The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 228 Skill, god-level riding?

Chapter 228 Skill, god-level riding?

Two days ago, Hong Chen unlocked a new function of the system:

Favorability store.

The things that can be drawn in the silver lottery and gold lottery can be purchased with 10 times the favorability.

For example, "Mouth Ulcer Lozenges", originally a silver lottery with 1000 favorability points can draw a piece, but now Hong Chen can buy it directly with 1 favorability points.

This is also a lot more convenient.

Of course, the favorability shop is only limited to common items, and sometimes rare items can be obtained in the silver lottery and gold lottery, which cannot be purchased directly.

But that's enough.

In the golden lottery, there is a kind of wine called "Daughter Red Wine", which is considered a relatively expensive baijiu, but the key is that this kind of wine cannot be bought in the market.

Uncle Yu Qian only had money left at home, so he probably didn't mind giving some ordinary gifts, this wine was just right.

Yu Qian took the wine and was very happy.

He handed the wine to the entourage, and then happily led the group to visit the racecourse.

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes sounded, but a man riding a white horse slowly came out of the racecourse.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, everyone looked over immediately.

I saw a beautiful woman sitting on the white horse.She combed a neat ponytail, wearing a Nike casual clothes, with a smile on her face, giving people a vaguely noble feeling.

Hong Chen noticed that this woman's skin was extraordinarily fair and smooth, which was relatively rare in the north, and it was enough to make other women jealous in the south.

"Master, we have guests." Seeing the people below, she got off her horse gracefully and said to everyone.

"Well, a few friends, come to play at the racecourse." Yu Qian smiled, and then explained to Hong Chen: "This is the daughter of a friend of mine, named Ye Xue. She has loved horses since she was a child, and she often stays at my racecourse."

Wu Zhan whispered to Hong Chen from the side: "This girl is a Manchu, and she is from the Yellow Banner. Her ancestors have a good relationship with Uncle Yu's family. Now her father also has some influence in the Northeast, a typical son of aristocrats."

Hong Chen nodded secretly, then took another look at Ye Xue, and found that she did have a unique temperament.

Ye Xue looked just 20 years old, in the prime of her youth.

"Brother Wolf Warrior, you are here too." Seeing Wu Zhan, Ye Xue teased mischievously.

Wu Zhan just smiled.

Immediately, she saw Hong Chen again, her pretty face changed slightly, and she said, "It's you?"

Seeing her expression, Uncle Yu Qian turned around and asked Hong Chen, "Do you know each other?"

Hong Chen spread his hands, "I don't know."

Ye Xue glanced at Hong Chen, and said mockingly: "You are Shidi, of course you don't know me."

Feeling her attitude, Hong Chen asked doubtfully, "Have I offended you before?"

At this time, another young and beautiful girl ran out from behind Ye Xue, came to Ye Xue, and smiled at Hong Chen: "Hong Chen, it's really you, Ye Xue is Wang Kai's fan, this time For the Golden Eagle Award, Wang Kai always runs with her, that's why she is like this."

"But I'm your fan."

Hearing what this girl said, Hong Chen suddenly realized.

During the Golden Eagle Awards, the most popular actor was voted by the audience. At that time, he and Wang Kai had the highest number of votes, which was nicknamed "the battle of Langya list".

In the end, Hong Chen's votes overwhelmed Wang Kai's and won the award, and Shidi behind him was even more so.

"So that's the case, then I'm to blame for this." Hong Chen said with a cheerful smile.

After Wu Zhan saw the two girls, he smiled at Yu Qian and said, "Master Qian, you are amazing, you are so charming in the golden house."

Unexpectedly, Yu Qian waved his hand immediately, "Don't run on me."

"My name is Qian Shimeng, hello, Great Film King." Qian Shimeng stretched out his hand readily, Hong Chen also held her finger gracefully when he saw this, and responded with a smile: "Hello".

Like Ye Xue, Qian Shimeng belongs to the type of "you can tell at a glance that her parents have invested a lot in her".

Beautiful, confident, in good shape, with good self-management.

"Big star, can you ride a horse? Let's go for a ride together?" Qian Shimeng issued an invitation.

Yu Qian also said from the side: "The relationship is good. It just so happens that the two of them yell every day that no one will accompany them. You are both young people. Let's play together."

Seeing this, Hong Chen spread his hands and said, "Master, I haven't ridden a horse much."

"Don't worry about this, the horses in Lord Qian's family are very gentle." Wu Zhan said from the side.

Hearing this, Hong Chen could only agree.

Then, Wu Zhan, Yu Qian and others went to the back to prepare food, while Hong Chen followed Qian Shimeng and Ye Xue to the racecourse to ride horses.

