Chapter 166
The filming of "Detective Tang Dynasty 2" went extremely smoothly.

With the foundation of the first film, I was familiar with the second film.

The atmosphere of the crew is also very good. After all, it is a light-hearted comedy. Everyone talked and laughed during the filming process. Sometimes the actors play freely and the results are very good.

This time the filming is more nationalized. There are actors from the United States and Japan, and everyone gets along pretty well.

Hong Chen's fluent English and Japanese made people admire this actor more and more.

Among them, the Japanese actor Wife Mu Satoshi expressed that he is a fan of Hong Chen as soon as he joined the group.

"Hong Chensang, you are very famous in Japan, especially in a list of Asian handsome guys that has recently become popular in women's forums. You are in the top three." Wife Mu Satoshi said beside him.

"Women's Forum?"

"Well, it's very famous in our country."

Hong Chen was somewhat surprised by this.

Japan is a country that likes to rank artists. There are various lists, such as "Top Ten Beauties List", "Top Ten Lovely List", "Ten Most Popular Actresses List", "Top Ten Most Wanted Actresses List" Be a Girlfriend Artist List".

And this "Top [-] Most Handsome Actors in Asia List" is a newly popular list recently, and the third is Hong Chen.

Many girls in Japan like him very much.

"I have a chance to visit Japan." Hong Chen also made up his mind.

The plot of "Detective Chinatown 2" is a bit more in-depth than that of Detective Chinatown 1. It tells the story of the "Godfather" Uncle Qi's grandson who died in the Zaowang Temple in New York's Chinatown, so he gathered famous detectives from all over the world and used huge bonuses as prizes , to conduct a famous detective to solve the crime contest.

On the detective list, Qin Feng, played by Hong Chen, ranked second, with the ability to think palace, extreme eyesight, and extreme brain power.

Noda Hao, played by Satoshi Satoshi, ranked third, with similar abilities to Qin Feng, and the two had similar grades.

Kiko, played by Shang Yuyan, ranks fifth, a genius hacker.

Today's filming is a group scene, that is, all the detectives gather together, and Uncle Qi releases the mission, which can be regarded as a big scene.

The more important roles there are, the more difficult it is to shoot, because everyone must have performance, lines, and interactions. The test is the director's layout ability and the actors' ability to cooperate.

Therefore, this scene requires everyone to cooperate to complete it.

Hong Chen mainly interacted with Baoqiang, and used Baoqiang's "stupid" as a joke through the contrast of IQ.

When this scene was filmed, it was Shang Yuyan's turn, and her lines were to introduce Hong Chen and his wife Mu Cong.

Yan Chi asked Shang Yuyan to stare at Hong Chen when she was speaking, and to show "interest" in her eyes.Because Hong Chen is the second existence on the ranking list, second only to the mysterious "Q", Shang Yuyan is full of curiosity about him.

In other words, Kiko already liked Qin Feng, but it didn't show until the end of the movie.

Shang Yuyan's dress has been carefully dressed, and her hair is in the style of Hatsune Miku, looking very youthful.She was wearing shorts, very sexy, and her red lips were sexy.At this moment, she was eating a heart-shaped lollipop, with an indifferent smile on her face, looking at Hong Chen.

"Two years ago, they cracked the gold theft and murder case in Bangkok. They called themselves Chinatown detectives."

This line is in English, and Shang Yuyan speaks it fluently and with great feeling.

Yan Chi watched her performance from behind the camera, and praised her, this little girl's eyes are in place.

According to the script, everyone was watching Kiko at this moment, and Hong Chen was no exception.

He had to keep his face expressionless and quietly listen to Shang Yuyan's introduction.

He and Shang Yuyan looked at each other, and saw some strange looks in Shang Yuyan's eyes.

It seems that Shang Yuyan is flirting with him?
In Detective Chinatown 2, Kiko and Qin Feng have more or less the same relationship.In fact, Kiko has been teasing Qin Feng, but it is not obvious, and Qin Feng is only interested in solving the case, so there is no emotional drama between the two of them.

Shang Yuyan's style is originally "A", full of heroism and aura.

That's why it seemed so natural for her to play kiko, a genius hacker.

This kind of woman will not easily fall in love with other men, but once she does, she will find a way to get her.

Even sometimes, no matter whether the other party is single or not.
Hong Chen didn't know what to say, the cute female subordinate wanted to tease him?Sure enough, boys should protect themselves when they go out.

Filming continued and everything went smoothly.

More than a month later, the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival is about to open, and all the nominations have been announced.

There is no doubt that Hong Chen won the nomination for Best Actor for his excellent performance in "Scorching Sun".

Hong Chen had been waiting for this for a long time.

A few days later, Ge Chen suddenly called Hong Chen.

"Hong Chen, take a quick look at Weibo." Ge Chen's voice was a little anxious.

Hearing this, Hong Chen's expression changed slightly. During this time, he has been filming abroad and didn't pay much attention to the domestic situation.

But since Ge Chen mentioned it, it means that something did happen.

He opened Weibo and looked at the trending searches first.

The first hot search item is Zhuo Wei's revelation.

#zhuowei broke the news, a huge scandal in the entertainment circle#
Hong Chen frowned, and clicked in to view this trending search.

It turned out that Zhuo Wei, one of the most famous paparazzi in China, posted a Weibo with the following content:

The actor surnamed H who has been popular in the entertainment industry for the past two years is suspected to be cohabiting with a popular actress. He seems to be living in a mess in private. The details will be announced at 8:[-] tomorrow night.

A male star with the surname H has become popular in the past two years.
These few entries instantly attracted the attention of the people who eat melons.

"A male star with the surname H, Han Han?"

"Is Han Han married? It should be Sammo Hung?"

"Could it be Han Dongjun?"

"It should be Hong Chen!"

"I only care about who is the popular actress?"

People love to eat melons, especially this kind of revelation, which is often the most popular thing for people.

Especially people in the fan circle, they often don't care about who won what awards, who has new works, but if anyone has gossip, they are definitely the first to join in the fun.

This is also the reason why some traffic stars like to stir up scandals.

Undoubtedly, Zhuo Wei's revelation, like a bomb, set off a storm on the Internet.

All kinds of suspicions came to my face.

There are a few senior bigwigs in the entertainment industry who are even more predictable, pointing the finger at Hong Chen!
Various media reprinted this Weibo, and made a lot of hype and reports, just to compete for the traffic brought by this incident.

After Hong Chen saw this Weibo, he realized almost instantly that Zhuo Wei was talking about himself.

Only he and Yan Yileng fit this situation.

In the past, this kind of thing was nothing more than a scandal to them, and the follow-up public relations to refute the rumors would also increase a lot of heat.

But this incident happened at the critical moment of the film festival, and it was obvious that someone with a heart wanted to mess with Hong Chen.

Hong Chen could see this clearly, so he naturally had a way to deal with it.

Since the masses want to eat melons, let's eat them.

(End of this chapter)

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