The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 244 Arriving in Huaxia, Fanatical Fans

Chapter 244 Back to China, Fanatical Fans
March 3st was the last day of filming for Fast and Furious 1.

This most critical road racing scene took half a month to shoot, during which more than 40 police cars were called, several luxury cars exploded, and countless expensive props were damaged.

But the result is very perfect.

The effect of shooting is simply explosive!
Hong Chen's role in this scene is to pretend to be in the police force, and drive a police car to wait for an opportunity to crash into other police cars, clearing the way for the two protagonists.

He learned a lot from this scene, and if he had to say it, it was indeed a great experience.

The production standard in Hollywood is much higher than elsewhere, and this is a big-budget film, and the standard is not bad.

High technology and modern equipment are used to the maximum here.

Today is the last day of shooting.

According to the plot, the protagonist group naturally stole the safe containing 1 million US dollars back.

They'll go to the garage, open the safe, bundles of dollars rustle down, and the protagonists are all excited.

The task is completed, and the next step is naturally to wander the world.

This scene is to film their respective journey home.

The two old blacks bought the same sports car, claiming that there are only two in the western hemisphere, and they are both in their hands, which is also full of jokes.

Diesel is reunited with Paul and Jordana's family and continues to live in seclusion.

As for Hong Chen
His role is to drive a luxury car, sitting in the driver's seat, Gal Gadot sitting sideways on his body, with a pair of long legs stretched out to the co-pilot, which is very tempting.

Gal Gadot hugged Hong Chen's neck, and the two kept kissing.

According to Chinese law, it is illegal to hug someone while driving, not to mention that the two of them keep doing some shameful actions.

But this is a movie after all, they even blew up the police station and robbed the money of the gang boss, so it's fine to drive a car and hug a beautiful woman.

So in the end Hong Chen was the biggest winner.

In Hollywood blockbusters, kissing is normal, Hong Chen, as an actor, should "wrong" himself when it is time to dedicate himself.

Moreover, Gal Gadot kissed very affectionately.

Of course, during the actual filming, he didn't really drive, he just sat in a luxury car, steering the steering wheel, and let the beautiful woman ask for kisses in front of him.

This is what a winner deserves.

In the end, the protagonist group all became winners in life.

The script ends here.

Overall, the show is very successful and the box office is not expected to be low.

It is worth mentioning that after the filming of "Fast and Furious 5", Li Yibin signed a contract with Hong Chen for two more films.

That is to say, if there are "Fast 6" and "Fast 7" later, Hong Chen will still participate.

This is the normal operation of a big IP. On the one hand, it can prevent actors from asking for sky-high salaries for playing big names, and on the other hand, it can also keep the original cast.

Otherwise, if a classic role is suddenly replaced by another person, I always feel a little awkward.

In Hollywood, there are many people who play big names after a movie becomes popular.For example, the heroine of the first and second part of "Transformers", she was sexy all over the world at the time, but then she drifted away.

Not only publicly insulting the director, but also suspected of racial discrimination.

As a result, the director directly canceled the subsequent contract and replaced him with a newcomer.

Both sides have losses, but the heroine has to die, there is really no way.

Hong Chen naturally agreed to sign a contract with Hollywood.

In fact, the "Fast 6" project has already been established, and the script already has a rough prototype.That is to say, no accident, he will return to Hollywood this year.

This movie produced by a major Hollywood IP will become a precious ticket for Hong Chen to enter the world.

"Hong Chen, nice to meet you, you are very attractive." Before the crew parted, Gal Gadot came to say goodbye to him.She is still the same as before, with a confident smile, fatally attractive to men.

"Me too, nice to meet you." Hong Chen responded with a smile.

"See you next time, Han."


The two hugged, which is normal etiquette in the West.

Then, Gal Gadot turned and left.

Hong Chen bid farewell to the rest of the crew, and hurried back to Huaxia.

The crew of "Celebrating More Than Years" has already started filming. Without him as the leading actor, the crew's filming progress will slow down a lot.

