The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 114 Special Martial Arts Performance

Chapter 114 Special Martial Arts Performance
Wang Xiaofeng's question was very sudden, and this link was not included in the arrangement of the premiere ceremony.

But his question has already been raised, and it is inappropriate to refuse on an occasion like the premiere.

Moreover, Wang Xiaofeng is very well-known in HK. If Hong Chen refuses his request or behaves badly, Wang Xiaofeng holds up his pen and writes an article at that time, which will also have a negative impact on the film's reputation.

Chen Mu took a deep look at Hong Chen, wanting to seek Hong Chen's opinion, if Hong Chen signaled to him, he would come forward to resolve this matter.

However, the audience and reporters in the audience were obviously very interested. They all held the equipment and stared at Hong Chen intently.

"Okay, then I'll try." Hong Chen smiled modestly and agreed.

Seeing Hong Chen's confident smile, Chen Mushen felt relieved, while Yuan Long looked at Hong Chen with interest.

In the audience, there was another person, Chen Mushen's niece Wen Jiayu.Ever since Hong Chen took the stage, her gaze had never left Hong Chen, and now that she heard that Hong Chen was going to perform, she stared at him intently.

The master of ceremonies stepped forward to host in a timely manner: "Hong Chen, how do you want to perform?"

Hong Chen said with a smile: "Just perform a special martial arts move."

Hearing his words, a few knowledgeable audience members in the audience burst into an uproar, and then questioned: "Special grade?"

What is the concept of super moves? Almost none of the current martial arts stars can do it. Among stunt actors, it is rare to be able to make super moves.

Moreover, such stunt actors are fully cultivated by any company, and their salary is even higher than that of some third-line actors.These people are often the substitutes of the big names.

Now, a clean-looking little fresh meat from the mainland said he was going to perform special martial arts moves?

Did he misunderstand the word "super class"?
When Yuan Long heard Hong Chen's words, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.Yuan Long is an expert in martial arts movements. The former "Yuanjia Class" had a group of star players who specialized in martial arts movements. That's it, there are only a handful of people who can make special moves.

Yuanlong could do it when he was young, but he can't do it now.

"If possible, I need four audience members to come on stage and cooperate with me." Hong Chen said again.

"I'm coming!" "Me!"

Immediately, many people expressed their willingness to help.

Chen Mushen chose four people for Hong Chen, including Wang Xiaofeng and Wen Jiayu.Only then did Hong Chen see Wen Jiayu, and smiled at her gently, and Wen Jiayu stuck out his tongue mischievously in response.

"There is no suitable wooden board on site, so let's use mineral water bottles instead. I need you to hold mineral water bottles and put them at different heights. The tallest person stands on a stool."

Hong Chen posed for them while explaining, and the staff cooperated very well with bringing chairs and mineral water bottles.

The tallest one held a water bottle and was almost three meters high.

Seeing this scene, the audience naturally knew what Hong Chen was going to do.

He's gonna kick those water bottles!
But this is too incredible!

Not to mention that the tallest mineral water bottle is about three meters above the ground, you must know that it is the fourth kick to reach three meters, and the difficulty can be imagined.

Moreover, four consecutive kicks, is this true?

Among the super martial arts moves, this move is the myth of stunts!The professional term in the industry is called 900-degree backspin, which requires a 720-degree rotation in the air to kick four targets!
"Silian, this young man is joking." An old martial artist said in surprise in the audience.

"The future generations are fearful, the future generations are fearful!"

"It's so hard!"

"I've only seen one kicked three times, and this is the first time I've seen one kicked four times!"

The audience was whispering, too.

"Okay, then please start your performance!"

Everything was ready, the master of ceremonies presided over the speech decently, and then stepped off the stage together with the leading actors.

"Yuanlong, do you think he can succeed?" After Chen Mushen stepped off the stage, he looked at several people on the stage and asked Yuanlong with a smile.

"I trust him and hope he can surprise us." Yuan Long replied with a smile.

On the stage, the four audience members holding mineral water bottles couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

This scene is too exaggerated, can he play it?If you are not careful, it will be the result of accidental injury.

Wen Jiayu was not afraid, she stared at Hong Chen, expecting his performance.

The audience in the audience couldn't take their eyes off it. After all, HK has a love for kung fu.The more exciting martial arts moves they want to see with their own eyes.

Hong Chen has no expression on his face, skill: fighting technique, activated.

He first moved his body a little bit, jumped up in the air on the spot, and made a simple movement.

It was this action that caused the action stars in the audience to be stunned.

Taekwondo super moves, sky knife butterfly legs!
It is to kick the ground with a 740-degree whirlwind and then receive a 720-degree backspin in the air.

I saw that his movements were vigorous and powerful, and his body was full of explosive beauty.

There is a saying that laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the way.The audience was just amazed that it was different if they had kung fu, while the veteran stars were shocked and couldn't believe it.

This is a warm up?

Do special moves as soon as you warm up?
What a joke!
Then, Hong Chen felt that it was almost the same, and his physical activity was relaxed, so he ran towards the four helping spectators.

Seeing Hong Chen running towards him like a bison, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help closing his eyes.He regretted a little in his heart, what did he do to offend Hong Chen? If Hong Chen took revenge on himself, the loss outweighed the gain.

When Wang Xiaofeng closed his eyes, he felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and then a huge force came from the bottle in his hand, and the bottle flew out directly!
"Clap clap clap!"

Four crisp sounds exploded in his ears.

When he opened his eyes, what he saw happened to be Hong Chen who landed gracefully.

He looked again, and the beautiful model beside him was staring at Hong Chen, there seemed to be light in his eyes.The audience in the audience was stunned, and immediately burst into warm applause!

Hong Chen did it!
Four consecutive kicks, four mineral water bottles, not bad at all!
Not to mention how difficult the movements are, the accuracy alone is amazing!

"It really did!"

"Oh my god, it's so handsome!"

"Did you capture the action just now? This action can be used for the cover!"

"Is this young man so fierce? He graduated from Shaolin Temple?"

People couldn't help but exclaimed.

Several media companies have already made plans. This action just now can completely write several entertainment news!
Wen Jiayu looked at Hong Chen and swallowed.The moment Hong Chen kicked the bottle in front of her just now, her body felt a little strange throbbing!

"Amazing!" Yuan Long applauded in the audience, secretly admiring.

In this performance, film critic Wang Xiaofeng deliberately made things difficult for Hong Chen, but Hong Chen conquered everyone present with a single action.

Now, Wang Xiaofeng also had to admire Hong Chen.

Artists in the HK showbiz are full of praise for Hong Chen.

At this time, it was time for the premiere, and Hong Chen waved to everyone on the stage, and then walked off the stage.

After all, today's premiere day, the movie is the real protagonist.

(End of this chapter)

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