The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 239 Travel Strategy: Life-Saving Matters!

Chapter 239 Travel Strategy: Life-Saving Matters!
The shooting came faster than Hong Chen expected.

Generally, after the actors are confirmed, the crew still needs a long time to prepare.

In fact, "Fast and Furious 5" has been prepared for a long time, but the director and producer are not very satisfied with the candidate for the role of "Han".

The appearance of Hong Chen now completed the last piece of the puzzle.

"Hi! Master Hong, how is the audition going?" Yan Yihan, who was in Kyoto, called and asked with a light smile.

Hong Chen's eyes turned sour, he pretended to be disappointed and said, "It failed, the final candidate for "King's Secret Service" is Liu Chenglu."

Hearing this, Yan Yileng's voice suddenly became very concerned, "Ah, then you are all right. Hollywood auditions are already difficult, and you are so good, there must be more audition opportunities in the future."

"Well, I know, I've already signed the contract."

"Sign the contract?"

"The character of "Fast and Furious 5", one of the members of the protagonist team, filming with Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, and Gal Gadot."

"Really? You didn't lie to me?"

"When did I ever lie to you?" Hong Chen said warmly.

"Great!" Yan Yileng was lying on the bed, and immediately jumped up excitedly after hearing Hong Chen's words.

The character of "Fast and Furious 5", this is a very powerful script!

Now that Hong Chen can win, she is naturally very excited.

"You are so good! How did you win it? Tell me what you feel." Yan Yileng couldn't wait to ask again.

Hong Chen's tone was slightly deep, and he said, "Probably, it's strength."

Hearing his narcissistic words, Yan Yihan unexpectedly did not refute, but instead smiled and said: "Well, it's strength."

Hong Chen was in a good mood, and said, "However, I may not be able to go back this year for Chinese New Year. My filming schedule is two months, just after the Spring Festival. You know, it's not the Spring Festival here."

After hearing Hong Chen's words, Yan Yileng felt a bit lost for a moment, and then she remembered something, and said: "My role this year has already been filmed, I'll go to Hollywood to see you."

"Really? That's great."

"Well, wait for me."

The life of filming is relatively boring, if Yan Yi Leng can come to accompany him, life will have a lot of new fun.

In this way, after another three days, the shooting of "Fast and Furious 5" officially started.

The first few parts of the Fast and Furious series are about the entanglement between the two protagonists.

Diesel plays the man of the racing world and a criminal.

Paul is a former undercover agent of the FBI. He joined Diesel's team to investigate Diesel. Later, he was attracted by Diesel's personality charm and joined Diesel's team. By the way, he met Diesel's beautiful sister, Jordana.

In Fast 4, they separated and fled separately, Diesel disappeared, and Paul and Jordana went into seclusion.

The plot of Super 5 is that they are tired of being hunted down by the police because of financial problems, and they plan to do a big ticket to gain freedom completely.

Here I still want to talk about some Hollywood audit issues. The protagonist like Diesel is a criminal. Although he robs the rich and helps the poor, and specializes in robbing gangsters and black-hearted capitalists, he is still a criminal in essence.

Such a person would never pass the review in China.

The mission location in the script is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Diesel and Paul assemble, and at the same time, convene their former brothers, to form the ultimate racing team, and to launch a fierce showdown with the shocking corruption of the local government.

At the same time, the Security Bureau headed by Dwayne Johnson has never stopped arresting Diesel and Paul.

The three forces gathered in Rio de Janeiro.

Hong Chen is a member of the Ultimate Racing team.

Then, on December 12, after Christmas, the crew went straight to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Rio de Janeiro is much more chaotic than imagined, and the law and order here is very poor.

When Hong Chen came to the street, he saw that almost all residential buildings had two layers of large iron gates to prevent tailgating.

And he learned that the bank security check here is very strict, and any metal objects cannot be brought into the bank.That's it, the cash in each bank branch is only about 2 reais (about [-] Huaxia currency).

If you want to withdraw more money than this, you need to make an appointment in advance.

Before coming, Hong Chen also checked the travel guide of Rio de Janeiro.

Seeing this, his heart almost went cold.

Other city travel guides are about how to go to which attractions, where the customs are better.

The Raiders say this: If you really want to see this country of samba and football, you don’t need to be too scared.

Hong Chen noticed that the word "fear" was used here.

"Instead of being afraid, you might as well learn more about how to reduce the chance of encountering robbers."

"First, don't reveal your wealth. Put your camera in your bag, don't hang it around your neck, take it out after taking pictures. Don't play with your mobile phone on the street, go to shopping malls and hotels before playing. Don't wear any earrings, necklaces and rings on your body. If you don't In special cases, it is best to wear half-sleeved beach shorts and slippers."

"Second, only operate in relatively safe places. There is only one road between the rich area and the slums. The rich area is relatively safe, and the slum areas are basically controlled by drug dealers and gangs, so find a local to know what is safe. area."

"Third, don't be afraid. Don't look around on the street. If you show fear, you will become a target more easily. You can put tens of reais in your pocket. Robbers generally only steal money and don't kill people."

Finally, one more point was added: "Occasionally, the police and drug dealers will exchange fire, so stay away."

Seeing this strategy, Hong Chen felt a little headache.

It's no wonder that this movie was chosen to be shot in this place, and the background sounds suitable for their struggle between criminal gangs and gangsters.

Only when we have a deep understanding of foreign countries, can we discover how good the law and order in China is.

At least there is a lot of traffic every night, and everyone eats a barbecue and drinks beer on the side of the road, so there is no need to worry about two big black men rushing out suddenly, holding a knife at you and asking for your wallet and mobile phone.

Then, Hong Chen directly dialed Yan Yileng's phone number.

"This place is very dangerous, you are not allowed to come here." Hong Chen said commandingly.

Just kidding, does he dare to let his girlfriend come over in this kind of place?
Even if Yan Yileng was wearing beachwear and no jewelry, he looked like a proper white and rich beauty.

"But I've already arrived at the airport." Yan Yileng said aggrievedly, "I wanted to surprise you."

Hearing this, Hong Chen sighed secretly, and hurriedly said: "Don't move at the airport, don't come out, wait for me to pick you up."

With that said, Hong Chen hung up the phone, borrowed a car from the crew, and went straight to the airport.

In the previous time, he didn't have any part in the scene, mainly because of the family grievances between Paul, Diesel and Jordana.

At the beginning of the story, a few of them planned to do a ticket and steal the luxury cars loaded on the train. Who would have thought that one of the luxury cars had something that a gangster valued, and this was the story behind it.

It is estimated that this scene will take 5-6 days to shoot. Li Yibin told Hong Chen that he will go shopping in Rio in the next few days, but don't run around.

Hong Chen didn't dare to run around.

Although I know martial arts, the gangsters here have guns.

Hong Chen drove straight to the airport, and then called Yan Yileng to come out.

Yan Yileng walked out, and Hong Chen saw her immediately.

There was no way, Yan Yileng was too outstanding compared to the crowd around him.Tall, fair-skinned, wearing a pale white dress, she is as beautiful as a fairy.

Typical Bai Fumei's dress.

Hong Chen touched his forehead helplessly. According to the strategy he found, this is definitely a living target for robbers.

Of course, criminals will not be so arrogant, and a safe area like an airport is relatively safe.

Hong Chen noticed that there were some malicious eyes around him, so he hurriedly stepped forward and took Yan Yileng's hand, got into the car in a hurry, and drove towards the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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