The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 186 The number of votes is crushed, and the official likes it!

Chapter 186 The number of votes is crushed, and the official likes it!
Horse herding cities, confession balloons, and mountains and rivers.

In just one night, the three songs quickly reached the top of the new song charts of major music platforms, and directly occupied the top three.

Of course, the rankings of each platform are not the same.For example, Netease Cloud Muma City and Shanshui ranked higher, while QQ Music ranked first with the advertisement balloon.

But no matter what, Hong Chen's live broadcast last night was completely popular.

It even went directly to Weibo hot searches.

#洪除直播破记#, #牧马城市,得你从从从力力#, #说而而人#
The hot searches are all about Hong Chen's live broadcast last night.

People in the entertainment industry are all dumbfounded, what kind of trouble is the actor going to do?It's fine to win a movie star in the movie circle, but it's such an uproar in the music circle.

The big stars usually don't pay much attention to the live broadcast, but they have to pay attention to it when it becomes popular.So, after they listened to Hong Chen's three songs, they were all shocked beyond measure.

This is a musical genius!

At the same time, the next day, the number of votes for Hong Chen's Weibo Night also began to increase like crazy.

Originally, Hong Chen had only over 3000 million votes, but it rose to 5 million in one day, instantly widening the gap with No.2 Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei's team was dumbfounded.

How does this compare?
Xiao Fei originally made his debut by relying on traffic, and the huge popularity created by the men's team audition and company marketing.Now the opponent directly beat them in what they do best.

Hong Chen's fans congratulated one after another.

Idols are amazing!

This also inspired their enthusiasm to vote for Hong Chen.

The storm Hong Chen's new song caused on Weibo was far more than that simple.

At the beginning, when Hong Chen said that he would sing live, many well-known musicians ridiculed them. If you look carefully, you will find that these are all musicians under Bright Entertainment.

Now that Hong Chen is so popular, the musicians who are also under Huahai's banner will naturally add fuel to the flames.

Moreover, Wang Yao also instructed the music department to do so.

The reason is very simple, Hong Chen is now a signboard of Hua Hai, so he naturally finds a way to maintain this relationship.

The entertainment industry is inherently realistic.

Hong Chen's current status is already equal to him in Huahai, and he doesn't know how much higher it is in the entertainment industry.

Xu Tai, music director of Huahai, commented: "The song between mountains and rivers is really great, the lyrics and artistic conception are beautiful, praise!"

Well-known musician Zhou Milk Tea commented: "The confession balloon is pretty good, use this song to confess!"

There is also a well-known musician Xue Qian commented: "Listening to Muma City reminds me of the days when I was writing songs in a rental house of less than 40 square meters. The life of an adult is really not easy. Great praise!"

The unanimous recommendation of musicians made Hong Chen's popularity even more prosperous.

Just when people thought that this matter could reach such an amazing level, another thing happened.

Even this matter directly boarded the hot search.

Huaxia reposted Hong Chen’s Weibo music, liked and commented: “If a boy laughs and cries and gets tired/says he’s going to wander/leaves the appearance of an adult/looks at the imminent tension/there will always be someone who will be yours Far away. Muma City, to you who are still working hard for your dreams. Promote positive energy and wish your dreams come true."

This is the first official Weibo post with likes!

Not only directly copied Hong Chen's lyrics, but also praised Hong Chen's new song vigorously.

This microblog also attracted the exclamation of many netizens.

"Official praise, great!"

"Haha, promote positive energy and learn from idols!"

"It turned out to be an official person!"

"Hong Chen has always been rooted in Miaohong, okay? Do you still remember the promotional video of Kyoto City!"

Fans are happy.

Official approval represents the official attitude, and obviously, it also shows that Hong Chen has always been recognized by the mainstream media.

This is very important.

If you observe carefully, the stars who debuted in the draft are generally not praised by the officials, unless they later become really powerful bosses.

Such as Li Yuchun.

When Supergirl was back then, the officials never paid attention to this kind of talent show, and it was only when she turned into a real boss and led the trend that she was officially recognized.

And the official attitude has a little influence.

That is, any well-known musician would never dare to blacken Hong Chen again!

Official praise, who dares to blackmail, I'm afraid it's not courting death.

After Huaxia Youth Net liked and commented, Huaxia Daily also liked and commented.

"It sounds good. I hope there will be more young artists like this, so that more people can see the light of young people."

This time, people were even more amazed.

Huaxia Daily, with 3500 million fans, can be said to be the most authoritative official account on Weibo.

He also praised Hong Chen?
What a concept!
In fact, the current government also hopes to promote and encourage young people in society to establish correct values ​​by setting up some models of outstanding young artists.

Therefore, China's publicity and public opinion department will pay attention to the dynamics of young artists.

Like artists who debuted in talent shows, these artists are just companies manipulating money from immature fans. Not only do they not have any positive energy, but they are full of greed and coldness of money, so they will never be in the eyes of the officials.

And people like Hong Chen, a young film star who has no scandals, concentrates on his work, and can compose such excellent songs, are the ones that China admires.

Huaxia needs such a person.

We need someone who can represent China, promote it to the world, and be praised by others.

Looking back now, there are really too few such people.

Only the older generation of Hong Kong stars go abroad, and maybe some people will cheer.

It's very simple, it's just a parallel world, for example.

There are five of the five most influential male stars in the world.

Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Chow Yun Fat, Leslie Cheung.

They have all been recognized by the international film and television industry, and they have all won real awards.

Looking at the past ten years, how many Chinese stars have gone abroad?
Maybe some idols who debuted in the cold country are more popular in the cold country, and some handsome men and beauties live in Japan, but there are very few who are popular in Europe and the United States with their real skills.

Therefore, Huaxia also hopes to have another artist like this appear.

Hong Chen also did not expect that the official Weibo would like and comment on himself, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

His feeling is, very cool.

The recognition of the mainstream media cannot be bought with money. Many artists are eager to get official recognition, but there is no way at all.

Of course, Hong Chen will not drift, he will continue to work hard.

After finishing the live broadcast, the next step is the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala.There happened to be a period of free time in the middle, so Hong Chen got on the plane and went to Hengdian to visit Yan Yileng.

Now that the two of them have made it public, it is much more convenient to do this kind of thing.

Knowing that he was coming, Yan Yileng began to look forward to it with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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