The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 267 Planting the Flag and Going to Northern Qi Dynasty, a Handsome Scene

Chapter 267 Planting the Flag and Going to Northern Qi Dynasty, a Handsome Scene

Not long after, Hong Chen received news from the North American box office.

"I never thought that the effect would be so good. In fact, I am still very stressed to take over this IP again." Director Li Yibin said on the phone, with some excitement in his words.

The two had chatted a lot in the crew, so they had a good relationship, so Li Yibin also told Hong Chen the good news immediately.

"Haha, Director Li, this is just the beginning, and the next stage will be exciting. China's pre-sale box office has broken the record of Hollywood movies." Hong Chen responded with a smile.

"Yes, I heard that, so I'm looking forward to it, hahaha, Huaxia's box office still depends on you!"

"Director Li, the quality of the movie is high, and the box office is high."

"There were so many blockbuster films in the past, which one was of poor quality? The box office didn't see much of a high! This time it's really your reputation, which adds a lot to this movie!" Li Yibin said firmly.

In fact, Li Yibin is right.

If this movie didn't have Hong Chen, Huaxia's audience would definitely not buy it like this.

It's different now. As the first work of a popular Chinese movie star to enter Hollywood, the audience definitely wants to support it.

Therefore, the box office will naturally rise.

"By the way, "Fast 10" will start filming in October this year, did Universal notify you?" Li Yibin asked again.

"Well, the agent told me."

"Then let's meet and talk."

"it is good."

After the exchange, the two hung up the phone.

Hong Chen was in a good mood.

The movie he participated in has become popular all over the world, so it feels really cool.

However, he suddenly had higher expectations.

Wouldn't it be better if the movie he starred in could become a global hit?

Just like Yuan Long did back then, relying on kung fu movies to make a fortune.

Hong Chen also wanted to go to the peak of the world to have a look.

Therefore, he has a higher goal in mind.

Now, the filming of the crew of "Celebrating More Than Years" has come to an end, and the later stage of the plot revolves around the political affairs of the Northern Qi Dynasty.The forces of all parties in the Northern Qi Dynasty are complicated, and Hong Chen is isolated and helpless, circling among the various forces.

United with the little emperor and the empress dowager.

Combined with Uesugi Tiger to kill heavy.

One person caused a storm all over the city in Northern Qi.

The plot is very tight, but after Hong Chen read the script, he still has a lot of regrets.

Because he is a fan of the original "Celebrating More Than Years", he knows that the plot after this is the real high-burning scene!
So far, the show's machinations are very exciting. Chen Pingping, Emperor Qing, the eldest princess, the prince, and the second prince are not cheap.

But the real trick is yet to come!

Fan Xian's "Immortal Residence" before going to the south of the Yangtze River, that is, the assassination case of Emperor Qing, is intertwined. Since then, Fan Xian has gained the trust of Emperor Qing and stepped onto the stage of power.

There are also four great masters gathered together, Emperor Qing took off his vest, and fought against the other three great masters, the battle of Nanshan was earth-shattering, so far, Emperor Qing is invincible in the world!
There are also plots such as Chen Pingping's revenge, the shocking battle between the prince and the second prince, and Fan Xian's commoner facing the emperor with a single sword.

The show doesn't show that.

There is no way, the budget of the TV series is here, and it is still unknown when the second part will start filming.

After all, this drama requires a huge amount of investment and high production requirements, and it is unrealistic to shoot it all at once.Therefore, only here can be photographed, which also makes Hong Chen feel a little pity.

What we are going to shoot today is also a very classic drama.

This scene is the one with the most group performances, and it is also the most classic scene in the second half of the TV series.

That was the scene where Hong Chen entered the Northern Qi capital and went to Beijing, encountered difficulties, and put flags on the roof of his car!

Hong Chen was an envoy of the Qing Kingdom, and Qi Guozhong, who was in charge of receiving him, was a ruthless character. After Hong Chen entered Shangjing, he arranged for a large group of people to throw rotten vegetables and leaves at the mission's car, and constantly insulted the mission.

