The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 242 Tonight, Destined to Be the Protagonist

Chapter 242 Tonight, Destined to Be the Protagonist
The field racing track is not that simple, and it is night now, with only bonfires and car lights lighting, which raises the difficulty to a higher level.

In such an environment, for ordinary people to drive a car, if they can complete a lap normally, it is already considered amazing.

Among them, there are several series of corners, even the famous "devil area", which professional racers may not be able to complete.

But now, a young actor from China wants to race on such a track, and even threatens to challenge the fastest record.

Are you kidding me?
Many people in the United States think that this Chinese man is probably being provoked by others, trying to show his strength here, and there must be some embarrassing scenes next.

"That Chinese man can drive? Are you kidding me?"

"Maybe it's because we don't understand our track, so we're trying to be brave."

"Let's watch the excitement, Boss Diesel and Gal Gadot are also there."

Many people gathered around.

Hong Chen's drag racing ignited the atmosphere to the highest level in an instant.

"I'm ready, let's start the timer." Hong Chen said to the outside of the car window, and then slowly closed the car window.

There was a burst of cheers all around.

The Chinese actor who plays "Han" wants to challenge the time record of the devil track.

This is nothing short of exciting!

Hong Chen started the car, stepped on the accelerator loudly, the tires of the sports car spun quickly on the spot, and the car roared.

I saw a hot girl with slightly dark skin walking in the middle of the road in front of his car, holding a ribbon in his hand.

As usual, the ribbon landed and the timer started!
The timing time at this moment is marked on the huge electronic screen at the side.

Then, the hot girl waved to everyone, and immediately gave Hong Chen a charming smile, and then threw the silk scarf into the sky.

After the silk scarf flew up, it slowly fell down.

All eyes are on the scarf.

The moment the silk scarf just touched the ground, Hong Chen released the handbrake, put the car in gear, and rushed straight out!

The car was like an arrow leaving the string, moving forward at high speed, and the speed was so fast that in just a moment, the people around could only see Hong Chen's taillights.


Everyone started screaming, Hong Chen was driving extremely fast, and the lights of the car drew a few meteor-like rays of light in the darkness.

"So fast!" David was also taken aback by Hong Chen's speed.

Because Hong Chen's start is very professional, amateur players can't do this at all.

Diesel and Gal Gadot had seen Hong Chen's skills, so they had contented smiles on their faces.

The people beside the track were stunned!

Hong Chen actually increased his speed so fast in a short time!
You know, this car is a manual transmission, and the shift speed reflects the strength of the driver.

Such a fast speed up, has caught up with professional racers!

At this moment, a few hot girls who were watching the game at the corner were stunned when they saw the car driving towards them!
They only saw a burst of dazzling headlights driving towards them, so fast that they had no time to react.

Their minds went blank!

I saw the sports car drifting through the corner, and the rear of the car was less than ten centimeters away from the edge of the track.The airflow brought by the extremely fast cornering turned into a gust of wind, and the skirts of several hot girls in short skirts were blown up.

So fast!

When they came back to their senses, they could only see that Hong Chen's red tail lights were about to disappear into the distance!
"Oh my god!"

"What kind of technology is this!"



People around have already started screaming!
The speed at which Hong Chen turned the corner was too fast, unbelievably fast!

One, two, three, just like that, Hong Chen quickly passed several corners in succession.

All are close to the extension of the curve, drifting perfectly!

What a terrifying and precise operation force!

Then, Hong Chen drove straight into the "devil area" connected with five curves. He used the brakes to drift, and a series of movements were done in one go, flowing like clouds and water, and passed quickly again.


The people at the scene were stunned!
The operation just now is no longer something a professional racing driver can do!

Everyone was stunned and speechless.

At this moment, Hong Chen had already completed a lap, and the sports car rushed straight towards the finish line.

Finally, after a burst of acceleration, the sports car quickly crossed the starting line, and then stopped smoothly.

The referee pressed the time the moment he passed.

3 minutes and 58 seconds!
It was more than half a minute faster than the record of the previous professional racing driver David, and also successfully broke through the 4-minute mark.

You know, there are very few racers who have broken through 4 minutes in this field before.

Now, Hong Chen was racing at night and suddenly achieved this?
It's incredible!

Everyone looked at this time and felt that their minds went blank. Immediately, they cheered again excitedly.


"This Huaxia person is really powerful!"


Everyone raised their fists and shouted, and the atmosphere exploded.

Tonight, they witnessed a miracle.

David has stopped talking. In fact, Hong Chen has conquered him with strength, even if he refuses to accept, he can only hold back.

After all, strength is king here.

Hong Chen's driving skills are much better than his.

Not to mention anything else, it is the continuous drifting and cornering in the "devil area", this operation is beyond his ability.

"Hong Chen!" "Hong Chen!" "Hong Chen!"

People around began to cheer Hong Chen's name.

Tonight, Hong Chen conquered everyone with his strength.In the hearts of the film crew, Hong Chen's image suddenly became taller.

At this time, the door of the sports car opened, and a handsome figure stepped out of the car.

Hong Chen!

Seeing Hong Chen's appearance, several sexy and hot girls rushed towards him immediately.

They worship the strong, and they know they belong to the strong.

This is the old American culture.

Hong Chen's performance just now was really cool!
This kind of performance made these girls excited.

These hot girls were very enthusiastic, and they directly held Hong Chen's arm, looking intimate.

Hong Chen smiled at them, then pulled out and walked towards Diesel and Gal Gadot.

According to Laomei's style, the winner at this time has embraced left and right, and poured champagne on these hot girls.

Hong Chen was not like that.

Gal Gadot saw him coming, and said with a smile: "It's amazing, it really broke the record."

"Yeah, it looks like I'm lucky." Hong Chen smiled gently, full of charm.

Gal Gadot nodded in agreement, and immediately picked up a glass of champagne from the side and handed it to Hong Chen, saying, "I said, I'll drink with you if you win."

She brushed her hair, and had to say, the attractiveness of such a woman is fatal.

Hong Chen was not so petty, took the wine glass, clinked glasses with Gal Gadot, and drank the wine in the glass.

Tonight, Hong Chen is destined to be the protagonist.

(End of this chapter)

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