However, the early filming was about the childhood story of the protagonist "Fan Xian", mainly explaining the people around the protagonist, such as Wuzhu, Chen Pingping, and his master, so it didn't waste much time.

Therefore, as soon as Hong Chen arrived in Huaxia, he immediately rushed to the set without stopping.

There are two filming locations for "Celebrating More Than Years", one is Qinhan Film and Television City in Guizhou, and the other is Xiangshan Film and Television City in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

It is worth mentioning that "Langya Bang" was also filmed in Xiangshan Film and Television City.
The early scenes were mainly in Qinhan Film and Television City, so Hong Chen flew directly to Guizhou from the United States.

The scenery around Qinhan Film and Television City is beautiful, but the location is relatively remote, and it takes two or three hours to get there by bus from the airport.

Hong Chen's team has prepared a car and is waiting for him, and will take him to the shooting location as soon as he arrives in Guizhou.

As soon as Hong Chen got off the plane, his life assistant Wang Ming hurried over from the green passage.

"Master Hong, there are a lot of fans picking up the airport outside, so we should just wait inside, and I'll coordinate with the airport to arrange a car to drive in directly." Wang Ming said helplessly.

"The fan who picked up the plane?" Hong Chen's expression didn't change much, but he was still a little helpless.

It stands to reason that his itinerary is relatively confidential, especially when flying directly back from the United States, few people should know his itinerary.

However, he told the news of his return to the crew before, and it probably spread in a few words.

As a star, this situation is very common.

"Forget it." Hong Chen waved his hand and refused, "What does it look like to drive in the car directly, and the airport is not for me."

"But, we don't have security personnel now, if the fans are too fanatical," Wang Ming said hesitantly.

Hong Chen smiled, "You're talking about those fans in the fan circle. You can watch more street photos when you have time. In fact, passers-by are very polite to film and television stars. At most, they come up and ask for a group photo. It won't be too much."

"Yes!" Wang Ming could only nod in reply.

With that said, the two walked out.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked out of the passage, there was a sound of exclamation outside.

"It's out, look!"

"What a flood!"

"I actually saw a real person, so handsome!"

"Oh my god, it's Hong Chen!"

Seeing this battle, Hong Chen felt a little overwhelmed for a while.

Because there are too many people, and it has obviously caused some traffic jams.

"Hi everyone, thank you for your support." Hong Chen waved to everyone and walked outside.

He is different from traffic stars. Normally, traffic stars will publicize at the airport and then be surrounded by fans; while normal film and television stars are at most just a few people taking pictures.

But now, he is obviously a movie star, but his fans are more enthusiastic than fans of traffic stars.

"Hong Chen, we love you!"

"Please sign!"

The fans are still chanting.

Hong Chen couldn't control the scene, so he said: "Everyone listen to me, let's go outside first and get out of the way here."

A few sensible fans listened to his words and immediately organized the fans to move outside in an orderly manner.

Then, Hong Chen had a friendly interaction with the fans outside, and the fans surrounded him enthusiastically.

Now, Hong Chen was in trouble.

He wanted to leave, but he was surrounded.

"I'm going to the production team now, I hope everyone will pay attention to and support my new drama "Celebrating More Than Years", thank you!" Hong Chen said still politely.After he finished speaking, he wanted to go out, but the fans still surrounded him and did not give way.

call!It's not easy to be an idol. In this situation, if Hong Chen gets angry or insists on pushing out, he may suffer another round of cyber violence.

If it is further fueled by bad media, the hat of an arrogant and incapable of being a fan will be removed.

At this moment, the fans were squeezed out of the way by several people.

Looking carefully, it turned out that Yan Yileng and the people from the studio came here to pick up the plane. Seeing this scene, they rushed over immediately.

"Fans, Hong Chen is going to film, goodbye!" Yan Yileng walked to Hong Chen's side, took his hand, said a little domineeringly, and then walked to the car.

This time, Hong Chen was amused.

What's happening here?
A beauty saves a hero?
(End of this chapter)

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