This move is wonderful!

Because this is the opinion of the people, Hong Chen can't act rashly on the people, otherwise he will be sent to another country and kill innocent people indiscriminately in the capital of another country, and he will easily be killed by the Northern Qi justifiably!

Shen Zhong paid attention to this point and arranged this scene.

Shen Chong rode beside him, with a contented look, and said, "Master Fan, won't you hide in the carriage? If you don't hide, it will be shameless to throw rotten vegetables and broken shoes on."

In the heavy words, there is a strong sense of ridicule.

Hong Chen was very calm, he just replied: "So no matter what, I will lose my dignity this time."

Shen Zhong pretended to be helpless and sighed: "There is nothing I can do about people's grievances."

"Master Shen is a good plan!" There was a trace of coldness in Hong Chen's eyes.

Now, Qing's mission is being humiliated along with him.

Northern Qi was a defeated country, but the people of Northern Qi actually threw rotten vegetable leaves on the car of the Nanqing Mission of the victorious country.

If this word gets out, Nan Qing will lose all face!
If Hong Chen hid in the car, he would be laughed at by the world.

Nanqing's envoys entered the capital of Northern Qi without even daring to show their faces.

Shen Zhong is a formidable person, and this action is to make Hong Chen lose face!
Hong Chen's guard's face was ugly.

At this moment, Hong Chen stopped the carriage.

After all, he is the protagonist, how could he be so humiliated!

Hong Chen asked Gao Da to bring a long strip of cloth at the back, and what was wrapped in the cloth was the battle flag of the Seventh Battalion of the Qing Kingdom.

Then came the most handsome scene of the play.

Master Wias had already made preparations, and other members of the working group were also staring at Hong Chen intently. Director Sun Hao's eyes were even more worried.

Because Hong Chen's next move is very important, and the difficulty is very high!

The group performers who were watching around looked at the scene with a little excitement.

"Are you ready?" Sun Hao asked Hong Chen nervously.

Hong Chen nodded, "Let's begin!"

"Okay, each group is in place, 3, 2, 1, start!" Sun Hao decisively issued the start password.

After hearing the order, Wei Yashi suddenly pulled up the rope around Hong Chen's waist.

Hong Chen jumped up from the car with his strength, made a 360-degree vertical turn in the air, and immediately landed his feet firmly on the roof of the car!

This movement is extraordinarily chic and comfortable, vividly and delicately expressing the beauty of the master's tricks!

Immediately, he firmly planted the battle flag of the Seventh Battalion on the roof of the car, and raised the flag away with one hand!
He just held the flagpole in one hand, like a warrior declaring victory, standing on the roof of the mission's car!The battle flag was unfurled around him, and the wind blew the battle flag and fluttered.

Director Sun Hao was very satisfied with this scene.

This action is too TM handsome!

He looked excited.

He kept praising Hong Chen's power in his heart!
This move of his brought the whole scene to its climax!

Qi Guo wanted to insult the mission, so he took out the battle flag of the [-]th Battalion that had defeated Qi State at the border, and slapped Qi Guo in the face with his actions!

Since they want to throw rotten vegetable leaves, it will embarrass the mission.Then let's see who is being ashamed now!
The mission's car moved forward steadily, and the battle flag of the Seventh Battalion was flying over the capital of the enemy country. Hong Chen was standing on the roof of the car, holding the flagpole of the battle flag in his hand.

This scene is so cool!
After that, Hong Chen faced several provocative Qi warriors on the roof of the car, all of which were action scenes, requiring him to fight on the roof of the car with a wire hanging on him, and his performance was remarkable.

Director Sun Hao is used to the surprises brought by Hong Chen, who doesn't like such an actor?
It doesn't matter if the acting skills are in place, he is proficient in all kinds of movements and stunts, and he can be called almighty.

Some of the ensemble performers were watching Hong Chen's performance for the first time. They played the roles of the people of Qi State. They were all amazed when they saw Hong Chen, who was moving freely and comfortably on the roof of the car, with sharp and domineering eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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