After Ye Xue heard that Hong Chen hadn't ridden a horse, a hint of conspiracy flashed in his eyes.

"Big star, the racecourse just brought in a hard-working horse two days ago, and you ride that one, which is worthy of your status." Ye Xue said directly.

"Ye Xue, don't be joking, that horse has such a strong temper, and now Uncle Yu is worried about how to appease it." Qian Shimeng said from the side.

Hearing this, Ye Xue curled her lips, the plot failed.

In fact, she was just saying that the girl had a good heart, and that sweaty horse had a strong temper. When she saw it for the first time, she was startled by the horse.

When Hong Chen heard that there were bloody horses, he was a little curious. Men always have a fascination with mounts, from bicycles to cars to girlfriends.

So Hong Chen said with a smile: "Sweat horse? Let's go and have a look."

He simply wanted to see what Huaxia's precious horses looked like. After hearing what he said, the second daughter took him to the depths of the racecourse, accompanied by the staff of the racecourse.

After entering the stable, Hong Chen heard a neighing sound from inside.The surrounding horses looked very disturbed, and there was a slight movement in their docile eyes.

Hong Chen continued to walk in, and saw the crimson horse at a glance.The horse is about 1.5 meters high, with a plump and graceful body, a thin head and a tall neck, slender limbs, and thin skin.

Seeing people coming, the bloody sweat horse tore at the reins, and seemed to want to break free.

"This horse must be starved for a few days before being appeased slowly. There is no way. This kind of horse has a strong temper. Sometimes it would rather starve to death than eat." The staff who raised the horse explained.

Ye Xue and Qian Shimeng were watching from behind, they liked that kind of cute pony.As for this fierce horse, it looks too dangerous.

"Isn't it good for a professional horse trainer?" Hong Chen asked.

"It's not that simple. The bloodline of this horse is very good. Our boss took a lot of effort to get it here. If you want to tame it, you have to be patient." The staff said again.

"System, do you have the skills to train horses?" Hearing what he said, Hong Chen suddenly had a whim and asked again in his mind.

"To the host, you have god-level riding skills that meet the requirements."

"God-level riding: can tame a fierce horse and become a mount."

Hong Chen's current favorability is very sufficient, so he directly drew this skill.

After acquiring the skill, he displayed a god-level riding technique and walked towards the bloody horse.

"What are you doing?" The staff was startled.His colleague was kicked by the horse two days ago, and his arm is still in a cast.Now that Hong Chen is so close to this horse, it is almost like courting death.

Moreover, Hong Chen's social status is high, and he can't bear this responsibility at all.

"Ah!" Ye Xue was also taken aback, she was just joking before, who knew that Hong Chen really wanted to ride this horse.

However, Hong Chen ignored them. After he stretched out, he slowly approached the horse's head. Unexpectedly, as he got closer, the horse became quieter and quieter.

This scene left the staff dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
Ye Xue was also dumbfounded, while Qian Shimeng's eyes were full of surprise.

Idols still have this ability?Do horses also look at faces?

Hong Chen approached the sweat-blooded horse and stroked its forehead. The sweat-blooded horse seemed to be enjoying itself, and its breathing gradually became steady.

Then, Hong Chen seized the opportunity, pulled the rein, and stepped on the horse's back.

"Master, I will ride this horse for a while, don't worry, it won't hurt anyone." Hong Chen smiled at the staff below.

Seeing this scene, the staff swallowed with difficulty, and then hurriedly opened the wooden door of the stable like a ghost.

He never imagined that this horse was tamed by Hong Chen so quickly.

What a joke, the master trainers of them tried every means to feed this bloody sweat horse every day to appease him. Mr. Yu also came several times, but this horse was still unruly.

As a result, the big star Hong Chen came over and tamed the horse just by touching its head?

Do horses also look at faces?

Then, I saw Hong Chen moved the reins lightly, and the horse held its proud head high, and walked out with light and graceful steps.

"You two, don't you want to ride around?" Hong Chen said to Ye Xue and Qian Shimeng who were on the side, with a somewhat mighty posture.

Ye Xue blinked her eyes, while Qian Shimeng's face was full of joy.

On the other side, the staff has already called Yu Qian.

"Boss, Hong Chen rode a horse and left."

"I know, which horse to ride, Xiao Huang or Xiao Bai?"

"Neither, I'm riding a bloody horse!"

"Old Zhang, are you kidding me? Can anyone ride that horse? Are you?"

Before Yu Qian finished speaking, he saw Hong Chen riding his precious sweat horse running slowly on the field not far away.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he read correctly.

This time, his face was full of astonishment.

He had seen that horse a few times, but he ignored him, but Hong Chen was easily tamed after only a short while?

What's the situation?
(End of this chapter)

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