The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 272 On the eve of the release, the negotiation contest

Chapter 272 On the eve of the release, the negotiation contest

The post-production of "The Night the Comet Came" was very fast, and the video material had already been filmed, and the rest was nothing more than music and editing.

Because the script of this drama is written in great detail, the film can be edited according to the order of the script, so there is no difficulty in the editing process.

Yan Chi followed the post-production department for 10 days, and basically pieced together the parts to be edited, and then polished the rest, and a finished film was completed.

The difficult part of this type of film is script creation and preparation, and the shooting part is not difficult.

For example, the first part of the film history classic "Chain Saw" took only 18 days to shoot.

There is also the film "Eternal Heaven and Dragon Slaying: The Master of Heaven" starring Li Lianjie, Zhang Min, and Qiu Shuzhen. The filming took only 10 days.

"Pieta" took only 10 days, and "Dallas Sellers Club" took 15 days.

All of these films were successful.

After Yan Chi finished editing the film, he brought the finished product and returned to the United States again.

At this time, Hong Chen also came out of the border town and rushed to New York to join him, while Shang Yuyan went back to the company to continue working on other things.

Hong Chen and Yan Chi need to find an overseas distribution agent to distribute the film.

There are two ways for Huaxia films to be released overseas. The first is to take their own films to participate in international exhibitions. For example, the Cannes film market is the place where Huaxia films have the highest transaction rate.

But this method depends on the occasion, and it will only be introduced from abroad after the movie has a certain reputation.

The second is to find an issuing agent. After paying an agency fee, the issuing agent will negotiate the issue price and negotiation process.

While the two were busy looking for distribution agents in overseas markets, on Huaxia's side, Liu Chenglu's team discussed Hong Chen's matter again.

The reason is simple, Liu Chenglu has just received a new movie, "Pudong Fortress", this movie is expected to be released during the Spring Festival next year.

Their team learned that Hong Chen also made a movie last year, "The Wandering Earth", which has already been confirmed for next year's Spring Festival.

The two films are both sci-fi themes, and both are in the Spring Festival. There is bound to be a battle between dragons and tigers.

The Spring Festival market can be said to be the market with the largest capital in China's film and television industry every year. As long as they can stand out in the Spring Festival, it will definitely be a bloody profit.

Therefore, Liu Chenglu's team, and the company behind him, need to come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible.

"It's Hong Chen again? Why is this guy so haunted!" Liu Chenglu was very upset.He didn't like the feeling of being overwhelmed by everything.

"According to his current popularity, the Spring Festival stalls will definitely sell well at the box office. We must find a way to make him lose a lot of popularity!" said a cold country planner in the team.

His words are very reasonable. Hong Chen's popularity is very high now, his traffic is huge, his foundation is still stable, and his new works are often a big hit.If they want to compete with Hong Chen, they must contain Hong Chen's popularity.

Kim Hyun-hee still had a cold face, she had been brooding about the "Time Magazine" incident last time.

This woman is narrow-minded, everyone in the company knows it, and no one dares to provoke her.People who offend her often have nothing good to eat.

"I have a way. Even if I can't defeat him this time, I can still hit his arrogance severely." Jin Xianxi said suddenly.

As soon as she opened her mouth, everyone's attention immediately focused on her.

"Really?" Liu Chengliu was overjoyed, "Is there any black material about Hong Chen?"

Kim Hyun Hee smiled complacently, and said, "I just got the news recently that Hong Chen's new movie has finished filming."

Hearing Jin Xianxi talking about Hong Chen, Liu Chenglu's expression immediately became excited.

"This film took only 12 days to shoot, with a total investment of 100 million US dollars. It was produced by his company and he starred in it."

"What?" Hearing Jin Xianxi's words, Liu Chenglu's eyes were full of disbelief.

"The total investment is only 100 million US dollars? Only 12 days of filming? Are you kidding me?"

The rest of the team couldn't believe it was real either.

