The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 121 Talking about Business with Yan Chi

Chapter 121 Talking about Business with Yan Chi
Drugs can no longer be sold, this is illegal, and the consequences of being caught are very serious.

On the one hand, there are tens of thousands of chronic myelogenous leukemia patients waiting for him to save their lives; on the other hand, the system and laws and the decades of imprisonment.

At this moment, no one is so selfless.

Xu Zheng smoked cigarettes all night, and finally, while eating hot pot with several other people, he told the story.

He wants to hand over the business of selling medicine to Zhang Changlin!
The entire team fell silent at this moment.

Xu Zheng's decision meant that the team was disbanded, and it also meant that it would be more difficult to buy medicine in the future.

Then, Hong Chen was more upright and had a dispute with Xu Zheng, but Xu Zheng's attitude was very firm.

He is determined not to sell this medicine!
In fact, what Xu Zheng did was right.

It is love to help you, and it is duty not to help.He has no obligation to sell medicines for patients, let alone take his own safety as a bargaining chip.

Everyone on the team knows this too.

Neither the sick man nor the dancer nor the priest spoke.

Xu Zheng slapped the table and shouted: "It's not because I desperately brought the medicine back. You all have to thank me for being able to have today. I'm not a leukemia patient!"

Xu Zheng also couldn't bear such a scene, after all, he planned to tear his face apart.

After hearing his words, Hong Chen poured himself a glass of wine, stood up, and said with a disappointed face:
"Thank you, I wish you to open a bigger oil shop."

After speaking, he drank the wine in the glass, and then smashed the glass on the table.The cup shattered into pieces, and Hong Chen's hands were covered in blood.

Then, he glanced at Xu Zheng, turned around and left.

At this time, what Hong Chen expressed was his disappointment and hatred towards Xu Zheng, as well as his despair about his future, which resulted in anger.

He was sinking in the ordeal, Xu Zheng's appearance gave him hope, but now Xu Zheng wants to tear this hope to pieces himself.

Then, the others also left one by one.

The dancing girl and the priest all looked lonely and lost their minds.

Wang Jun was the last to leave. When he left, he looked at Xu Zheng and cried miserably.

But Xu Zheng looked away after all, and didn't keep any of them.

So far, the parting play is over.

By this time, the film has begun to turn to tragedy.

The atmosphere of the filming crew is also a little heavier.

"Wang Jun, are you okay?" After the filming ended, Wang Jun hadn't stepped out of the role, sobbing aside.

"It's okay." Wang Jun waved his hand.

It takes time for an actor to calm down when he enters the play too deeply. At this time, his body and emotion are separated.

For example, Wang Jun, after the filming, his emotions are no longer sad, but his body is still in a state of sobbing, so he needs to adjust.

"Huh, there are still a lot of tears in the back, and we have to overcome difficulties." The actor Tan Zhuo who played the dancer also sighed.

"Yeah, that means it's a good movie." Hong Chen nodded aside.

"Come on everyone!" Director Wen Ye clapped his hands to cheer up the actors.

After returning to the hotel from the set, Hong Chen and Yan Yileng made a phone call to discuss recent events.

Yan Yileng's schedule is very full, and she attends various events. She is now one of the top actresses in China's young generation and has attracted much attention.

It's just that few people know that she has a boyfriend.

The two first talked to each other, and then Yan Yileng said: "By the way, my brother seems to be looking for you recently, and he has his eyes on a script and plans to ask you to invest."

"Yan Chi? He has a new script?" Hearing this, Hong Chen wasn't too surprised.

When filming "Those Years", Hong Chen saw that Yan Chi was very capable in directing, and he also had more ideas personally.

If you can cooperate with him, it is also a good choice.

The most important thing is that he has a good relationship with Yan Chi, and he can also benefit from the movie's final box office through investment.In many cases, the share of the box office is often much higher than the salary.

"Well, it's detective, comedic, and he's still polishing the script," Yan Yileng said.

"Okay, I'll talk to your brother sometime."

After that, not long after, Yan Chi called.

Yan Chi also has his own ideas, he doesn't want to rely on his family, but wants to rely on himself to become a god in the director's industry.

There is one thing to say, many children from rich families just don’t want to inherit the family business, but this is also normal. They have been pampered since childhood and have no pressure in life, so they can pursue their dreams without any scruples.

"I'm still working on the script. I have a character that suits you very well. Are you interested? You don't have a leading role or an investment. Why don't you spend some money and become a producer, which will save me a lot of trouble." Yan Chi directly Said.

"Producer?" Hong Chen was also a little surprised.

In a crew, both the producer and the director have great power, but often the real power is concentrated in the hands of the producer.

The script, director, shooting location, art costumes, makeup, lighting photography, scene props, and post-production are all in the responsibility of the producer.

The producer can also be said to be a coolie role, but the power is very large.

"No, no, I'll just be an investor. I'm not interested in these chores." Hong Chen refused with a smile.

The right of the investor is also great, and the investor is also the producer.Under normal circumstances, the investor of a film will be a large company, and of course many other companies will follow suit, known as co-producers.

"Okay, when will the filming of your current script be finished, I will come to you when the time comes, and we will have a good chat about it." Yan Chi said again.

"Shooting will be finished almost in mid-June."

"That's okay, it's a deal, I will save the schedule. This time my goal is not small. If it succeeds, I want to create a 'movie universe'." "

Hong Chen was also a little surprised when he heard Yan Chi's ambition.

But ambition is a good thing, especially for young directors, what they need is a kind of drive.

Moreover, great directors have their own ideas. There is a saying in the industry that the movies made by great directors are for themselves.

For example, Zhang Mou's "Hero", "House of Flying Daggers", "Curse of Golden Armor", and "Shadow" have obvious personal styles.

Another example is Jiang Wen, "Let the Bullets Fly", "Hidden Man", etc. are also the same, with a black humor style that is rare in China.

Yan Chi also has his own ideas.

A "detective universe", a unique crime-solving movie.

The same is true for Hong Chen, he also has some new ideas.

He had already had some disagreements with Huahai in the incident of "Zhu Xian" breaking the appointment.Hong Chen knew that Ge Chen was under a lot more pressure than himself on this matter.

Because the contracted artists of the agency are not qualified to refute the arrangement of the agency, there is an ambiguous clause in Hong Chen's contract that he has a certain right to choose independently, but this matter is still the final decision of the agency.

Ge Chen negotiated with Wang Yao for a long time on this matter.

Hong Chen now finds that while the brokerage company obtains resources, it restricts his freedom to a certain extent.

If his own resources are sufficient, he can actually break away from the brokerage company.

In fact, many powerful actors will do this, such as Yang Mi, Tang Yan, etc., because they all have enough capital.If you don’t have money, it’s okay to open a studio rashly, which is no different from courting death.

Therefore, Hong Chen had the idea of ​​setting up a studio.

Of course, this idea is just a prototype, and whether it can be realized in the future depends on the next development.

(End of this chapter)

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