV station at [-]:[-] p.m.

At this time, Hong Chen was already sitting on the sofa at home, watching the show with Yan Yileng in his arms.

At the same time, the ratings of this show soared, crushing any variety shows and TV dramas at the same time.

After all, this is a big event about saving more than 100 lives.

The interviewer is Dong Xiaoqing, the head host of Kyoto TV Station, and one of the most temperamental hosts in China.

The stage layout is very simple, a round table, three chairs, and the name of the show is printed on the big screen behind it: Follow Today.

This time we interviewed two people, Hong Chen and Peng Sen.An entertainer, a soldier of the people.

Before the show started, it was Dong Xiaoqing's host speech. Her host was gentle and elegant, with a gentle temperament, and she had an atmosphere of "poetry and calligraphy in her belly".

"Let's look at the big screen." After the host's speech, Dong Xiaoqing pointed to the big screen, and the scene of Lamborghini and the plane running side by side was played on the screen.

The effect of this scene is comparable to that of a big movie. If it was not from the footage recorded by the reporter, and without any editing blessings, people might wonder which movie it is.

On the screen, Hong Chen and Peng Sen were full of determination, the huge body of the plane hovered above their heads, and the strong wind kept tearing their clothes, which made people feel a little frightened.

The audience was shocked once again when they saw this scene.

After the video was played, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

Afterwards, Dong Xiaoqing welcomed Hong Chen and Peng Sen, and then began to formally ask questions: "Hong Chen, we contacted the control tower, and the news we got was that you took the initiative to call the control tower to propose this solution, and claimed to be a racing driver. , May I ask what you thought about it at the time?"

Dong Xiaoqing's question made the audience suddenly realize that Hong Chen was the initiator of this incident.

"Really? I thought it was a plan thought up by the airport."

"It's too powerful, you can think of it."

"Proposing a plan is one thing, and taking the initiative to implement the plan is another. I admire his courage."

The audience watching the show said one after another.

"I also had a whim." Facing Dong Xiaoqing's interview, Hong Chen smiled indifferently, "It happened to be near the airport at the time, and when I encountered this problem, I wondered if there was a solution. tried."

"Anyway, there is no loss in trying. Even if it fails, the plane can go up to the sky again. If it succeeds, it can save the plane crash. This kind of attempt is very worthwhile."

Hong Chen's words were very plain, without much excitement in his words, as if he had done an ordinary little thing.

But the more he was like this, the more he showed the invaluability of his act of saving people.

In fact, Hong Chen's thoughts at the time were also very simple, he just wanted to save Yan Yileng.However, this kind of words must not be said in public, it will be infinitely magnified.

"The plane was whistling above your heads at that time. You must have been very nervous under that kind of pressure. May I ask how you kept calm under such pressure and kept trying to open the front wheel baffle of the plane?" Dong Xiaoqing asked again. .

"I didn't think about it that much at the time, I just wanted to complete the task." Peng Sen took the microphone and replied straightforwardly.It can be seen that he is not particularly suitable for such occasions.

He was sitting upright, his body was sitting upright, and he looked a little simple and honest.His answer also made the audience smile, thinking that Brother Bing is quite interesting.

Afterwards, Dong Xiaoqing asked a few more questions, and Hong Chen's answers were all decent.His answer also made the audience praise again and again, unknowingly attracting another wave of popularity.

Finally, Dong Xiaoqing asked a key question: "By the way, there is another question that has been bothering the audience and me. What happened to the fireworks under the plane at the end? According to the information at the airport, we know that it is precisely because of the fireworks. It was only after the explosion that the damaged aircraft fenders were knocked down from the aircraft. Who of you set off the fireworks at that time?"

Hearing the host's question, Peng Sen honestly turned his head to look at Hong Chen.Dong Xiaoqing immediately got the answer that the fireworks came from Hong Chen, so she also looked at him.

