The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 232 Kung Fu is a killing technique

Chapter 232 Kung Fu is a killing technique
How does Huaxia Wushu perform?

Hong Chen said that kung fu is a killing technique, not suitable for performing.

At this moment, the four audition directors were all staring at Hong Chen intently.

Huaxia Kungfu always gives people a mysterious feeling. They have all heard the rumors of Huaxia Kungfu, so they are looking forward to Hong Chen's next performance.

Director Walter sat up straight, assistant director Jiaxi adjusted his glasses, producer Kamai narrowed his eyes slightly, and investor Robert showed interest.

"Kung fu is for actual combat, so I need one of you to cooperate with me." Hong Chen stood up, moved the stool away, and said politely.

After hearing his words, the four directors immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.


Just now you said that kung fu is a killing technique, how do you cooperate?

Walter looked at the assistant director Jia Xi, and said, "Ja Xi, you made the show, you go and cooperate."

Hearing this, Jiaxi immediately had a bitter expression on his face, but among the four people, his status was the lowest, so he also walked out with a sad face.

"Director Jiaxi, don't worry, just click to the end, there will be no danger." Hong Chen smiled gently at him.

Seeing Hong Chen's calm look, Jiaxi calmed down a little. "Mr. Hong Chen, you must control it well."

Several directors knew that Hong Chen had made action movies and had real skills, so they were still a little worried.

"The real Chinese kung fu doesn't pay attention to moves, but how to quickly defeat the opponent. It's a bit like the current fighting, but it's different."

"Wrestling is, after all, a competition under the institutional system, but kung fu is often a fight to the death."

"So, kung fu requires strength, speed, stamina, and a strong will."

"Attacks are often on fatal parts such as the eyes, throat, and lower body."

Hong Chen explained in a steady voice.

Listening to his words, the audition director gradually realized something was wrong.

Hong Chen's aura is changing!
Just now, Hong Chen was still the same, just like an ordinary handsome boy.

At this moment, a dangerous aura suddenly emanated from his body, and his eyes were like a hunter staring at his prey, full of threats.

Jiaxi's feeling was the deepest. He looked into Hong Chen's eyes and felt his body tense unconsciously.

Especially when Hong Chen talked about the eyes, Adam's apple and the lower part, Jiaxi felt some pain in these parts unconsciously.

"Kungfu also pays attention to flexibility, and there are countless ways to attack. For example, the place I want to attack now is the eyes."

As soon as Hong Chen finished speaking, he suddenly moved forward and punched Jiaxi directly in the face.

The action was so fast that the other audition directors didn't react at all!

Jiaxi's face changed drastically, he felt his heart stop suddenly, and before he could react, Hong Chen's fist was already less than 3 cm away from his eyes.

Jiaxi felt the speed and strength contained in the fist, and his mind went blank!
So fast!

In just the blink of an eye, Hong Chen had already completed the attack!

"This is a boxing method. There are other practical attack methods such as whip kick, palm strike, split leg, and sharp claw. But these methods are not easy to practice." Hong Chen retracted his fist, and his momentum returned to his original state in an instant.

Walter, Kamai, and Robert all had shocked expressions in their positions.

Jiaxi swallowed with difficulty, and it took him a while to recover.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, and said with lingering fear: "Mr. Hong Chen, is this Huaxia's kung fu? Your punch just now was really terrible. I can't even imagine what it would be like to hit me." kind of."

After hearing his words, Hong Chen was stunned, and immediately said with a smile:

"Director Jiaxi, I punched you three times just now."


After hearing his words, Jiaxi's face was filled with shock.

Three punches?How can it be?

He only saw one punch!

Gacy looked at the others, and Walter shook his head with a wry smile, "I only saw an afterimage, and I didn't see the specifics clearly."

"Don't we have a video? It would be nice to watch the video again." Robert said from the side.

Hearing this, several audition directors immediately surrounded the camera and called up the video to watch it.

Play speed, 0.5 times speed.

In the screen, Hong Chen's punching techniques turned into a few afterimages, which were not particularly clear, but the trajectory of Hong Chen's fist could still be seen clearly.

The first punch, the right fist hits the chest.

In the second punch, the left fist hits the throat.

The third punch, the right fist hits the eye.

Three punches!

It is indeed three punches!
Moreover, when each punch was about to attack Jiaxi, there was an obvious pause, which showed that Hong Chen's strength was well controlled.

It also shows that these three punches are not "frames" for the pursuit of speed, but real offensive moves!
Several people were silent when they saw this scene.

In less than a second, Hong Chen punched three times!

Is this Chinese Kung Fu?

If boxing skills are so terrifying, what about leg skills, palm skills, claw skills, etc.?

Now they only saw the tip of the iceberg of Huaxia Kungfu, and they already felt so terrible.

They are a little fortunate that now is the era of hot weapons and modern weapons, and China has banned the use of Kung Fu as a killing technique. Otherwise, a large group of Chinese people who know Kung Fu may not be able to resist it all over the world.

Jiaxi wiped the sweat from his head with lingering fear, and murmured: "It's terrible!"

Camai glanced at him and comforted him: "China is the birthplace of martial arts, it's normal to feel this way."

Jiaxi shook his head with a wry smile, "You don't know that punch just now, I feel my face still hurting now."

"Mr. Hong Chen, amazing!" Director Walter praised Hong Chen.

Hong Chen smiled gently, and said again: "Nowadays there are few actual kung fu combats, I will also do some solo practice, and I can also show it."

After hearing what Hong Chen said, the directors were naturally happy to see it.

Then, Hong Chen practiced a set of martial arts moves. Of course, he only chose a few more difficult moves to show, such as flying kicks in the air, spinning in the air, etc., which also left the directors stunned.

They firmly believe in their hearts that Chinese people know kung fu!
After the martial arts performance, Hong Chen ended with a closing gesture, and the whole person returned to a calm state.

The audition hall was completely quiet, and several directors looked at each other, their expressions full of disbelief.

Hong Chen took back the stool and sat back on the seat again.

"Mr. Hong Chen, you really opened our eyes today!" After a while, the producer Camai recovered and praised.

"I always thought that Huaxia Kungfu was a fight between you and me. Now that I'm watching it, it's completely different!" Chief Director Walter also said.

"Thank you for letting us see this technology, and I suddenly have a lot of new inspiration." Assistant director Jia Xi echoed.

"Excellent." Investor Robert's evaluation was much simpler, but his tone was very sincere.

For this, Hong Chen just smiled and expressed his gratitude.

Huaxia's martial arts, this is just the tip of the iceberg.He only possesses the skill of "fighting" in order to show some Chinese martial arts.

However, this is enough.

Just like Bruce Lee back then, he let foreigners see the charm of Chinese martial arts by relying on his amazing performance during the audition.

Now, he did too.

(End of this chapter)

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