The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 178 Golden Horse Awards, Birth of a Double Actor

Chapter 178 Golden Horse Awards, Birth of a Double Actor
The Taiwan Golden Horse Award, the HK Golden Statue Award and the China Golden Rooster Award are collectively known as the three major gold awards in China.

Every award is full of gold.

It can be said that winning any award means that this work is superior in a certain way.

The Golden Horse Awards ceremony is somewhat different from the Golden Rooster Awards.

Hong Chen noticed that he knew very few faces at the awards ceremony, and most of them were actors from Baodao.

"After all, it is a local film festival in Taiwan, so all the artists here will participate. In mainland China, only qualified artists can participate, so we don't know many people." Duan Hong explained.

Hong Chen nodded.

He participated in the Golden Horse Awards last year, and that time he won the Best Supporting Actor for his outstanding performance in "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

To be honest, the stage layout here, as well as the overall level of sophistication, are still a bit worse than the Golden Rooster Awards.

As early as ten years ago, the Golden Horse Awards were more important and higher-end at that time. However, mainland films continued to improve, and today's film and television industry is thriving. The weight of the Golden Rooster Awards has long surpassed that of the Golden Horse Awards.

Awards continued.

Duan Hong was nominated for Best Supporting Actor, but was not selected. He was selected as a supporting actor in another film "Tropical Rain".

Hong Chen had never heard of this movie.

He continued to wait.

Finally, the nominations for Best Actor came.

The four nominated actors were cast on the big screen, and Hong Chen smiled calmly.

"The best actor at this year's Golden Horse Awards is Hong Chen!"

The hostess read out the names of the winners one after another. At this moment, the music started, and cheers continued for a while.

Golden Horse Best Actor, Hong Chen!

His second actor this year.

A true double actor.

Hong Che was very calm this time, stood up and smiled, then hugged Duan Hong, and bent over to shake hands with Cao Baoping, looking very modest.

It is a joy to win the Golden Horse Best Actor, but this time his sense of accomplishment is not so strong.

When he won the Golden Rooster Award before, he stood on the stage, and all he could see were celebrities and directors who were well-known and top-notch in the entertainment industry. The feeling of scenery was really enjoyable.

Now he is standing on the stage, looking around, there are not many people he knows.

But winning is always a good thing.

"Thank you for your support, thank you, and thank the jury for their recognition."

Hong Chen said his acceptance speech with sincere feelings.

After that, there was no doubt that the focus of tonight was on Hong Chen again.

Although there is no live broadcast of the Golden Horse Awards in mainland China, and few people watch the recorded broadcasts, his studio has done a good job of promoting it in the media immediately.

Double actor is rare among Chinese actors, not to mention that both actor are extremely important.

The audience in Baodao was boiling, Golden Horse Best Actor, really Hong Chen!
This first-line movie star from the mainland conquered the audience in Taiwan with his strength.

Hong Chen stood in the middle of the stage, and several actors from Baodao looked at his glamorous appearance with envious eyes.

In their eyes, those who can win the mainland of Golden Horse Best Actor are very powerful.

There are also a few young actors who are very dissatisfied with this result.

"What the fuck, why would the Golden Horse Film King give a mainland boy!" said a young man who was about the same age as Hong Chen.

"Yeah, I didn't see anything special about him either." Another male actor greeted him.

"What did our jury think? For Daluzi? Did you take the money?"

Several of them are second-tier actors in Baodao, sitting together and complaining.

"Don't talk about him like that, there must be a reason why he won the Best Actor!" A young actress retorted from the side.

At this time, in their front row, a first-line middle-aged actor from Baodao heard what they said, turned around and asked, "Have you seen his works?"

Faced with the sudden question, several young people looked at each other in blank dismay, because they had never seen Hong Chen's works.

"If you don't know why he won the best actor, don't talk nonsense. If you are like this, it will only make people think we are too petty." The middle-aged actor scolded.

The young people stopped talking immediately, the status of the other party was much higher than them, and the circle of Treasure Island was small, so they did not dare to offend each other.

"He is this year's Golden Rooster Best Actor. If you are not convinced, you can read the tidbits about his filming on the Internet and learn from others." The middle-aged actor seemed to hate iron and steel. Turn your head away and stop talking.

Several young people took another look at Hong Chen on the stage. They found that Hong Chen had a very modest smile and a very decent conversation.

On the contrary, it gives people a kind of calmness of talking and laughing, which makes Tan Can't help admiring him.

If they had won this award, they would have been so excited that they didn't know what to say.

Hong Chen's performance in "Scorching Sun" is really brilliant.

It's nothing more than an actor who will win the Golden Horse Award.

Several of the shots are textbook acting skills.

After the speech was over, Hong Chen walked off the stage and sat back in his seat, his mood didn't have much ups and downs.

"Congratulations!" Duan Hong congratulated him.

"Thank you." Hong Chen replied.

It is worth mentioning here that there will be a film festival half a month later, the Pudong International Film Festival, which is an international-level film festival. actor.

That is, one movie, three movie stars!

This incident caused quite a stir, and the audience recognized the result very much!

Their performance is enough to deserve this award.

That is to say, Hong Chen won the Golden Rooster Award, Golden Horse Award and Pudong International Film Festival titles respectively for the film "Scorching Sun".

For a while, the scenery is infinite.

"Hong Chen, don't be complacent and complacent, you have to make persistent efforts." After the Pudong International Film Festival, Cao Baoping said to him.

Cao Baoping had good intentions, because Hong Chen is too young now, and with such achievements, he could easily drift away.

It may also adversely affect his future career.

"Director Cao, don't worry, I will continue to work hard." Hong Chen nodded solemnly.

He still has a long way to go.

In the film and television industry, Hong Chen also has an idol in his heart, and that is Teacher Li Xuejian.

China's only grand slam actor.

Debuting for more than 40 years, he has won 33 best actor awards, a national first-class actor, chairman of the Film Association, and a veritable artist with both virtue and skill.

He is known as "the most expensive actor in China" and also known as "the poorest actor in China".

He is expensive because his quality and achievements are unmatched, and poor because an actor of his level still lives an ordinary life, has never ostentatiously shown off his wealth, and has only accepted an advertisement once in his life.

Compared with the increasingly impetuous entertainment industry, such an actor is very rare.

He is worthy of respect, and Hong Chen has always followed his example.

But at the same time, Hong Chen's thoughts are not only to win the Grand Slam best actor in China.

Likewise, he wants to achieve this achievement internationally.

(End of this chapter)

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