Hong Chen took the microphone, smiled a little embarrassedly and said: "Um, I'm ashamed to say that I got a big firework at that time, but it was not allowed in the city, so I wanted to go to the suburbs to set off fireworks to relax. Seeing such a thing. I will review it, setting off fireworks and firecrackers without permission violates the system, and I accept the punishment."

The appearance of Hong Chen apologizing made everyone laugh, and they immediately thought he was very interesting.

Compared with saving an airplane, no one cares about such small things.Everyone felt that he was more real.

In fact, Hong Chen really had this idea. At that time, his idea was that after receiving Yan Yileng, he would first go to the suburbs to watch the fireworks, and then make out in the car, which was also unique.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

After that, the interview ended in a pleasant atmosphere.

Because of this matter, Hong Chen kept publishing articles, and magazines, newspapers, and advertisements came to him one after another, all wanting to do an exclusive interview for him.

However, Hong Chen and Ge Chen had said that they would only choose the better ones, and he didn't want to use this matter to stir up popularity.

He still hopes to be recognized and liked by more people on the actor's stage. This kind of event will greatly help his popularity, but the help to his acting career is not so exaggerated.

Ge Chen also knew what he meant, so he pushed a lot of small drafts and accepted Lamborghini's China endorsement.

Hong Chen's house, on the big and soft sofa.

"You are a great hero now." Hong Chen sat on the sofa, Yan Yilen lay on his lap, and said with a smile.

Hong Chen pinched Yan Yileng's pretty face and sighed, he is really lucky.

Yan Yileng is indeed beautiful, with perfect facial features and a curvy figure. Now Yan Yileng is lying in a long skirt, her long legs are smooth and fair, and her jade feet are almost perfect.

When he first met Yan Yileng, he thought she was dressed fashionable and looked a bit glamorous, but when he really walked into Yan Yileng's heart, he realized that she was just an ordinary little girl.

It also needs human love and caring for others.

Hong Chen suddenly felt that it was a kind of torture for two people to sneak around like this.

But he can't make it public.

He remembered another example.

There used to be a couple in the entertainment industry, Jin Chen and Deng Lun. After the relationship between the two was exposed, Jin Chen's agency was furious and directly hid Jin Chenxue.

With a contract in place, the agency can arrange the artist's itinerary, and the artist cannot take other jobs without permission, otherwise he will be fined severely.

So being hidden in the snow basically declared that the artist's acting career was over.

For example, Ming Dao in "The Prince Turns into a Frog" and Sun Yaowei in "Oolong Breaks Through Love", they did not return to the public's vision until the contract with the company ended, but their youth is no longer, and their popularity is far from what it used to be.

In addition to the show business circle, the singer circle is the same, the price of Xue Zang is very terrible.

Of course, someone can rise from the ashes.For example, Zhang Shaohan, who has been hidden for many years, has basically faded out of people's vision, but the singing industry does not eat youth food. In recent years, she has returned with her singing voice, which has also amazed the world.

Speaking of Jin Chen, the company gave her only two choices at the time, breaking up with Deng Lun, or being hidden in the snow.

Jin Chen chose the former.

She broke up with Deng Lun and became single again, so she once again received various roles and reappeared in the public eye.

The same goes for Hong Chen and Yan Yileng.

It doesn't matter whether you are popular or not, as long as the interests of the entertainment company are violated, the entertainment company has plenty of solutions.

Either pay sky-high liquidated damages to terminate the contract.

And Yan Yileng's liquidated damages is an astronomical figure.

In Hong Chen's heart, he had another idea, he wanted to become stronger, not only in popularity, but also in economic strength.

If you can grasp the power of capital and become a big shot in the entertainment company, then this matter will be much easier to handle.

"What are you thinking about?" Yan Yileng asked, seeing that Hong Chen was in a daze.

Hong Chen thought a lot, but he wouldn't tell her. He just smiled and said, "I'm thinking about our future."

(End of this chapter)

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