You know, Hong Chen is now a top celebrity in China, and in order to enter Hollywood, he actually surrendered his status to make this kind of movie?

The total investment is 100 million U.S. dollars, even if it is a web drama starring Chinese fourth-tier actors, the investment is larger than this.

"Sister Jin means that the article says something like this: In order to enter the U.S. market, Hong Chen surrendered his identity to act in a movie with an investment of 100 million yuan, and he lost the face of the Chinese people?"

Jin Xianxi smiled coldly and nodded, "This nation is very proud, which is a good thing. But many people are very narrow-minded in this regard. As long as we do this, it is a person who lost China, and he will definitely be among the Chinese netizens His mouth was condemned with words and pens."

After hearing Jin Xianxi's plan, Liu Chenglu smiled more and more.

"Hahaha, great! So what are you waiting for?"

Jin Xianxi glanced at Liu Chenglu contemptuously. Liu Chenglu is a qualified traffic star, but he just has no brains.

"Of course, wait until his movie is officially released, or when it's previewed. What's the use of having a rhythm now? What if he doesn't release a movie worth more than 100 million yuan, we're wasting manpower."

"So that's how it is." Hearing Jin Xianxi's explanation, Liu Chenglu finally understood.

Immediately, he also smiled complacently.

On the other side, Hong Chen contacted Robert.

He entered the group "Fast and Furious 5", which was introduced by Robert.

Having acquaintances is easy to handle, no matter where you are.Hong Chen is not familiar with the place of life in the United States now, and needs to find some connections.

His company has no business in the United States, so it is not easy to handle things, and everything depends on him.

"Big distributors are terrible. MGM, Paramount, etc., only release movies with big investment and strong response, so I can only introduce you to a few small distribution companies." Robert said politely.

Hong Chen also understood this situation, so he replied: "It doesn't matter."

"It's more troublesome to distribute movies. I can help you with the intermediate links, as long as you negotiate with the company." Robert said again.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Robert."

With Robert's help, Hong Chen also met with the heads of three distribution companies.

The meeting hall on the top floor of the Demont Hotel.

When Hong Chen arrived at the hotel, the heads of the three distribution companies and Robert had already arrived.

After Hong Chen, Yan Chi, and the two assistants from the company were seated, they had a verbal confrontation.

Hong Chen got a very unified answer from these people.

That is this movie, they are only willing to give a C-level evaluation, that is, they will only give C-level movie treatment.

Grade C means sixty-four points, that is to say, Hong Chen and the others can only get back [-]% of the movie's final proceeds.

The people in charge of the three distribution companies said that the subject matter of this film is too small, the investment is not high, and there are not many big American actors to support the scene.

It's for Robert's face that they can come.

The publicity and release rating of movies is very important. There are five levels of A, B, C, D, and E, and each level corresponds to the corresponding film.

If it is grade C, it means that the film distribution company is not optimistic about it.

"This movie is at least B+. It's not up to the production of big movies, but the quality is not bad." Robert said, still fighting for Hong Chen.

"Mr. Robert, I know that Mr. Hong Chen is very famous in China and even in Asia, but our market has very low acceptance of Chinese actors, let alone leading roles." The person in charge of a distribution company said own opinion.

"Class C is already the limit, we will not make any more concessions." Another family echoed.

There was a hint of condescension in their words.

It's actually quite normal for this to happen.Chinese movies are indeed not popular in the United States.

At this time, Hong Chen also felt how big the other party's prejudice was.

They are unwilling to release this movie, even if it is released, they have to get a high share of the share.

"That's nothing to talk about." Hong Chen remained expressionless, as others made it clear that they looked down on his movies, so he naturally didn't want to talk to them.

In his plan, the film and television companies in the future will definitely come to the United States.Even if the movie is not released for one or two years, it will be fine to wait for his company to do it before releasing it.

Anyway, his loss will not be too great.

Therefore, with this confidence, Hong Chen would not be at a disadvantage in negotiations, let alone begging others in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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