The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 189 Press conference, the cultural department intervenes!

Chapter 189 Press conference, the cultural department intervenes!

Duan Li put down the phone, gritted her teeth and said, "It's nothing more than a star, I really think I'm something after taking two movie kings!"

Duan Li is an executive at Weibo, and the celebrities and entertainment companies who come to ask her for work every day don't know how many.In the eyes of others, celebrities are superior, but in her eyes, they are just pawns for entertainment companies to make money.

What is Hong Chen, a movie star, compared to a behemoth like Weibo?
Thus, Duan Li suddenly started to operate behind the scenes.

At 10 o'clock, Hong Chen's Weibo was deleted.

Then, Hong Chen's Weibo was directly blocked.

Duan Li was so ruthless that she directly blocked Hong Chen's Weibo!
Weibo accounts can be blocked, usually for 7-30 days, because of posting illegal news.

When Hong Chen saw his backstage message showing that his account had been blocked for 7 days, his face was completely gloomy!

Weibo not only deleted his news, but also blocked his account!
Duan Li's methods are very sinister.

Under normal circumstances, when a celebrity's Weibo is blocked, they will take the initiative to ask the Weibo official to admit his mistake and unblock it, but Duan Li plans this time, even if Hong Chen comes to beg her, she will not unblock his account.

This is the price of his ignorance!
But Duan Li did not expect that the development of the matter once again exceeded her expectations.

Hongchen Studio issued an announcement at 8:[-] am the next day, and held a press conference at [-]:[-] pm, inviting all entertainment and newspaper reporters from all over the capital to come.

Not only that, Hong Chen also contacted the major live broadcast platforms to broadcast live simultaneously.

Things got more serious.

Duan Li may have forgotten that China's media is not limited to Weibo.

She realized that this time Hong Chen and Weibo were really in an endless situation.

But thinking that I have been chasing Xiao Fei since his debut, and now he is his number one "mother fan", and spent at least hundreds of thousands for Xiao Fei.

And after Xiao Fei's team contacted her, Xiao Fei also spent some "effort" on her.

Therefore, she must make Xiao Fei the champion of Weibo Night!

Only Xiao Fei is worthy of this position!

"President Duan, Hong Chen is going to hold a press conference, what should we do?" an assistant under Duan Li asked, looking a little nervous.

Duan Li snorted coldly, "Let him drive, what can he drive? Does anyone listen to what a celebrity says?"

In Duan Li's eyes, Hong Chen was nothing more than saying something that slandered Weibo, saying how unfair the voting on Weibo Night was.

With this kind of words, as long as she operates a little bit, she can shape Hong Chen into a person who can't afford to lose and even holds a press conference to cry, making everyone laugh it off.

After all, Hong Chen is still too young to fight her, he is still far away!

"Mr. Duan, are you really okay? What if he asks us to publish the data of Weibo Night?" Duan Li's assistant asked again.

Duan Li rolled his eyes at him, and snorted coldly: "The data is in the hands of our department. If we don't let it go, who can control it?"

Duan Li is very confident.

In fact, Xiao Fei was responsible for all the transactions involving ticket swiping.

During this time, Xiao Fei's team has not been idle.

Hong Chen's Weibo was blocked, which happened to be a great opportunity for Xiao Fei's team to launch an offensive.

So, Xiao Fei's fans started to mock Hong Chen's fans one after another.

"Hey, why is your idol's account blocked? Could it be because of ticket fraud!"

"Hahaha, he also said that we swiped tickets, but his account was blocked!"

"You deserve it, you're so happy!"

"This is what happens when you offend brother Xiao Fei."

Hong Chen's fans also responded, but because of Weibo being blocked, they obviously fell behind.

Just like that, Hong Chen's fans held their breath and waited for the press conference in the afternoon.

This incident blew a gust of wind on Weibo.

All eyes were on Hong Chen.

They all wanted to see what kind of waves Hong Chen could make.

So, before three o'clock in the afternoon, all the major media sent reporters to come. At the same time, Douyu, Huya and other live broadcast platforms all obtained the live broadcast rights of this press conference.

This press conference is extremely popular!

The number of viewers on all major live broadcast platforms exceeded 500 million.

All the media were present throughout!
Duan Li and Xiao Fei's team were all watching the live broadcast.

They wanted to see what Hong Chen could post live.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Hong Chen, Ge Chen, and Wang Shaoqi appeared, walked to the middle table and sat down.

Hong Chen was in the middle, glanced at the media reporters who had heard the news, without any expression on his face.

"Mr. Hong Chen, may I ask the recent news that Xiao Fei is swiping tickets, is it true?"

"Mr. Hong Chen, your Weibo account has been banned, how do you explain this matter?"

"Mr. Hong Chen, do you have anything to say to the fans?"

Facing the intense questions from the reporters, Ge Chen pressed the palm of his left hand on the index finger of his right hand, signaling for everyone to stop.

In an instant, the reporters fell silent.

Then, Hong Chen leaned closer to the microphone and said in a low voice: "As for the number of votes for this Weibo night, we have provided relevant materials to the relevant departments."

"About Weibo blocking my account, before this happened, I was in contact with Duan Li, the person in charge of Weibo, and I kept a voice record of the threat."

"Since January 1, my manager Ge Chen has been negotiating with the Weibo team every day and submitting relevant data to Weibo, but the other party has never responded positively! They even blocked my account directly!"

Hong Chen's words were filled with righteous indignation, and the reporters heard the potential contradictions and conflicts, and raised their hands to ask questions.

Duan Li watched the live broadcast, when Hong Chen mentioned her name, her eyes turned cold, and then she sneered disdainfully.

Sure enough, it was exactly what she thought, Hong Chen could only say so much.

The copywriting she connected is all thought up.

This matter, at most, can only create a moderate disturbance.

As a colossal entity, Weibo has never seen any turmoil, and this is not even considered a big deal.

At this time, Hong Chen's press conference was still going on.

"However, in this press conference, apart from explaining what happened recently, there is one more important thing." Suddenly, Hong Chen said again.

His words immediately attracted people's attention.

"That is, I asked Weibo to disclose the vote count data and apologize to me. Otherwise, I will take some necessary measures tonight. You can look forward to it."

After Hong Chen's voice fell, the reporters were all stunned.

Is Hong Chen so rigid?

Directly ask Weibo to make a public apology?

How can this be?

There has never been a precedent for Weibo to actively apologize to an artist.

Will it be too overwhelming?
Seeing this, Xiao Fei burst out laughing, mockingly said: "He must be crazy, let Weibo apologize, it's too arrogant!"

Duan Li did the same, and sneered.

But then, at six o'clock in the evening, something unexpected happened to everyone.

People from the Kyoto Cultural Department and the Kyoto Propaganda Bureau announced that they would intervene in the recent incident of unfair brushing of votes on Weibo to investigate.

At the same time, Weibo was ordered to rectify the unfair competition in the industry and the behavior of artists using illegal means to brush data.

This matter became a big deal in an instant!

There is no other reason, without the intervention of the department, this matter can only be regarded as a small dispute between the artist and Weibo, but after the intervention of the state department, the nature of this matter has completely changed!
But to allow the state department to intervene in this matter, there is no doubt that this matter was written by Hong Chen!
I thought that Hong Chen was beyond his control, but looking at it now, things have completely turned around.

People in the entertainment industry were stunned when they found out about this.

(End of this chapter)

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