The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 226 Filming Completed, Decided to Invest

Chapter 226 Filming Completed, Decided to Invest

Hong Chen saw the news.

Treasure Island?China?When the other party uses such words, it is obvious that they want to express something.

Some secret remarks also floated into his ears faintly.

With a calm face, he immediately posted a Weibo.

"There are some principles that can never be violated."

"On behalf of myself, I would like to withdraw from this Golden Horse."

After this microblog was posted, it caused a huge response across the Internet, and fans were in an uproar.

You know, no matter from which angle you look at this year, Hong Chen is the best candidate for Golden Horse Best Actor.

Now, he's letting go of the Golden Horse actor?
You know, the weight of the Golden Horse actor is very high.

No one can refuse this temptation.


"As expected of my male god!"

"Haha, well done, you don't need the golden horse."

Fans left messages one after another.

As soon as the Golden Horse official announced the information, Hong Chen posted on Weibo. People naturally knew what it meant.

After Hong Chen posted on Weibo, the Chinese entertainment circle was shaken.

Xu Zheng, Huang Bo, Zhang Yi and many other Chinese film and television giants all announced that they will not participate in the Golden Horse this year.

Reports about this matter on Weibo are also overwhelming.

The Golden Horse Awards officials are all dumbfounded.

Yan Sha, the person in charge of the organizer of the Golden Horse Awards, really looked down on mainland actors.

In any country there are people who worship foreign countries and fawn on foreign countries. In the eyes of these people, the moon in foreign countries is rounder than that in China.

Yan Sha is such a person.

Moreover, he especially hates that the mainland's film and television completely occupy the Treasure Island market.

Back then, people in the mainland only loved to watch Taiwan idol dramas, and they all worshiped the stars of Taiwan.

But now, times have changed.

Mainland film and television is developing rapidly, and high-quality films abound. Compared with it, Baodao is completely crushed.

In fact, it's not just about film and television.

In the past, Treasure Island was very developed, while the mainland was poor and backward. Now more than ten years have passed, and Treasure Island still looks the same, but the mainland has long since taken on a brand new look.

When the people of Baodao saw the facts clearly, they naturally became disappointed.

That's why Yan Sha wanted to belittle the mainland this time with the Golden Horse.No matter how awesome your mainland is, don’t you still have to obediently attend the party held by our treasure island?

But he would never have imagined that Hong Chen was so decisive in this matter that it even directly caused Huaxia actors to announce their withdrawal from the Golden Horse.

After the incident, the Golden Horse official immediately removed Yansha as the person in charge, urgently withdrew the poster and Weibo, and publicly apologized for his inappropriate remarks.

He even sent someone to apologize to Hong Chen.

But it's too late.

Hong Chen told Ge Chen that he would not go to the Golden Horse Awards this time and would push back any conditions.

Ge Chen naturally understood what he meant.

Now in the entertainment industry, Hong Chen has a great influence.

When other parties saw this scene, no one wanted to go again.

If I go, I don’t know how many viewers will scold me to death.

Therefore, this year's Golden Horse Awards has completely become a joke.

This time is approaching December, and the filming of "The Wandering Earth" has finally wrapped up.

In the following scenes, the sacrifice of Li Guangjie and Wu Zhan gave the earth enough motivation to continue wandering.

The earth carries the last fire of human civilization, sailing to the unknown starry sky.

This story tells how these people saved the earth step by step in despair, which symbolizes that no matter what difficulties we are in, we must be full of hope.

However, it is worth mentioning that when Liu Xinci wrote this novel, the following stories were the focus.

After the earth wandered for a period of time, some people in the underground world discovered that the sun did not explode as experts and scholars said.

Back then, it was because experts and scholars predicted that the sun would explode that countries started the Wandering Earth Project.

Now, the explosion of the sun did not happen, so the rebel army appeared.

The rebel army believes that experts and scholars have deceived them, forcing them to leave the original beautiful solar system and let them drift alone in this icy starry sky.

When people are in despair, they will gradually lose their minds.

The rebel army has won and seized the underground regime.The angry rebel army needed to vent, so the villain army expelled all the experts and scholars on the earth to the surface.

These experts and scholars, full of despair and grief, were taken off their masks on the ground.

They instantly turned into ice sculptures and died under the vast starry sky.

On a wandering planet, this tragic tragedy happened.

Under the endless starry sky, their ice sculptures come to life.

After the rebel army saw this scene, they began to cheer, they were cheering that this is a victory for mankind.

Then, at this moment, the sun in the sky exploded!
The whole sky turned red.

It turns out that experts and scholars have always been right.

The ice sculptures of these experts and scholars became clearer in this light.

At this point, the novel ends.

What is left to people is despair and deep aftertaste.

"Director Guo, when will the second part be filmed? Is there a plan?" Hong Chen was very concerned about the situation ahead.

Guo Fan smiled wryly and said, "I don't know how effective this film will be, and I don't know if it will pay back."

The market for hard sci-fi special effects films is too small.Let's put it this way, Huaxia doesn't have any hard sci-fi special effects movies at all, Guo Fan is equivalent to the first person to eat crabs.

However, this crab is not so easy to eat.

"Haha, don't worry, I won't rush." ​​Hong Chen said confidently.

The play has been filmed, and the rest is packaged to the special effects company.

But this time, there was another problem.

After the evaluation, the special effects company gave a quotation for the special effects, and the asking price was almost 2 million yuan.

A figure that Guo Fan could not even afford.

In fact, when the filming started, Guo Fan tried to find actors to keep the actors' salaries as low as possible.

The salary of a big star like Li Guangjie is less than one million.

Newcomers like Zhao Jinmai are always talking about ideals and planning, and they are just tricked into it.

All Guo Fan did was to reduce the budget as much as possible and spend the money on production.

Hong Chen's remuneration has not yet been settled, so Guo Fan can only agree to give him a cut of the box office.

But that's it, the money is not enough.

Now there are two ways in front of Guo Fan. First, reduce the special effects, which can save a lot of money. Of course, the effect of the shooting will be greatly reduced.

Second, find a way to raise money and make a desperate effort to make this movie.

Guo Fan chose the latter.

So, Guo Fan had the cheek to look for Hong Chen.

"How much difference?" Hong Chen asked directly.

"About 8000 million." Guo Fan said.In fact, what he said was low, and he will find a way to raise the money later. This drama is his hard work, and he will not sacrifice the effect for saving money.

"Okay, I'll invest, I'll invest 1 million." Hong Chen said directly.

As far as Hong Chen is concerned, he is not short of money, but Huaxia lacks a good special effects movie.

He didn't know if the Wandering Earth could do this, but he was willing to try.

What's more, Guo Fan's seriousness gave him hope.

After hearing Hong Chen's words, a trace of surprise and joy emerged from Guo Fan's face.

(End of this chapter)

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