The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 248 Biaoxi: My lord, are you at ease?

Chapter 248 Biaoxi: My lord, are you at ease?

The next scene started to be a little depressing.

On the way back, Hong Chen seemed very calm, facing Fan Ruoruo's concern, Hong Chen just said: "It's okay, it's over."

Back home, his father was also comforting him, Hong Chen asked about the prince's whereabouts today, Fan Jian said he shouldn't ask, Hong Chen gritted his teeth, his expression became cold, and he left.

He didn't let his guard down until he met Lin Wan'er privately at night.

Afterwards, everyone was persuading him that the one who died was just a guard, and it was a blessing that he survived.

But Hong Chen didn't think so, he wanted revenge.

"Looking at it this way, does Fan Xian also want to inherit his mother's behest and realize the idea of ​​equality in the world?" The actors were chatting behind the scene, and Song Yi expressed his views on the current plot.

Because there is a difference in dignity and inferiority in this era, the big shots look down on guards, thinking that guards are used to work hard, and there is no need to mobilize people for dead guards.

Hong Chen shook his head, and said to Fan Ruoruo, "You're not right."

After hearing his words, Yan Yileng, Guo Qilin, and Liu Duan, who played the second prince, all looked over curiously.

Because they think so too.

Isn't the gist of this play that Ye Qingmei wants to build a world where everyone is equal, and Fan Xian is Ye Qingmei's son, so he naturally has to inherit this behest.

"Fan Xian is indeed just a small person. Have you read the script behind it? At that time, Prime Minister Lin hid Fan Xian for a private conversation, and the second prince killed all of Prime Minister Lin's subordinates. Angry, but even ridiculed that the swordsman next to the second prince had to do it himself."

Hong Chen explained.

"That is to say, Fan Xian doesn't care about the life and death of these subordinates. He only cares about the life and death of those around him."

"When looking at Fan Xian, you can't look at it with the conventional thinking of a male protagonist. It must be a 'great, bright and upright' image. He is a modern person who doesn't want to be forced into marriage unless he likes the marriage partner. After his friend was killed, If he is emotional, he will avenge his friends if he has the ability."

"So, he really wants revenge because Teng Zijing is his friend, and it has nothing to do with other people's inequality."

When Hong Chen said his opinion, the other actors nodded.

What Hong Chen said made sense.

They secretly marveled at the same time, Hong Chen also had a very deep understanding of the characters in the process of acting, this is what a good actor should look like.

Song Yi looked at Hong Chen and realized that she admired him a little.

In the past, in the crew, young actors rarely got together to discuss the plot.Young actors are busy, busy, mobile phones are so fun, and they are so down-to-earth. There are very few scripts, and at most they match their lines together.

Old actors often do this.

Now when I come to the crew of "Celebrating More Than Years", under the leadership of Hong Chen, everyone chats and jokes together, and often discusses the characters in the play, which is of great help to their acting career.

Example has the power to influence others.

Hong Chen is indeed outstanding.

Afterwards, filming continued and the groups took their positions.

Hong Chen was in the Lin Mansion, and his sister Fan Ruoruo brought him a very bad news.

The Inspection Institute is going to release Cheng Jushu!
No matter who the mastermind behind it was, the person who wanted to assassinate him was Cheng Jushu, and Teng Zijing also died at the hands of Cheng Jushu.

Now, the people from the Overwatch Council want to release Cheng Jushu.

Hong Chen was furious immediately, and rushed straight to the Inspection Institute, took Wang Qinian, and went directly to Zhu Ge, the current person in charge of the Overwatch Council, to question this matter.

Zhu Ge was very indifferent, even a little calm, and explained without any fluctuations:
"Now that Qing and Northern Qi are about to go to war, Qing should decide when to start the war. If Cheng Jushu, a master of Northern Qi, is killed, Qi will be the first to start the war, which is not good for our country."

This is the reason.

This is a major national event, and there is no room for any mistakes, even if it is to let go of a murderer.

At this time, Hong Chen became angry.

Skill, rage, activate.

The two argued fiercely, and when the people from the Inspection Institute heard the movement, they all gathered around to watch.

One side is talking about the overall situation of the country, and the other side is saying that the murderer is at large. What is the use of this overall situation?
Their arguments were very fierce, and the atmosphere became depressing.

The people from the Inspection Institute who came to watch were group performers. They felt the aura exuded by the two people, and they were all silent.

They thought to themselves: The acting of these two people is too scary.

Zhuge finally roared: "It's just a guard who died!"

These words completely offended Hong Chen.

He started to perform, a little blood appeared in his eyes, and his face was swollen and red.

In fact, Hai Tianyi, the actor who plays Zhuge, is also a veteran actor. He graduated from Pudong Drama Academy and has filmed a lot of TV dramas.

At this moment, Haitian was also muttering in his heart.

This was the first time he played against Hong Chen, he knew that Hong Chen was the actor, and he also knew that this young man was very good, but in fact he didn't care too much.

Young actors, no matter how good they are, how good can they be?
But now in a pair of scenes, Hai Tian realized that Hong Chen was really good.

Hong Chen's aura is not inferior to him at all, even because he is the protagonist, Hong Chen's aura completely suppresses him!
He could clearly feel the anger and sadness on Hong Chen.

But he has also acted in plays for many years, and he has not been suppressed so much that he cannot perform, so the scene can still be calmed down.

"Isn't it just a guard?" Hearing Zhuge's words, Hong Chen asked back in a low voice.

This sentence is the beginning of the climax of this scene.

"Master Zhu, the tablet at the door reads: People should be born equal. This is the foundation of the Procuratorate!"

"The guard is also a human being. He is the father of his son, the husband of his wife, and the only support for his whole family!"

Hong Chen's voice gradually became louder, with tears in his eyes, his voice exploded like thunder in everyone's heart.

Full of explosive power!
The director stared blankly from behind, he never expected that Hong Chen could perform so well.This kind of emotional mobilization is very difficult to perform, but Hong Chen seems to be able to handle it with ease.

The leading role is really well chosen.

"Now that the bones of the deceased are not cold, the murderer is at large. Where is the law of the country? Where is the law of heaven!"

The last sentence hit everyone's heart directly.

After all, Zhu Ge was defeated in terms of momentum, but he was a host, and his status was there.

He said indifferently: "This matter has already been settled, don't bring it up again."

And the matter of ordering Cheng Jushu will be handled by one person, and the others will not be dry at all.

In this scene, Hong Chen stood below, glaring at him, his eyes full of coldness.

The antagonism between the two is full and interesting.

Then it was made clear that Cheng Jushu was going to be let go, what could Hong Chen do?
Could it be possible to openly resist the emperor's orders and kill people in the street?
In fact, the next scene is Hong Chen killing people in the street.

Or say that this is a drama with a big male lead, and the male lead just wants to be happy and enmity, what does it look like to be aggrieved?
At the same time, it is said that there is also a costume drama, the male lead is very aggrieved, he cries all day long and speaks of benevolence and morality, and he is calculated by others at every turn.

Finally, Hong Chen said indifferently, "Lord Zhu, are you at ease?" Then he turned around and pushed away the crowd and left.

This scene of confrontation is over.

"good, very good!"

The effect of the scene has been achieved, and director Sun Hao took the lead in applauding.

"Good acting!"


"It makes me so nervous!"

"I admire you!"

The staff of other crews also praised without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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